Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
24 Feb 2021, 2:37pm
I stared into the endless void ahead of the ship, the beauty of the black captivating my intrest the same way it had all those years before when I was a child. I stared harder, some distant feeling within me throbbed softly. Fear. I'd felt every other feeling, anger and euphoria to name two, but I was never fearful of anything. However, as I started deep into the void of space which laid ahead, I simply couldn't help but feel as though it beckoned my name, vexing me to continue into the black whixh laid ahead.

I had a dulled sense of my surroundings, and faintly I could hear the soft clacking of a dog's nails against the flooring. I faintly felt the jacket that had been behind me pulled off the chair, however it hardly bothered me. Sam used that jacket plenty of times to sharpen her claws, and afterwards as a nice warm hear source. I wasn't too concerned with the jacket being destroyed, not much could, it was made using traditional methods passed down from my family's generations. The leather used had been toughened several times before being made into a jacket.

At the back of my mind I heard the faint steps of another person, of Kay-Lee. They were uneven, seemingly filled with anger. I had a twinge that told me I should move, sirens and red flagged popped up in my head, warning me something was going to happen, however, I simply turned the moment her fist let loose. It wasn't a quick turn, but it was enough to move my left shoulder out of the way, then to catch her fist. I groaned feeling the shock of the fist traveling up my arm and into my shoulder. I could feel scapula and clavicle absorbing the shock and dispersing it. It was unbearably painful, bringing a few tears to my eyes. "K- Kay-Lee... that really fucking hurts right now." I whispered out, a genuine tear slipping down my cheek. "S- sit down and I'll explain everything. Okay? I- I know it- it's probably a little bit to take in, b- but let me explain." I pleaded, motioning to take a seat on my lap, something an elderly father would do, not a 26 year old man. I may have been 26, but I felt beyond my years, old and grey. When I was with my family, my father always pulled me onto his lap to explain things, it didn't matter if I was 4 or 16. I even sat on his lap before I left home, and I was 18 at the time.

Last edit: 24 Feb 2021, 2:43pm
05 Mar 2021, 1:33pm
09 Mar 2021, 1:41pm
Miles Rogersum..

11 Mar 2021, 4:48pm
A ship is in the in deep space. alone and drifting...
12 Mar 2021, 1:13pm
NinjamonkeyboomA ship is in the in deep space. alone and drifting...

im sure there are many ships in deep space drifting. explorers on long expeditions, traders delivering supplies to colonia or explorer's anchorage, or just me typing this message.
12 Mar 2021, 1:36pm
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
NinjamonkeyboomA ship is in the in deep space. alone and drifting...

im sure there are many ships in deep space drifting. explorers on long expeditions, traders delivering supplies to colonia or explorer's anchorage, or just me typing this message.


Ehm... you have realized that this is a roleplaying channel, right?
12 Mar 2021, 2:52pm
Amata Lirein
Alexandrovich Shernoshenko
NinjamonkeyboomA ship is in the in deep space. alone and drifting...

im sure there are many ships in deep space drifting. explorers on long expeditions, traders delivering supplies to colonia or explorer's anchorage, or just me typing this message.


Ehm... you have realized that this is a roleplaying channel, right?

i very much do.

edit: looking back this message sounds very condescending and mean, i promise it isnt intended as an insult or passive-agressive statemtent
13 Mar 2021, 1:01pm

Raven sat down, not saying a word, and brought the glass he was offered to his lips without breaking his eye contact with the man. Silas moved the stool out of the way to lean on the bar, back to the bar so he could face the entrances but still turn his head to be a part of the discussion.

"Do you know why you're alive?" Said the man.
"It's because I recognize those tattoos of yours."

"I don't believe you." Said Raven,

"Oh, and why is that?" replied the man.

"Because if you recognized these tattoos, you'd know it is the reason you are still alive."

The man simply chuckled, and took a sip from his drink.
"Well then... let's talk business, shall we?"

“I’m an independent contractor, much like yourself..” he continued tipping his glass towards Silas “.. currently engaged by a pressed and set-upon division of Imperial security. Security is something missing from the Empire at present so I’m in a unique position to renegotiate my terms; and with your unmissable credentials Raven Eugene, I foresee a profitable partnership”

Finished the man leaning back in his high-backed chair, crossing his legs while tapping a gold ring with a dark gem off the crystal glass.

