Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
12 Apr 2020, 3:29pm
Kai piloted the AV deftly through the various canyons of the congested station. Miraculously, they had avoided snagging a tail on their way back to the docking bays. Lamb, leaning back, pistol in hand, kept a close eye, constantly shifting behind Kai to ensure they did not snag any stragglers. It had been years since Kai had piloted one of these little craft but they weren’t very complex machines to operate.

By this time, station security had been alerted to fire fight and several security cruisers were prowling around the docking bays. Kai kept the AV Bike hidden between a support stanchion and exhaust duct until the closest patrol had passed by, blazing searchlight probing the deep shadows of the station. As soon as the searchlight passed by their hiding spot, Kai gunned the AV and piloted it into the turbo-lift at the base of the station ring leading up to the individual bays. Lamb half rolled, half fell off the AV and cleared the pad to the control panel, smashing the UP icon to close the doors and carry the lift to the docking causeway.

“Thankfully the dock lifts still work.” Lamb said as she grabbed the aft of the AV and helped Kai muscle it away from the door on the far wall.

“Yeah, but that won’t last much longer,” Kai said through a grunt. “Its only a matter of minutes before they lock down the entire hub.”

The doors slid open on the turbo-lift opening to empty space. Surrounding the docking ring, long, wide corridors line the circumference of the lifts that enable large cargos easy access to individual ship bays. Lamb carefully sectioned off portions of the wide corridor as she peeked out beyond the turbo lift, pistol at the ready. Kai did the same from her end only in the other direction. A startled cargo marshaller raised his hands and slowly backed away; beyond that, the corridor was empty. Kai risked a look at Lamb who echoed her thought. Both girls lowered their weapons to their side and quickly crossed over to the bay containing the Hand of Lambast. Lamb quickly input the temporarily assigned access code to open the man-door. The code panel blared at her negatively.

“Fuck, it looks like security has caught up with their senses and have locked down the station.”

Kai started moving off down the corridor. “We knew it was a matter of time, we’re lucky we got this far. I know a way through.” She approached a discreet panel along the way and industriously went to work at removing the screws after a quick glance around for any personnel in the corridor. She knew the hatches were all monitored by security surveillance systems but she knew it would be safer in the bay than stuck out in the corridor.

Lambast did her best to hid Kai’s actions from the ever-present eye of the security camera’s. “Have you done this before?”

“Oh yes,” Kai said as she removed the last screw. “It’s likely this will draw attention to us but its better than being stuck out here. C’mon, follow me and stay close.” Kai said as she ducked into the ventilation enclosure. Lamb promptly bashed her knee on ventilation shaft. “Damn!”

Kai paused, leaning back, “Yeah, watch it...those bastards are everywhere in here,” she said as she continued picking her way through the dark enclosure. Finally, she located the duct connected to the docking bay. Kai didn’t want to rupture the atmosphere barrier of the station but there wasn’t much choice. She unsheathed her knife and started hacking an opening into the duct.

Moments later, and several more grates of effort, Kai and Lamb settled into the cockpit of the Hand. “I’m working on systems.” Lamb said as she swung into her chair. “I’ll hail Maul and Vega and see what their status is.”

Kai opened the comms channel. “Maul, where are you guys?” Patchy static answered her with Maul’s voice cutting in, “A bit busy...all access ways....locked down...!”

Kai looked to Lamb, “Well Sis, looks like we’re going to have to shoot our way out...”
13 Apr 2020, 7:36pm
14 Apr 2020, 2:08pm
17 Apr 2020, 11:20pm
Falcon15eKai opened the comms channel. “Maul, where are you guys?” Patchy static answered her with Maul’s voice cutting in, “A bit busy...all access ways....locked down...!”

Kai looked to Lamb, “Well Sis, looks like we’re going to have to shoot our way out...”

Raven slowed the AV bike down as him and Maul approached yet another locked off access point. Raven parked the bike in a nearby alley and hopped off. He took a few steps back the way they came and peered around the corner. A few other AV bikes whizzed by causing him to snap back around the corner.

Maul hopped off the bike and approached Raven as he put his slate up.

"Did we shake them?" Maul asked.

"Seems so. I'm not sure how much time we've got though." Raven said as he pointed out the cameras near the locked access way door.

Maul stared at the camera for a moment as he thought. After a moment, he stepped out of the alley and began approaching the large metal door.

"Got another trick up your sleeve?" Raven asked as they approached the door.

Maul shrugged.

"Hopefully." He said as he kneeled down to look on the underside of the biometric lock protruding from the wall next to the door.

Maul stood back up and sighed as he looked over to Raven.

"You wouldn't happen to have a screwdriver would you?"

Raven raised an eyebrow.


Maul shrugged.

"It was worth a shot."

"Fuck it." Maul said as he reached out and put his thumb on the scanner. The scanner turned red with the words "Access Denied" flashing on the screen above it. The camera overhead turned and looked down at Maul and Raven.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Raven asked at about the same time that the giant metal door unlocked and creaked open.

"Walking into a trap." Maul turned to Raven and smirked. "Coming with?"

Raven looked around the desolate street behind them and then back to Maul.

"You're a bit unhinged aren't you?" Raven asked in a hushed tone.

Maul pointed at the scanner on the wall.

"That's not a standard biometric scanner for stations like this. Most stations take forever to roll out better security measures. These probably won't be standard for a few more years at best. Which either means that security on this station has been compromised by these assholes or they just so happen to take security very seriously here."

Maul looked back at Raven who was giving him a mixed look of pissed off and confused.

"You've seen these guys. I'm placing my bet on the former. If they wanted us dead, we'd probably be dead right now." Maul said as he stepped inside the open door.

Raven scratched his cheek and sighed as he reluctantly followed Maul inside.

Raven and Maul took a moment to take in their surroundings. They appeared to be in a long hallway with locked doors on either end. The door that they came through suddenly slammed shut and locked. Raven gestured towards the door. Their communication devices were now full of static, they were unable to communicate with the rest of the team.

"Okay, so we're definitely locked in now. Was this part of the plan or..?"

Maul furrowed his brow and looked at Raven.

"Plans stress me out. I'm just winging it." Said Maul as he approached one of the locked doors. Raven followed behind.

"So you are totally insane then. You and Lamb being friends is starting to make a lot more sense." Raven said under his breath.

"What?" Maul asked as he started looking at the keycard lock on for the door.

"Nothing...Can you get by this one?" Raven said quickly changing the subject.

Maul removed a paperclip from his pocket and straightened it out. Raven couldn't tell exactly what he was doing but the front cover of the card reader popped off to expose a load of wires.

"Oh, I've seen this in movies. Don't cut the red wire." Raven said.

Maul looked up at Raven and slowly removed his slate from his pocket. He couldn't tell if Raven was being sarcastic or not. Maul popped open a small compartment on the bottom of his slate to reveal a small wound retractable cable. He plugged the cable into a port on the exposed circuit board. Within a few seconds the door slid open.

"There we go. Easy peasy." Maul said retracting the cable back into his slate.

"How does that even work?" Raven asked.

Maul looked over at Raven and turned his slate on again to show him a screen full of numbers.

"I nabbed the credentials of some of the higher ranking folk at Carter Tech. The fact that their credentials worked here in the access tunnels, isn't a good sign."

Raven nodded.

"So it is a trap."

"Probably." Maul said as he slid the slate back in his pocket and unholstered his pistol before walking through the doorway. Raven unsheathed his sword and followed behind.

After a eerily quiet walk through the multiple brightly lit curved hallways they came upon an elevator. Raven pushed the button to call for it.

"Little convenient, isn't it?" Raven mused.

The only sound that could be heard was the elevator making it's way to the floor they were on. That was until they began to hear what sounded like footsteps echoing down the hallway from the direction they just came.

Three people carrying what appeared to be some sort of modified machine guns slowly came into view around the curved hallway. All of them were decked out with cybernetic limbs or implants of some type, still yet, they were more human than machine. Maul recognized the woman leading the other three men. It was the same scantily clad nameless girl that approached him and Echo on Cleve Hub after the Crypto_Knight hack. Only this time her cybernetic arm and leg were covered as she appeared to be suited for battle.

"Ghoulie, we knew that you'd all pull a stupid stunt like this." The woman said as they all stopped and point their guns and Maul and Raven.

"I mean, aren't you guys supposed to 'know all and see all' anyway? I gotta say, it's less impressive the second time around." Maul retorted sarcastically.

"Weapons, now." She said taking a few steps closer, keeping her gun aimed at the two of them.

Raven and Maul looked at each other. Raven slightly nodded at the elevator that was slowly approaching behind them. Suggesting that it could be their escape. That was until the elevator actually opened and revealed another gunman.

"No more running. It's over." Said the woman as she directed the gunmen from the elevator to take their weapons.

The goon took Maul's pistol and Raven's sword and threw them on the elevator, sending them back up. He then pushed them closer towards the other three goons and way from the elevator.

The woman walked around and eyed Raven as she joined the goon nearest the elevator. Putting two gunmen on either side of Maul and Raven.

"I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you Raven. It's quite funny actually, I already knew everything I needed to about you without the hassle of actually having to meet you. But here we are."

She gestured towards Maul with her gun.

"I'm sure Ghoulie understands what I mean. What we do can be perceived as lonely sometimes. But I see it as a convenience. It keeps me from having to wade the filthy waters of humankind. We can just read a report and access someones usefulness."

Maul nodded.

"That's true, Myra. I'm just not a dick about it is all."

Myra smiled at Maul as if she was prepared for her name to be dropped like that.

"We're aware of the security breach, Mr. Montresor. You'd make a suitable servant to our movement. If only you weren't so ignorant and disobedient. Not like it matters much now, seeing as you may be dead soon enough."

"About that, why exactly aren't we dead yet?" Maul asked.

"We aren't complete monsters. You found a weakness in our system, an exploit if you will. It must be patched and you being dead would complicate that."

Maul laughed.

"You want me to show you how to avoid getting hacked? Fuck off."

Myra sighed.

"Not that, you insufferable green stain. We already have enough leaks about our organization. It's easy enough to paint them as mere conspiracies. No, I'm speaking about...Mr. Usher...I believe is the name he chose for this assignment. He is now a weakness in our system. A bug, and bugs need to be removed."

"So we're hostages?" Raven finally spoke.

"Precisely, Mr Eugene." Mrya said. "Mr Cousland and Ms Sonders will successfully reach whatever extraction point they are currently heading towards because we are going to allow it. We intend on trading you two for him." Myra tried to further make her point. "Yog-Sothoth sees your group as a valuable asset. Simply put, your usefulness has yet to expire...unlike our Mr. Usher. "

Myra then lowered her weapon.

"Tessa Sonders is proving to be our biggest threat currently. She needs to be swiftly dealt with and judging by what we've seen with the mess you've made of our station, you bunch seem fit for the job."

Maul and Raven shared a brief glance.

"You know that my business with Tessa is personal." Maul said with a firm tone to Myra.

Myra nodded.

"Yes, which is why I know you intend on finding her anyway, regardless of if we asked you too or not. We are willing to compensate you for an extra task during your mission. You find her, you extract what data you can from her, kill her, and then we pay you generously her assassination and whatever information you extract from her. That's the deal Mr. Usher was supposed to propose but he's clearly outlived his usefulness as a mouthpiece for us. It's time to retire him."

A brief silence filled the hallway as everyone tried to take in the weight of the situation. That was until Raven broke the silence.

"Your 'organization' is kind of shitty." Raven quipped.

Myra smiled at Raven.

"We are necessary, Mr. Eugene. I only do as I'm told. The same as the ones above me and the ones above them."

"But it's nice to know that we see each other in the same light." Myra quipped back.

"So you're going to swap us for Mr. Usher and then what, just kill him? What's to keep you from doing the same to us after we take out Tessa?" Maul asked.

Myra then looked over to Maul.