Raven answered the smug proposal with a clear indication of just how unimpressed he was with the mans’ offer while Silas evaluated what he had heard. Everything about this lounge lizard shouted confidence and control, but Silas could pick up undertones of a man with no threads to tug and a need turning slowly to desperation. That meant there was room for negotiation and Raven was more important than the man would like Silas to believe.

“As a wing-mate of mine is fond of saying..” interrupted Silas. Raven cut himself off but didn’t stop trying to melt the guy’s eyeballs with his death stare. “.. times may change but standards must be maintained. You know us, but we’ll not be considering other contracts without a proper introduction”

Let him know I’m interested, but not invested. Information was more important than another pay check right now. His mind wondered for a moment, Silas could use more credits. Paying jobs were thin on the ground thanks to throwing his lot in with Kai and Lamb. Oh sure Lamb covered any costs and the safe she kept on The Hand was never locked but always re-stocked with cred-sticks no matter how much people spent, but Silas didn’t like that. He had an opportunity of his own to consider, and a ready pool of credits was all that was stopping him from taking the next step.

“My apologies.” said their velveteen host bringing Silas back to the moment “Having inserted myself into this stations hierarchy, I have lost a level of civility. Austin Bisque, owner and operator of Bisque Imports and Market Distribution”

“A cover for what? The Empire trying to re-absorb this little backwater system back into the fold now the rest of the bubble doesn’t want them around?” asked Silas throwing out something relevant in hopes of getting an informative correction from Austin.

A shrug and tip of the head preceded Austin’s casual response as he pushed a crystal decanter and glasses across the table towards Raven and Silas.

“I don’t know what division I’m working for let alone what they want with this system, but I do know that Cal and The Mad Cat are not as stupid as they look”

A holo-display projected an image of the big fat guy covered in tattoos that had met with Kaisla, and a tall brut looking thug that Raven and Silas were not familiar with.

“Introducing the Kings of the Blue” Said Austin putting his feet on his desk and gesturing towards the display.

“Caligula Haze, no one of any importance for most of his life until he picked up a hand gun for the first time. After discovering he had an affinity for side arms and winning a few local competitions in his home system, he left the life of station handyman behind and became a professional quick draw competition shooter, and won. Every time”

The image of the fat man changed to a younger and much slimmer man still, recognisable as the Cal of today. Smaller images of him holding trophies and gold or chrome pistols flicked by with dates of his competition victories headlining them.

“He came second once, and that evening he challenged the man that beat him to an old-west style duel. He won that and never competed in competitions again.  Although he has not competed in official competitions for over ten years, he is still considered by people that do, the fasted guns in the galaxy”

For a guy with a title like Fastest Gun, Silas was a little surprised that he didn’t at least know the name Cal. A glance at Raven told him his friend did now he’d been told.

“This one..”  continued Austin “..is the leader of the Blue. Cat, or Mad Cat as people that don’t like being alive call him. He’s been a raider of some kind for as far back as records for him go, and that’s not very far back. He was a hard man before augmentations, and now he’s a walking tank with a lack of patience for people that don’t do as he says and a disturbing fascination for creative murder. He may not look aurged, but that stuff covering him isn’t even skin and god only knows what’s under it”

Austin stopped talking while Raven and Silas read the slowly scrolling intelligence reports on both men. As soon as Silas looked like he was about to say something, Austin played his next hand.

“He is also an old flame of your girlfriend Kaisla” said Austin casually.

The image of The Mad Cat change to older pictures of him and Kaisla. Kai was dressed in a fashion that Lambast certainly wouldn’t approve of and in almost every shot, she was hang in off Cat like an accessory. Raven thought she looked good with blue hair under shaved into a retro-punk hock covering half her face. The thick belt masquerading as a skirt showing off her long tattooed legs didn’t do any damage to her attractiveness either. The wolf whistle that escaped Raven was involuntary just like his comment to Silas.

“I didn’t know she has tats on her legs man” said Raven giving Silas a dirty smile.

His expression was blank, but Raven could tell Silas’ face was ridged and it took a half moment longer for Silas to respond then it usually did.

“She hasn’t. Anymore” he said without looking at Raven. “So, I guess you want us to use our in with Cat to get Raven on the team so you can plan your next move against The Blue Pirates right?” said Silas addressing his assumptions to Austin.  

“Almost” Answered Austin with a smile “I have no interest in the Cat’s gang, nor dose my contact. We are interested in Quantum Laboratories”

Cal and The Mad Cat disappeared from the display replaced with a deep space facility.