"...Nothing. Nothing will keep us from doing the same to you. Though, you lot aren't very important in the grand scheme of things. I wouldn't worry too much." She looked at Raven again eyeing him up and down. "But if  something about your expiration was to come up, I'm certain we could make a deal."

Maul furrowed his brow and looked back and forth at Raven and Myra.

Myra yanked her gaze away from Raven and cleared her throat.

"Right, now, we have a transport vehicle waiting outside. I'll have someone retrieve your weapons from the elevator. You'll be given them back if this trade goes smoothly."

The 4 goons approached Maul and Raven, yanking their earpieces out and patting them down. One goon cuffs Maul and shuffles him back down the hallway to the nearest exit while Myra stepped up behind Raven to gently escort him out.

"We haven't even told you where the pick up point is!" Maul shouted back over the shoulder of the large goon that was manhandling him.

"We see all. We know all, Ghoulie!" Myra answered back and then smiled at Raven.

"Are the cuffs to tight, Mr. Eugene?"

Raven shakes his head and gives Myra an awkward forced smile.

"Good." Myra said right before shoving Raven into the transport vehicle with Maul and climbing in her self, pointing her gun at the two of them with a warm smile.

"Just try to relax." She said crinkling her nose. "You'll be back in the loving arms of Ms Sonders shortly, Ghoulie."

She then looked to Raven.

"And what about you? Seeing anyone?"

Maul looked away as he tried really hard not to laugh at the bizarre situation they were in.

Raven's cheeks lit up red. He just shook his head in response.

"Oh, good then." Myra said as the transport vehicle began to move.

She quickly cleared her throat.

"I mean, good for you." She said and before shutting up for the entirety of the ride.
22 Apr 2020, 12:12pm
Silas sat in the pilot’s seat and set everything to his preference.

“Systems ready Echo?”

“Ay sir. Where’s the prisoner becau..?”

“In the toilet, in a bag, on a hook. He’s gonna wake up soon so we need to be out of here” Siles turned to look for Raven and saw only Naomi. “That’s not Raven, where’s Rave? .. Hi by the way…” Silas floundered trying to recall the girl’s name.

“Naomi” said Naomi testily, much like Lamb would have.

Echo liked the younger fun version of Lamb already, but he put that aside as he had some news that really needed to be told.

“Yeah about that, Rav..”

Vega trotted into the cockpit high on the rush of the chase slightly flushed red.

“Ok, that bag is starting to move, you guys got like a knock-out gas or something, and has Maul got back yet?” she said resting a *glad to see you* hand on Naomi’s shoulder.

“Like I was saying about Raven and Maul, they’ve been captured and we’re in a hostage swap situation” blurted Echo before someone else interrupted him.


Lambast didn’t take the news well, she got up and started getting kitted for a fight after the first sentence. Her ability to listen was not on display; instead, she was explaining a slap-dash and risky plan to get the drop on her friends' captors. Silas, odd as it felt, appealed to Kaisla to restore some reason to the imperial spit-fire.

The crew aboard the Arbiter listened to Kai reason with Lamb for a moment, then some shouting, a scuffle with name-calling and finely Lamb and Kai’s faces reappeared on the coms display. Kai looked pretty smug and Lamb’s face wouldn’t have look out of place in a propaganda ad for a fascist dictatorship, but at least she was listening at last.  

“Ok” exhaled Silas “We got them on coms. Lambast, be hospitable. It’s ok to lose one. We’re gonna be fine and everyone will back where they belong. It’s not a big deal ok?”

If her eyes were weapons, the Arbiter would be in serious trouble, but common sense overruled Lambs' anger. She displayed her acquiescence with a curt nod.

Silas linked the Hand in on the communication from Raven and Maul. Raven looked like he was enjoying himself, but Maul had the same expression a puppy next to a puppy-puddle would have. Kai guessed Vega had something to do with that. Raven waved at the camera whispered.

“Hey guys, I’ve pulled” He paused for a quick double thumbs up before speaking up“They want Nusher and they wanna pay us to do what we’re doin anyway. Win win right?”

Raven glanced behind him and turned back to the camera looking like the cat that’s got the cream.

“So can you guys give me.. us an hour or so before you come pick us up?”

He was nudged in the shoulder by a borg standing behind him.

“Oh right yeah, We’re fine and no harm unless blah blah blah. You’ve seen movies right? Like I said, no rush yeah? Raven out”

Moments later the feed cut off.


Maul turned a disbelieving face to Raven.

“Dude, really? No rush?” he exclaimed half annoyed and half impressed.

Raven's face broke out in a big dirty grin.

“Hey dude, you’re the sort of dick head that if he saw a dangerous looking hole with a sign reading *DO NOT PUT YOUR HAND IN THIS HOLE* your hand would be straight down there”

Raven started to walk backwards out of the room past the lumbering cyborgs.

“Now this dick head..” Raven pointed with both hands at his crotch “is going in a different sort of dangerous hole”

He turned and strode off with a wave.

“Later dude”

Last edit: 22 Apr 2020, 12:18pm
27 Apr 2020, 4:35pm
Lambast Mercy

“Now this dick head..” Raven pointed with both hands at his crotch “is going in a different sort of dangerous hole”

He turned and strode off with a wave.

“Later dude”

Silas didn't say a word, he simply closed the communication and stormed off to the bathroom with that 'man on a mission' look in his eye that Echo and Kai recognized immediately. They followed after exchanging an 'uh, shit' glance.

"Si?" Kai said, catching up to him in the hallway. "Didn't we just go through this with Lamb?"

"Don't panic, love, we're just going to have a chat." He said, letting a brief reassuring look sneak through the cracks in his game face before walking into the bathroom where Not-Usher was hanging.

He unzipped just the top part of the bag and roughly pulled it down off of Not-Usher's head before ripping the tape off his mouth as painfully as he could.

"YEEEAOOOW!" he shouted.

Silas didn't give him time to recover before getting real close into his face, and very calmly, stoicly and threateningly began speaking.

"Listen meatsack, I don't care what your name is, and soon it won't matter. My guys have been taken by your people and I reckon this body bag and this meathook are about to become more than just an uncomfortable metaphor. If you have anything to say you had better get to fucking saying it."