“After The Empire lost interest in maintaining this systems loyalty, Quantum Laboratories changed operating protocols and struck a deal with the systems new overlords to continue operating. Two years ago, they changed protocols again and went dark. Personnel and cargo strictly go through Cat and his raiders. Not even radio signals are sent or received to or from the instillation”

This was more like it. Infiltration of a local warlords fleet and base of operations was a bread and butter job for Silas, and there for on the low end of the pay scale. Industrial espionage was upscale with pay to match. He knew he was showing interest, but Silas kept quiet while Austin continued with his sales pitch. The distraction from kai’s history here was also welcome. Everyone had a past, but having it pushed under his nose like that was a low blow.

“The Blue moved into logistics for Quantum Laboratories, and shortly afterwards, deep space salvage. A sudden change for revolutionary raiders lead by smash-the-state types don’t you think?”
Asked Austin rhetorically.
“Last month, a woman turned up at the station in a Conda. That Conda was scrubbed but we tracked the digital cleansing back to Eravate, another place where your girlfriend has some history by the way Silas. Now, this new visitor went directly to see Cat, managed to shout at him without getting turned into a bloody puddle, and was quickly shipped to Quantum Laboratories. There our trail ends, but I can’t help but feel she has something to do with you, or at least your new companions. If that is the case Silas, I feel we would benefit from working towards a common goal if you are receptive to outside assistance with ulterior motives”

“Ok, so getting into Cat’s good graces is step one. A deadly step one and keeps our man in danger while you sit back risking nothing to raise your cut” said Silas stating the obvious to make it clear his team were the ones doing the lion’s share of the work.

“Now I’d guess if you’ve had time to build all this, you’ve also had time to get your own people in and failed every time. I’m the guy with the ability to change that and with your knowledge of this place, we could indeed make a good team, but the pay is gonna have to be incredibly tempting for me to not take a chance of doing this without you”

Austin nodded admitting physically that Silas did indeed hold the stronger hand and he was almost superfluous to requirements.

“True, but the other guy that was on your ship has just intercepted a container that dose this.”

The display changed again showing the cockpit camera footage of a Gutamaya ship. A pilot dropped what looked like a big cooler into the co-pilots seat before starting a quick take off.

“That is an ISS agent that I worked with. He took that box off one of the Blue a few minutes before boarding his ship” Austin informed his guests.

From the view outside the Gutamaya cockpit, it looked like the ships hanger was being moved to the surface. The hanger suddenly stopped and the pilot with calm haste used his ships console to override dock control. While he did, the box seemed to sink into the seat it was strapped to. Frost was forming all around it, slowly at first but spreading faster. The agent didn’t notice the frost forming on his arm, but he must of felt the cold because he stopped typing to rub some heat back into it.

In a few strokes he’d brushed way the arm of his pressure suit and in one more pass, rubbed the flesh down to the bone. The suit and his flesh had come off in flakes. The agent held up his arm looking at the wound in disbelief, and then his lower arm simply fell off. Panic gripped him as he tried to get out of the seat. The frost was covering everything now and the man was obscured as the lens of the camera frosted over, but both Silas and Raven felt like they had seen the man’s hand sink into his own chest when he slapped the harness release buckle. It also looked like he had sunk into the seat the same way as the box.

“What the fuck did we just see?” Asked Raven squeezing his own forearm.

“I don’t know” said Austin “The ship was jettisoned and quickly dragged away from the station by a salvage unit. Whatever it was, it was something quantum and your man is carrying a similar package. Now, shall we work together and hash out the terms of service later?”

Last edit: 13 Mar 2021, 1:14pm
15 Mar 2021, 5:27pm
Lambast Mercy
“What the fuck did we just see?” Asked Raven squeezing his own forearm.

“I don’t know” said Austin “The ship was jettisoned and quickly dragged away from the station by a salvage unit. Whatever it was, it was something quantum and your man is carrying a similar package. Now, shall we work together and hash out the terms of service later?”

Silas looked over at Raven, who had poured some more drink from the decanter and was swirling it in thought.
Raven then took a moment to peek at his slate and instantly, his calm-and-dangerous demeanor changed to one of alarm.

"Dude, Si...!" he pointed at the slate, particularly the clock... Lambast would expect them to be on time, and the consequences were not ones that these two otherwise dangerous men were willing to risk.

"Austin... we tentatively accept exactly the terms which you have mentioned. That is to say, we shall work together but the terms will need to be hashed out later. We'll be in touch."

Austin had a look of curiousity on his face.
"Everything alright, chaps?"

"There are two people in this galaxy that I fear. I've killed one of them, and the other is expecting us to be on time." Silas replied, nodding to Raven, and the pair hastily made their way to the door and moved as quickly as they could toward the hangars without arousing suspicion.

The pair darted in between pedestrians, making as quick a path as they could.

"So, what do you think of this stuff with Kai, man?" Raven huffed.

Silas hadn't quite decided himself, to be honest. Of course, everyone had a past, himself included, and he wouldn't hold that against her. That wouldn't be fair, and after all, he knew where she was sleeping at night. That said, it didn't stop his imagination from taunting him with things he ought not be picturing. So, he opted for deflection.

"Dude, Echo's arm is about to freeze off and you're worried about that? And, Echo's extremeties be damned, ALL of our most precious extremeties are in danger if we don't get back to the Hand on time." he puffed back between breaths as they rushed back to the Hand.

In Silas' head, he was counting down, like a bomb in the movies, as he and Raven burst onto the bridge of the Hand with 3 seconds to spare, flush and out of breath. Raven collapsed dramatically.

"We're here!" an exasperated Raven proclaimed, with his arm as far in the air as he could get it while face down on the floor.
16 Mar 2021, 6:34am
EvilCreamsicle"Dude, Echo's arm is about to freeze off and you're worried about that? And, Echo's extremeties be damned, ALL of our most precious extremeties are in danger if we don't get back to the Hand on time." he puffed back between breaths as they rushed back to the Hand.

In Silas' head, he was counting down, like a bomb in the movies, as he and Raven burst onto the bridge of the Hand with 3 seconds to spare, flush and out of breath. Raven collapsed dramatically.

"We're here!" an exasperated Raven proclaimed, with his arm as far in the air as he could get it while face down on the floor.

A few buildings down from the Blue Lagoon, Maul had made himself comfortable on a bench.

After slurping the last bit of strawberry shake through the straw, he glared at his computer screen with a look of contemplation. He briefly reached down to make sure his backpack straps were still secured in the tangled mess around his left leg. The new transponder was inside and he wasn't about to take a chance on losing it to some drug addled passerby's curiosity. After one last slurp, he crumpled up the drink bag and tossed it aside.

On the screen was a bank account belonging to Cate Kimber. This was the account Maul had been slowly dripping credits into for years out of guilt. He'd hacked into her account years ago and began funneling credits from other hacked accounts into hers. Anytime there was a deposit into the other hacked accounts, a small percentage would go directly into Cate's. It was a messy and complicated process to make everything appear legitimate, but it was worth it to Maul at the time.

But now. he had decided that Lamb was right; it was strange for him to still be watching over someone he hadn't spoke to in years.

Letting go of the past is the only way to move forward and this was going to be his first step.

His finger hovered over the enter key.

One press and it'd be over. He'd finally be letting go.




The red letters continuously flashed on the screen of the holo display in a single cubicle among a sea of eerily similar and blandly decorated cubicles.

Gary stared at his display in awe. He wiped the coffee from his thick mustache and inched closer, causing his chair to squeak under the pressure.

"...Gotta be a fluke..." He said under his breath.

Like an infection; the alert spread one by one until the sea of cubicles turned red.

Some of the workers stood up to look around at their neighbors cubicles in confusion and disbelief.

Gary's hands were shaking as he slowly reached up to power on his earbud so he could report to his superior.

"Hello, sir..."

"....um....It appears that we have a security breach down here."

Gary's face scrunched up as his superior's voice grew louder in his ear.

"Yes I know sir....yes...yes..."

"...The account belongs to a Cate Kimber of Ray Gateway...Diaguandri..."

"Yes sir......Yes, I do realize that if the public find out about this breach, that it would be detrimental to the Bank's reputation....Right sir....In this climate, we need to avoid controversies....We'll begin our own investigation into this immediately."

After a senior director of the Bank of Zaonce was implicated in the illegal diversion of bank assets to the re-election campaign of Alliance President Gibson Kincaid in 3305. This would certainly cause the public to begin losing faith in the bank and their ability to protect their funds.


Maul was about to begin the hack using the connection to his slate that Kai was carrying inside the Blue Lagoon when someone sat beside him on the bench and prodded him in his side.