After a few minutes Silas came out of the bathroom. He was more calm but his gears were turning.


"Yeah boss?"

"Go find me a red-shirt."

Echo nodded, dipped across the hall to the armory to grab a compact SMG and some other gear and quietly walked toward the exit ramp.

He looked to Lamb, who was making no effort to hide her fuming expression but remaining as calm as can be expected.

"Gear up, mama bear. Let's go get your cubs."

Lamb turned on her heel and set about collecting her gear.

"You got that 'I got a plan' look..." Kai said, tilting her head like a dog who heard an odd sound.

Silas raised an eyebrow at her with a grin and spoke.

"C'mon, babe. Let's go talk logistics." He put his arm around her waist and led her onto the bridge.


Echo adjusted his scope's focus and took another look. No good.
He flipped on the night vision. Damn, just a little too bright. The chosen location was in that spot just between light and dark, where the NV was a little too much but it was hard to see without it.

Deciding to leave it on, he scanned the location. He could see Lamb and Silas, armed to the gills, with Vega pushing the zipped squirming meatbag on a hover-cart alongside them.

Kai wasn't visible but had radioed that she was in position.

Echo didn't like it. There was no way there weren't other unfriendly snipers and hidden forces, especially if he couldn't even see his own people.

Shifting his focus, he could see a van pulling up from the opposite direction. It turned perpendicular to Silas and crew, and the side door opened up. Out stepped a few goons armed with various blasters and rifles, followed by a woman who shoved a handcuffed Maul out of the van, before stepping out and gently helping a handcuffed Raven out of the van with a flirty smile.

Maul shook his head. Raven had a dumb goofy grin on his face that Echo had seen all to many times. It was his unmistakable 'I just got laid' face.

"Good on you, mate." Echo whispered to himself.

Silas kept the comms clear for mission critical info, so all Echo had to go on was body language. Silas was negotiating the exchange. The opposing forces kept their distance, shouting from about 30 meters away. Lamb was devoid of any kind of expression, but made to charge the other side, Silas had to turn and hold her with both hands and whispered something to her which seemed to calm her just enough.

The girl in charge just grinned sickly at her. Echo got the distinct feeling from Lamb's expression that, somehow, someway, she was going to decapitate her.

Vega pressed a few buttons on the hover cart, and the struggling meatbag began to float forward on its own toward the captors. The woman grabbed Raven's ass and sent him on his way as one of the other guards shoved Maul with his rifle, and the exchange had begun.

Echo was on extra alert now. Looking at Raven and Maul to see if they were hurt, he saw a red dot appear over Raven's goofy grin.


Raven wasn't wearing comms, and there was no time to relay the message through Silas... so Echo did the only thing he could think of.

With a cringe he quickly picked a non-vital part of Raven's weak-side shoulder and pulled the trigger.

Raven's smile was wiped off his face instantly as the bullet spun him around, and he heard the supersonic crack of the enemy sniper's round rushing by his face and hitting the ground behind him, splitting his head by centimeters.

All hell broke loose. Lamb drew her pistol and saber and charged. Silas covered her with his carbine as best he could... he would have loved to take cover but he could see Lamb had lost all inhibitions and charged with her. Maul grabbed Raven off the ground, having gotten his cuffs off somehow, and was rushing him toward Vega who had taken cover and was offering them covering fire.

The hovercart had arrived at the van, and Myra leveled her pistol and cleanly headshot the body inside the meatbag before diving in the van, which took off, leaving her goons behind.

As Lamb and Silas reached the goons on the other side, Kai came out of the shadows behind them and began cleanly executing them while their attention was elsewhere.

Lamb looked as if she considered running after the van, but she realized she'd never catch it, and angrily kicked one of the corpses in frustration.

Echo continued scanning the horizon in the direction of the laser. Finally, he found who he was looking for, nested back inside what looked like a hotel room, propped up on a table so that his gun barrel wouldn't stick out the window.

Echo adjusted his scope a tick, focused on his breathing, and slowly squeezed the trigger.
He rushed to regain his sight picture after being jarred by the recoil. The sniper was now a stain on the wall of the hotel room. Echo reached down and tapped on his slate, which was propped up near the rifle performing spotting duties, and sent a few creds as a tip to the cleaning crew at the hotel.

No sooner had he sent the credits when a message popped up on his slate.

"Well played, Mr. Ramón. We claim to know all, but even we didn't expect you'd do that. You should be honored. We'll be in touch."

Putting it out of his mind for the time being, he looked back at the crew through his scope. Everyone had regrouped and was loading Raven into the transport they were using.

"Time to go." said Echo to himself, packing up his rifle and gear, and feeling another pang of guilt for shooting his friend, even if it did save his life.


"Go fish." Said Naomi.

Leith sighed, his robotic arm reaching for a card from the top of the deck when he was distracted by the sound of the Arbiter receiving a message.

"Just a sec..." he said to Naomi before hovering from the mess table over to the display and pulling up the message.

It read: 'We know that wasn't our operative. You chose the wrong people to betray.'

Just then the rattling and muffled protests started up again from the supply closet. Naomi scooted her chair back and banged on the door and her and Leith shouted "Shut up!" in unison.

Last edit: 27 Apr 2020, 4:44pm
11 May 2020, 5:45pm
The asteroids creaked and crash around each other, ever tumbling onward, never moving. The superheavy cutter class imperial cruiser YORK sat motionless in the contained chaos.

Dr. Kammus Corelli, techno-archaeologist and combat certified pilot walked the deck, peering out at the slowly rotating rock. He squeezed his fist, as the other crew members worked in silence.

"For the good of the Empire" he mumbled to himself.

He walked slowly over to the engineering station, the mining lasers barely registered any draw on the ships capacitors. The soft metallic operation of the collector drones worked in the background of the ship.

Kammus stared out the window, watching shadows dance on a nearby asteroid; the tiny drones fetch pieces of broken rock and ferry it back to the cargo hold deep in the bowels

In his mind, flashes of Majestic class Imperial Interdictors locked in brutal combat appeared. He recalled the many times he had strafed down the length of those battlecruisers, beam weapons reaching out to touch enemies, he in aid to his empire.