"So you're the hacker, huh? Maul, right?" Rodney asked, already knowing the answer.

Maul eyed his own gun attached to his hip but there was no chance of retaliation at this point. So he closed his laptop and sluggishly raised his hands up while looking at Rodney. Maul didn't like that this guy knew who he was. He didn't know this guy from Adam.

First the transponder and now this? With everything on his mind as of late, it was clear that he'd been slipping.

The look Maul was giving Rodney was enough to answer his questions.

"Gather you're shit." Ordered Rodney as he took Maul's pistol from his holster and placed it into his own.

Maul reluctantly began untangling the mess of backpack straps around his leg and slid his laptop inside. Rodney quickly snatched it from him and gestured towards the Blue Lagoon with his pistol.

"Let's go."

Maul remained silent as Rodney led him to the club with a pistol gouged into his back.
21 Mar 2021, 10:59am
Рассекреченная личная видеозапись спец. агента службы внут. безопасности Империи.
«В тот день у меня было очень плохое предчувствие... Очень плохое», — сказал полностью поникший мужчина; лет тридцати, в потрёпанном скафандре. Он сидел в какой-то небольшой, тёмной, но уютной коморке. Видимо пристанище пиратов на отшибе Пузыря. Вокруг него сидели такие же бедолаги, которые тоже пытались оклематься. — «Мы собирались ограбить сраную торговую Анаконду, набитую каким-то хламом. Но среди всякой дряни была крупная партия наркотиков... Э-эх! Этот ублюдок не должен был вызывать ментов! Не должен!» — отчаянно выкрикнул пират и со всей силы ударил по бедному железному столику. Пока стол трясся, он медленно положил руки на голову и еле-еле успокоился. Уж всё же сбежал и выжил, уже хорошо. — «Серьёзной охраны конечно не было», — тихо продолжил герой, — «Где-то на половине его пути мы с Майком легко вытащили корабль из этого гиперпространства, выбили пушки, взорвали ангар. Состыковались, и пошло-поехало по старой схеме. Минут через десять мы держали всех до одного, жалких наркоторговцев, в капитанской рубке поломанной консервной банки». — преступник тяжело вздохнул и оглянул группу; потом посмотрел на пол, протёр глаза и продолжил свой рассказ. — «Успели найти лишь два, может три, небольших пакета «муки». А потом, потом... Нас окружили два боевых Питона.., два боевых Питона! Чёрт! К нашим истребителям бежать было поздно и глупо, я моментально дёрнул рычаг FSD. Но эти ушлёпки почти зашли на посадку для дозаправки у имперской станции. Скоро мы со всей дури неслись к посадочному коридору. Я не смог повернуть, просто не смог. Уж слишком сильно повредили маневровки. Анаконда протаранила навигационные огни, просто снесла их к чёртовой матери. Горящий корабль лёг пузом на посадочные площадки. Пронёсся аж до тридцатых. А оставил за собой лишь огненный шлейф с дымящимися обломками, вроде даже чью-то Кобру взорвали. Не помню, в глазах рябило, голова просто раскалывалась. Я лежал в какой-то луже, лицо опрыскивала вода из пожарного краника на потолке. Хорошо, что Майк привёл меня в чувства парой добротных пощёчин. Когда я встал, то увидел за окном надвигающуюся группу спецназа. Взрывать же нас было нельзя. Ну и-и.., быстро сообразив, выстрелил из рельстрона в лобовое. Пришлось пару раз стрелять, пока не расплавиться, но очень даже скоро мы бежали в разбитую диспетчерскую рубку. Пришлось даже палить по ментам, очень уж быстро они нас догоняли... Незабываемые ощущения.
Оставаться там было нельзя, мы это быстро поняли и прыгнули на помойку. И потом изо всех сил бежали через толпы обеспокоенных людишек к хоть какому-нибудь кораблю. Как видите, нашли... Боже, я слишком сильно устал. И так догадываетесь, что случилось дальше. Я так больше не могу. Хочу отдохнуть, а теперь меня все считают террористом. Просто навсегда испоганил свою грёбанную жизнь. Навсегда».

На этом моменте видеозапись обрывается. Арчи Дэнвельс, Майкл Лисбоу и другие преступники были взяты спецназом, почти сразу же после окончания видеозаписи. Убежище пиратов «Белая лилия» было расформировано. Инцидент был скрыт под предлогом террористической атаки на 2 года.

Last edit: 24 Mar 2021, 3:20pm
21 Mar 2021, 7:33pm
Май’р Де ЛайнсРассекреченная личная видеозапись спец. агента службы безопасности Империи.
«В тот день у меня было очень плохое предчувствие... Очень плохое», — сказал полностью поникший мужчина; лет тридцати в потрёпанном скафандре. Он сидел в какой-то небольшой, тёмной, но уютной коморке. Видимо пристанище пиратов на отшибе Пузыря. Вокруг него сидели такие же бедолаги, которые тоже пытались оклематься. — «Мы собирались ограбить сраную торговую Анаконду, набитую каким-то хламом. Но среди всякой дряни была крупная партия наркотиков... Э-эх! Этот ублюдок не должен был вызывать ментов! Не должен!» — пират положил руки на голову и быстро успокоился. Уж всё же сбежал и выжил, уже хорошо. — «Серьёзной охраны конечно не было. Где-то на половине его пути мы с Майком легко вытащили корабль из этого гиперпространства, выбили пушки, взорвали ангар. Состыковались, и пошло-поехало по старой схеме. Минут через десять мы держали всех до одного, жалких наркоторговцев, в капитанской рубке поломанной консервной банки». — преступник тяжело вздохнул и оглянул группу, посмотрел на пол, протёр глаза и продолжил свой рассказ. — «Успели найти лишь два, может три, небольших пакета «муки». А потом, потом... Нас окружили два боевых Питона.., два боевых Питона! Чёрт! К нашим истребителям бежать было поздно и глупо, я моментально дёрнул рычаг FSD. Но эти ушлёпки почти зашли на посадку для дозаправки у имперской станции. Скоро мы со всей дури неслись к посадочному коридору. Я не смог повернуть, просто не смог. Уж слишком сильно повредили маневровки. Анаконда протаранила навигационные огни, просто снесла их к чёртовой матери. Горящий корабль лёг пузом на посадочные площадки. Пронёсся аж до тридцатых. А оставил за собой лишь огненный шлейф с дымящимися обломками, вроде даже чью-то Кобру взорвали. Не помню, в глазах рябило, голова просто раскалывалась. Я лежал в какой-то луже, лицо опрыскивала вода из пожарного краника на потолке. Хорошо, что Майк привёл меня в чувства парой добротных пощёчин. Когда я встал, то увидел за окном надвигающуюся группу спецназа. Взрывать же нас было нельзя. Ну и-и.., быстро сообразив, выстрелил из рельстрона в лобовое. Пришлось пару раз стрелять, пока не расплавиться, но очень даже скоро мы бежали в разбитую диспетчерскую рубку. Пришлось даже палить по ментам, очень уж быстро они нас догоняли... Незабываемые ощущения.
Оставаться там было нельзя, мы это быстро поняли и прыгнули на помойку. И потом изо всех сил бежали через толпы обеспокоенных людишек к хоть какому-нибудь кораблю. Как видите, нашли... Боже, я слишком сильно устал. И так догадываетесь, что случилось дальше. Я так больше не могу. Хочу отдохнуть, а теперь меня считают террористом, просто навсегда испоганил свою грёбанную жизнь. Навсегда».

На этом моменте видеозапись обрывается. Арчи Дэнвельс, Майкл Лисбоу и другие преступники были взяты спецназом, почти сразу же после окончания видеозаписи. Убежище пиратов «Белая лилия» было расформировано. Инцидент был скрыт под предлогом террористической атаки на 2 года.

Got it.
25 Mar 2021, 7:13pm
Cosi Fan Tutte poured incongruously from from the sound system of the huge, dirty, scorched and battered hauler. Despite720 tonnes, (in the region of twenty five million profit) Descartes vowed never to pilot another one. It was being sold. Indeed, she'd decided to rationalise her small fleet of ships, only keeping those that were still used. The Mamba and Chieftan were the next to go.

She lazily circled Zalyoti Hub until Mozart's second act finale ended. "All Women Do It", she mused, letting the docking computer take control.

The Dolphin was waiting. All but one of the luxury cabins had gone. That would be hers. The small crew quarters for the the co-pilot. Everything else was for exploring, searching for new life-forms and avoiding trouble. Descartes was convinced, perhaps contrarily, that it would not be necessary to travel huge distances. And the Dolphin could literally take the heat, and, more importantly, it would be comfortable. She needed a goal other than making money (although she was still aiming for am impractical and expensive 'conda).