But not today. Today, he was mining. It was relatively low risk, and he was not actually a fleet commander. He was one, in a long line of family Dukes, university educated, who worked in service for the empire, who had realised that running a cruiser was not cheap.

He left the command deck and walked along the corridor. Sahana Fay, one of his fighter crew set in her quarters smoking a cigar. The white tendrils of sweet tobacco enveloped her face, and wafted slowly upwards, into the exhaust extractor and dissipated into the ceiling.

"Sahana, we're more than capable of fending off whatever meager pirates are out here in the rings. I'm sure you understand, as my top fighter pilot, you could probably best any number of sucm that attempts to attack this vessel."

She nodded, but said little. She could tell he was annoyed, trigger happy.

He stood silent for a long while, staring at the cold, stead fighters locked in their bays, waiting for action.

"Perhaps this will do us good, out here, away from any sort of meaningful assistance we might give" he continued. "But not today...."

He walked away, as the mining lasers continued to shower the area in fine ice and dust.
02 Jun 2020, 10:28pm
The KCast connected.

"This better be good news, you know what happened to the last lawyer," she warned.

The respectable looking young woman nodded quickly and agreed it was good news. She explained it all. Kara listened intently, her grey eyes watchful for fakery. Lawyers were slippery creatures.

"And the charges stuck against Joe's Exotic zoo? We dont owe them a penny for the Bear now hes in jail?" She double checked.

The lawyer nodded and explained the Zoo had changed hands. She went into some details of the story but it sounded too far fetched to be real.

Kara shrugged, far fetched entertainment was what had put the Bear on the bridge of the Cutter in the first place.

"So we can go ahead with the rest of the series?"

Again a nod. No actual words Kara noted.

"Good, good, what do you think of the opening line?" she asked and sent it across.

I remember, against the absence of sound my breathing was loud in my Remlok. Up there, in the surf of the atmospheric littoral zone where the pressure waves broke on the shore of the void.

"Its great isnt it? Or too much?"

"How about the ending?"

Worst of all, I never got that extra pudding

Kara laughed at her own joke

"Well I guess you'll have to wait for the general release to get that one!"

She terminated the call.

"Tigers? Polar Bears are more believable," she said to no one in particular.
06 Jun 2020, 3:18am
EvilCreamsicleJust then the rattling and muffled protests started up again from the supply closet. Naomi scooted her chair back and banged on the door and her and Leith shouted "Shut up!" in unison.

-----A month or so later-----

"Wake up!" Vega shouted as she too strongly nudged one of Maul's boots with her own causing him to jump awake.

"Fuck!" Maul responded in an aggravated tone before quickly bringing himself back into the moment and locking eyes with Vega.

"Uh...sorry." He cleared his throat a bit. "How long was I out?" He said slapping around at his pocket looking for his slate.

Vega furrowed her brow and rested her hands on her hips.

"Close to 10 minutes now." She said in an uncharacteristically judgmental tone.

Maul rubbed his eyes and looked up at Vega again. She was staring down at him with a cold glare. He figured that Lamb was somehow the one to blame for this new judgy attitude that Vega had adopted recently. A month or so of chasing down leads with a new group of people was bound to have come with some side effects.

"Don't look at me like that. This is serious and you need to start taking things seriously." Vega said sternly.

"Oh jeez, alright!" Maul said as he stood up while trying hard not to roll his eyes. "I'm up, now whats so 'serious'?" He said as he continued towards the front of the cockpit where Lamb and Kai were situated.

Lamb briefly turned and looked at Maul.

"Good of you to join us again, Mr. Montresor. We're a few jumps out from the system that..."

Lamb paused for a moment and quietly sighed.

"...'Not-Usher' mentioned..." Lamb really did feel silly calling him by that name.

"I'm sorry I cannot keep calling him that." Lamb blurted out. "It's almost as ridiculous as your chosen 'hacker moniker' is, Mr Montresor..."

Lamb looked at Kai before continuing.

"And you're positive that Silas hasn't made any progress on getting the man's real name out of him?"

Kai shook her head and shrugged.

"Si's trying. Maybe Mr. Not-Usher has been trained to keep his mouth shut by these Yogi Sothis guys."

Maul nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't doubt it. We saw first hand how crazy those Yog-Sothoth guys were."

Vega stepped up next to Maul and looked out the canopy.

"Kinda makes you wonder if he's just leading us into a trap or something. They've been eerily quiet since we shook off their last tail."

The four of them silently nodded in near unison.

A message from the Arbiter suddenly popped up in the comms panel.

"We're fueled up and ready to jump when you are."

As Kai started to maneuver the ship for it's next jump, Lamb looked over at the three of them and could see the slightly worried look on their faces. She was worried too but felt like she needed to say something.

"The fact that our only lead is coming from a hostage that we don't even know the name of is anything but reassuring but we'll be prepared for anything that may lie in wait. We always are."

Maul smirked at Lamb. He'd always been somewhat envious of her confidence but he'd die before ever telling her that.

"I hope you're right. I'm getting tired of us getting shot at."
06 Jun 2020, 12:09pm
Maul Montresor

"The fact that our only lead is coming from a hostage that we don't even know the name of is anything but reassuring but we'll be prepared for anything that may lie in wait. We always are."

Maul smirked at Lamb. He'd always been somewhat envious of her confidence but he'd die before ever telling her that.

"I hope you're right. I'm getting tired of us getting shot at."

The Hand dropped out of Witchspae behind the Arbiter; Lamb and Echo aboard their respective ships instantly started a scan. After a moment, Naomis’ voice cheerfully sounded over the coms.

“Hand, we got two stations and a surface terminal open to PF members. HIP Nine Seven Six Eight also sports two registered space facilities and a small planetary mining prospect. We have no more information from the captive, so Sails would like to know if your crew has any insight.”

Lamb was looking at the list of installations that Hollys’ old convoluted subroutines had only just managed to put on the holo-display. Kai was thinking, something that showed on her face when she thought this much; this star seemed familiar. Maul tapped Kai on the shoulder interrupting her postulations.

“Would ya drop into the Nav point Kai? I’ll skim it’s storage for ship movements; knowing who goes where will help us out”

Before Kai had brought the Hand to a standstill in front of the Nav-Beacon, three ships had scanned her cargo hold. The Arbiter drifted to a halt behind and opened her weapon ports in answer to the scans she was receiving, Kai did the same and read the target panel to see who was inspecting them.

Oh crap” She whispered to herself. HIP 9768 Blue Clan ships, she was definitely going to have some questions to answer if they had to go to Filippenko Survey.

“Looks like anyone that wouldn’t want to be found by good upstanding pilots heads for Filippenko Survey” said Maul after reading data that wasn’t for passing pilots.

Weeell fuck

Maul caught the quiet cuss that Kai expelled, and looked at the back of her head while he continued.  

“We better get out of here now; that lil intrusion will have set off some alarms. Umm, ya best change your scanner system to Lamb. It may have been logged for an unauthorised interface now. Sorry” Maul shut his laptop and yanked the hard-line out of the console.

“Umm” Ventured Kai completely innocently “We should get the disguises out in case they are waiting for us”

Lambast answered Naomi who was waiting on the comms but kept her eyes on Kai, in the same way a mother does when she knows her child is hiding something.

“Filippenko Survey Naomi. Please get on to them about the docking arrangements at once. Little stations like that .. “

“Yes Lady Mercy, I know. We’ll both have a pad before we drop into Filippenko space” interrupted Naomi efficiently.

“Thank you Ms Chizimu” replied Lamb closing coms.

It really was very nice having a professional PA on the crew. Now she understood why so many people she knew had one. If Naomi was a spy, Lamb really didn’t care. Right now, Kai was worthy of far more attention. Lamb had a good withering gaze, but Kai had been on the receiving end of it for a good number of years and had built up a good resistance.

Unfortunately for Kaisla, Lamb had also learned from their many mental duels. Lamb had learned that the level of perceived innocents Kai projected was a direct reflection of her guilt. Right now, Kia had the open honest face of a vestal virgin glowing with untarnished holy light.

“Who is going to be looking for us here Kai?” Lamb paused for a moment to read Kais’ features. Kai’s poker face was unbroken. “Our target doesn’t know us, even Ms V. Sonders here didn’t know about us, and she Mauls’..” Lamb remembered Maul and Vegas’ annoying relationship, and without changing pace, changed description she was going to use “… good conscience. What’s more, Yogurt Sloth just about sent us here, so they won’t be looking for us either”

“Its Yog-Sothoth Lamb” supplied Maul helpfully.

“I don’t bloody well think so!” said Lamb turning to face Maul “They haven’t understood the sauce material IF they are using Lovecraft. Well, to be fair it can blend into one. I mean, did he ever write about a moon that wasn’t gibbous, or a structure that wasn’t cyclopean and a horror that wasn’t undesirable? When it comes to the twist in the tale, he may as well have printed a forword underlining the big reveal. The man just didn’t understand subtlety. Still, The Mountains of Madness and Colour Out of Space and thumping good reads. I put them up there with War of the Worlds easy”

Lamb had got more animated then the crew was used to while she was talking ancient literature.

“Calm down Lamb, I was just saying. Jeez!” Maul had a quick think about the books he’d seen in Lambs’ Library, some of them were real paper books “…and don’t you usually read comedies?”

Lamb ignored the accurate observation Maul had made and continued debasing *Yogurt Sloth*

“This so-called All-Seeing Ancient One is most likely a collective of greasy uni-hab dwellers that spend every waking hour in front of a keyboard invading other people’s privacy only taking a break to touch themselves while looking at images of digitally generated women”

Lamb glanced back at Maul suddenly remembering that he was a professional hacker.

“Not that I think your anything like them Mr Montresor, of course” she finished regretting going down that road right now. The wide grin on Vega’s face made Lamb focus on Kai again.

“Do you know this system Kai?” asked Lamb conversationally.

Kai kept her eyes locked on the approaching platform and answered her friend with a nonchalant shrug.

“You know how space is really really big, yet you keep flying to the same old places? Or like, everywhere looks like somewhere else?”

“What system does this one look *just like* Kai, and who would you be wanting to hide from dear?”

Kai ran it all through her mind. If they were going to be doing any investigating here, and if a few of the old gang were still around, it was gonna get difficult. Crazy Cal and the Mad Cat. Oh crap. Cat! If he was still here it could get complicated with Sails, and Lamb definitely wouldn’t approve. Lamb wasn’t going to approve anyway once she found out about Crazy Cal, but she’d try to castrate Cat.

“Weellll, there was this bunch of people that needed things, and this group of pilots…” kai started

“You were a smuggler” Lambs words somehow managed to have their hands on their hips tapping their little lettered feet impatiently.

Kaisla gave her a quick smile and she was very glad to see Maul and Vegas’ reflection in the canopy. Lamb wouldn’t get too personal or bossy with an audience.

“There was this bunch being oppressed by an evil corporation that needed armour for defending …” said Kai, a famous hero of the downtrodden everywhere.

“Defending” stated Lamb flatly “Your Federation. Your idea of defense usually has barrels or an efficient propulsion system connected to a single-minded guidance system”

Kaislas’ pair of overcharged pulse pistols suddenly weighed heavy on her hips.

“It was mostly armour, but freedom fights can’t fight off privet armies without a few weapons so.. “ Kai winced in preparation.

“A Weapons runner no less Kaisla Delena. Is there anything else we should know before we land young lady?” Asked Lamb sarcastically. Lamb wasn’t expecting Kai to actually have anything to add.

Kai blew out a long breath before getting to the point.

“Ya see, most of the stuff we moved around was formally being moved by someone else at the point of acquisition,” she said sinking slowly into her own shoulders like a tortoise without a shell.  

Lamb had changed colour a little. Fortunately for her, the foundation she used did a very good job of hiding the redness of her face. That would clash with Lambs’ pale blue makeup.