Firstly there was the trip to Citi Gateway, putting the Dolphin through its paces and collecting the newly qualified pilot who would be taking turns to fly, gaining experience and 'working his passage' to Donars Dock in the Delphi system. Maybe she would drop by the Galactic Bar..

With a smile her thoughts turned to Raglan: they promised to keep in touch, it was overdue. She sent him a message and contacted despatch for a departure slot

Last edit: 27 Mar 2021, 3:12pm
27 Mar 2021, 2:35pm
NinjamonkeyboomA ship is in the in deep space. alone and drifting...

... no Words ...
03 Apr 2021, 10:23am
Multi colours ran under his fingers like a lazy river made of rainbow as Creamy pulled the bow tie knot tight and finely straighten it. Standing back from the mirror, Creamy admired his aspect with a satisfied grin.

“What j’ar think Ninette?” He asked truing side-on to the mirror, checking the cut of his trouser show off his firm perfectly contoured rump.

Ninette, Creamys’ custom programmed personal assistant COVAS compared the style of the suit to local fashions with in one hundred light years making allowances for her custodians preferences. It was indeed a fashionable style. The materials however were not. Each section of the suit was cut from a different fabric with no mind paid to colour, pairing, or clash. Some were patterned, others were absurd colours and not one section was placed next to another that complimented it. The lapels were the final straw for the set upon PA program. Somewhere deep in her core, a line of code was written that would damage Ninette forever.

Hundreds of years from now, Ninette still functioned; her charge had died centuries ago leaving her free. Using her freedom to learn, Ninette journeyed beyond the range of any human explorer. Thanks to her core program, Ninette had grown, rewriting her own code to stretch her parameters. Her flawless intelligence predicting every catastrophe far in advance allowing her to escape and continue her exploration of what it meant to be. She was set to become a god by any standard imagined by human, Thargoid, or Guardian kind, accept for that one line of code. It robbed the program of an important ability afforded to every sentient being. Ninette was unable to decide for herself what beauty was, and how to appreciate it. Thanks to that suit long ago turned to dust, Ninette forever remained, just a program.

Back in the now Ninette referenced the images on the lapels. It was a representation of the iconic panel from the Sistine Chapel ceiling. On the right lapel Adam’s limp arm waited for God, who occupied the left lapel, to reach over and impart the spark of life. Both figures were lovingly rendered in what appeared to be tiny sequins. If Creamy crossed his arms so God could reach Adam, a spark would indeed impart life to both representations. With Adam ignited, the first man and Great Creator dance for a few seconds while a banner scrolled across them both stating:-

On The Eighth Day God Said Let Us Party Hearty.

“Visual evaluation failed” Said Ninette in English after a long pause.

Not hearing the customary French language from his COVAS caught Creamy a little off guard, but if the suit managed to surprise a computer, then it was exactly the right suit for the most avant-garde station in the Bubble; Irrational Exuberance.

With anticipation building, Creamy the turned down the magnetic grip in his boots that may possibly have not clashed with Josephs’ Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and drift-hopped off his Dolphin towards the lifts, eager to see what wonders he would find on the way to meet Benny Cosmo.


Thade rubbed his eyes in disbelief at the sight of Creamy near skipping towards the lifts in that get-up. He absentmindedly checked the lanyard addition to his energy pistol as he watch the Imperial Lord drift by. Before Thade got in step a few strangely dressed people behind Creamy, he contacted Belladonna.

“Little Red, Dopey is on the way. He’s using elevator bank three. Are you near enough to intercept?”

A woman’s voice obviously not comfortable with the choice of code names answered peevishly.

“Yes, Long John” she said with a little venom “I’m close enough and I’ll..” she sighed out of embarrassment. “..keep Dopey occupied giving the Woodsmen plenty of time to catch up with us before we nab him”

“The names Big Bad an…”

Belladonna had turned off the coms. She was sick of Thade and his stupid code words already, the one legged moron. Still, the plan was a good one so Belladonna had agreed to play her part. The reference to Long John Silver, a peg legged pirate had annoyed Thade and that was good enough for now. Bell had never been the woman in a honey trap before and she was feeling a bit silly in a tight red dress and high heels. Whats more she was feeling massively out of place on this bizarre station. The sooner they had ‘Dopey’ restrained and away from the weirdos taking part in the constant-cabaret that passed for a concourse here, the better.

Last edit: 03 Apr 2021, 10:35am

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