“You’re a stinking pirate” growled Lambast

“No” squeaked Kai “I wash

Last edit: 06 Jun 2020, 5:20pm
22 Jun 2020, 5:42pm
"Hi, Captain!" Naomi's reply came from The Hand. Silas could see her excited wave in his mind's eye, even through text. He could see why Kai liked her, she was basically a real-life anime character. There was no way Silas could match her level of energy, burned out as he was. He continued reading.

"...no word about the prisoner yet, Lady Mercy is dealing with another crisis at the moment."

Silas leaned back in the Helm chair with a sigh, and took a moment to collect himself. after a moment of closed-eye forehead rubbing, he stood up with a "Fuck it...". He slowly walked to the entrance to the bridge with a lazy nod to Leith. "You're up, kid. Follow the hand to the station but don't dock until I come back."

Approaching the door of the command-level utilities closet he could hear voices and muffled thuds from inside.

He opened the door. Raven was leaning against a supply shelf with his legs crossed, examining his blade, but raised an eye to the doorway. Echo was mid uppercut to the gut, but stopped and turned to see Silas standing there, looking worn out and fed up.

"You're boosting against an event horizon. Further effort here is pointless, I'm sick of feeding this asshole, and if we're walking into a trap, I don't want to spend my final moments angry that we didn't kill him. Space his ass."

"Uh, but boss...?" Echo started

"Space. Him. I'm done."

Raven could swear he saw the most fleeting hint of fear in Not-Usher's eye, but it was quickly replaced with his robot-like resolve. Like seeing a ghost in the hallway.

Silas was not normally in such a mood, and on this rare occasion both Echo and Raven knew it was not time to question him. They unstrapped him from the rack he was tied to and restrained him. Not-Usher gave a sly grin, as if to say to Silas he'd won. Silas didn't react, he simply shook his head with an eye roll and walked the rest of the way down the hall to the mess to pour himself a glass of Old Sol.

Raven started to say something to Echo, but stopped when Echo gave him a 'shush' look and nodded toward the prisoner.

"Oh what the fuck does it matter, we're about to vaccuum-seal his ass. Who's he gonna tell?"

Not-Usher just continued his sinister grinning as he was dragged in silence the rest of the way to the nearest airlock.

Silas caught up with them just as they were finishing tossing Not-Usher inside and locking the door. Echo and Raven looked to him for the order.

"What are you looking at me for? I already gave you an order. I have nothing to say to this thing. What did you think I was bluffing?"

He took a sip and began to walk away, as Echo began to punch in the lock code for the airlock control panel.

6... 3... 2...


Echo paused, startled by the shout from the airlock, and looked to Silas, who had stopped in his tracks. Silas spun on his heel and walked slowly to the airlock window.

"What did you just say to me?"

"Ward Barton... my name is Ward Barton..." Not-Usher said, with shame in his eyes.

"Great, now we can tell the Search and Rescue contact whose corpse they're looking for. Have a nice flight, Ward." Silas said dismissively as he turned to walk away with a two finger wave toward Echo.

"Wait! I'll tell you more!" he shouted at the glass, his signature stoicism being replaced with a panic that was very unbecoming of him.

Silas put his hand on Echo's shoulder and said quietly, so Barton couldn't hear him, "See? Even the greatest of actors isn't really willing to die for their job... not very profitable."

Echo couldn't help but smirk.

"Ok boys, Echo make some coffee, work that stockholm syndrome angle... Raven, you're the bad cop, keep flashing them swords around."

Then, louder, Silas said "Take him to the mess boys. And Ward... next time I won't stop them. I am at a deficit of patience with you."

"Guess he just had to believe you were really gonna do it, eh?" Echo said with a look of admiration.

"I was", Silas said, matter of factly, as he turned and walked toward the bridge. He didn't look to see Echo's facial expression, but he grinned imagining it.

Silas entered the bridge with a new pep in his step and sat down at the helm again, this time in much better spirits.

He typed out a message to the Hand:

"Before we land... Have Maul dig up whatever he can find on a 'Ward Barton'"
01 Jul 2020, 9:14pm
With both ships now docked at Filippenko Survey everyone had gathered on the Hand to go over everything Ward had spilled to Silas as well as what Maul had dug up on the man.

Lamb had seen to it that snacks were made for everyone as they sat around the lounge area of the Hand.

Maul kicked things off by casting an image of Ward Barton to the holo projector located on a nearby wall. The information displayed was surprisingly dull and clearly wasn't representative of the Ward Barton they've come to know.

"I know, I know..." Maul said before anyone could comment. "This is the same problem I ran into with Tessa a while back. If anyone was to see this they'd think our buddy Ward is just an employee at Carter Tech who is on his way to a comfortable retirement. Judging by how well his history is being covered up here, I'd wager that Yog-Sothoth were the ones who made Tessa look pristine as well. If it wasn't for Vega, I'd never have been able to find out who Tessa really was."

Kai looked at Vega.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to this guy as well, would ya? Maybe a long lost cousin or something?"

Vega narrowed her eyes and slowly shook her head.

Maul spoke up again.

"I reach out to a few friends of mine that helped with the corporation hack to see if they can dig up anything else. Only had one of them get back to me. I figure after that mess they'd all go dark for a while. I'll update y'all if she finds anything."

Silas nodded and took his turn to inform everyone.

"After I convinced our friend to talk he began rambling on about Tessa visiting this outpost frequently over the last few years. Said she would used to go through a lot of trouble to cover her tracks when she did. He said they never were able to figure out exactly what she was doing here."

"Do you believe him?" Lamb asked with a stern look.

Silas grinned a bit as he thought about the terrified Mr. Barton.

"Yeah, I do."

Lamb nodded. She'd hopped for a "No" so she could get some time with Mr. Barton herself but she could tell Silas was confident that he wasn't lying.

"So, we team up and spread out and see what we can dig up?" Asked Raven.

Lamb gave Kai a somewhat displeased look.

"Any old friends that you would like to catch up with while we're here, Kai?"

Kai tried hard not to show any sign of emotion on her face. Of course she knew a few places that they could check but taking Lamb or Silas there would make things...complicated to say the least.

"No." Kai said in a quieter tone than usual. "But I remember a few places we might be able to check out."

She looked over at Maul and Vega. They're the only two that wouldn't be give her a stern talking to if they happened to run into Crazy Cal and the Mad Cat while out and about.

"Since you two know the most about Tessa, I'll take you guys with me."

Kai hoped that came out as her attempting to be helpful and not her totally trying to cover her own ass.

Lamb wasn't buying it but she didn't care. She was already stressed enough over not getting her turn with Not-Usher.

"Fine." Lamb said looking over to Echo. "Mr. Ramón, it looks like it's you and I today."

Echo gave Silas and Raven a side glance and looked back at Lamb. "...Yeah, okay."

The group quietly looked around at each other. None of this felt exactly right to anyone but they'd been chasing leads for too long. It was clear they'd become numb to spontaneous decisions at this point and were just ready for this to be over.

"...Okay then." Silas said with a touch of defeat as he stood up. "I guess it's the two of us, Raven."

"Naomi and Leith will keep an eye on Barton on the Arbiter and make sure he doesn't try anything."

"Alright then, let's get to it everyone." Finished Silas.

Last edit: 02 Jul 2020, 3:26am
05 Jul 2020, 11:16pm
Her coat felt a bit light. Lamb had left the ship in a hurry grabbing only a few things she would usually take onto a strange station.

“Lamb, you’re marching. You got a hunch on where we should be heading or something?” asked Echo.

He was carrying his rifle in a case designed to fool common sensors and it was quite heavy coupled with the other bits he liked to have with him when scouting. Lamb stopped for a moment and looked at Echo, he felt like a side of beef being sized up.

“Yes Mr. Ramón, I do have an idea. We will find a hotel room with good elevation on the main through-fair and observe the comings and goings of the inhabitance” with that, Lamb turned on her heel and walk on trying not to march so fast.

This Echo thought, was not a plan of any sort. Normally Lambast would take great pains to think all the way to getting off the station, let alone taking a good first step. However Lamb didn’t seem to be in the mood for talking about what bug she had up her arse, and Echo was looking forward to putting his case down so he followed along.


“You’ve got ya hair tucked away nicely Kai” said Maul with a grin.

“That cap really suits you. So.. are you actually going to hide in a coffee shop all day or shall we go find out what my sister was doing here?” asked Vega in a friendly but impatient tone.

Kai did her best to ignore them and added a little more bourbon to the ridiculously sweet coffee while peering out from between her baseball cap and the collar she had turned up. Maul offered up his cup for a bit of bourbon.

“Kai, how is it you can have been a dirty lowdown weapon running pirate on this very station and not have noticed where you were going when you were told to head for Hip 9768?”

Kai turned her narrow peeking slot to face Maul and answered with a bird constantly flipped.

“Because you piss-taking rat face, ya label a system in ya nav-com and remember what the label is, not the system name. Especially when it’s one of the hips. They are all hip and at least four numbers, the hips just beg for a real name.. and I happened to name this one Cat’s Place”

An involuntary smile brightened her face for a moment, not that anyone could tell, but Vega could read the change in body language. Maul remained oblivious.

“Who was Cat, an old boyfriend?” she asked. Kai didn’t answer, she just shifted in her seat a little in a way that told Vega plenty.  

“Oh more than just a boyfriend huh? Now I see why you would prefer to avoid him. Look, Silas seems like a balanced guy, he’ll be cool about it”

Maul felt like he’d missed a whole chunk of the conversation, but when he went to interrupt, Vega just waved her hand at him to shut him up. Kai took her face out from under her collar and looked from Vega to Maul. Who the hell did Vega think she was giving Kai relationship advice when she couldn’t even get it together with Maul? She decided not to say anything, it must seem complicated to them even if it really wasn’t.

“Look, I’m not worried about Si, its Cat and the rest of the Blues. When you take an oath with that lot, they take it real serious, and Lamb’s here. She’ll be all judgy about everything and they’ll get all judgy about Lamb calling them criminal scum that lead me astray, even though they didn’t, and that’ll lead to a fight and then people I like will get hurt..”

Kai thought about Lambast and the Blues. She started talking faster.

“People I like will get killed and we’ll be no closer to finding your sister. Then we’ll….”

Vega put her finger on the bottom of Kais’ cup and pushed it up to Kais’ lips to stop her blabbing. She had watched Lamb do a hundred little things like that to get Kai back on track when she got too excited.

“Calm down Kai, we don’t even know if your old friends are still here, it’s gotta have been a while ago. You were in the navy before you went freelance right? That’s must have put a few years between you the old crew’

“Cal?” The voice came from the doorway of the coffee shop. “Cal is that you?”

A mismatched collection of tattoos on a professional lard smuggler pushed and squeezed its round lumpy bulk through the door to get a better look at Kaisla.

Kai spat her coffee back into her cup.


Echo leaned on the window frame looking out over what passed as the center of the platforms commerce district.

“I don’t think we’re gonna get anything here Lamb, we don’t even know who or what to look for”

Lamb didn’t answer, she just pinched the bridge of her nose. She was starting to wonder if she was going to have to spell it out for the man. He hadn’t even taken the hint when she sat on the bed seductively. That could have been Lambs’ own fault, she was the first to admit she didn’t have much practice being seductive. That would involve caring about people at least a little bit more then she was capable. Even so, Lamb felt she was being very transparent. A lot had happened in the past day, and she was feeling stressed and angry. A little diversion with Echo may help Lambast calm down a bit.. .. If she could get him to play ball before she went off the idea.

“Echo, could you be a dear and help me with this scabbard strap please? It’s cutting into my leg and I can’t reach the buckle” she lied while she picked a pose she’d often seen used in movies.

Echo turn and took a step before he stopped and pondered for a short moment why Lambast would be standing like that with one foot up on the bedside cabinet if she needed help with a sword strap, and then the penny dropped.

Last edit: 22 Jul 2020, 1:08pm

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