Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

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07 Feb 2017, 6:15am
Amar pressed the Anaconda as close to their quarry as possible, lining up the largest of the multi-cannons to add emphasis to Markus's words. He decisively thumbed the com. "Unknown Vessel! Power Down. This is your final warning!"

No response.

Very Well! His thumb disengaged the safety, and fired. One Round, One Powerless ship. The round impacted with the now exposed power plant. There was a muffled explosion as the plant breathed it's last. Light's flickered and engines blinked out. The ship was now at his mercy. She listed lazily, no longer a threat.

He thumbed the com, "Markus, return to the ship and suit up. Hellen, go nose to nose with the bridge, if they try anything, you vacuum them!" Switching to the on board frequency, "Jansen, status!"

"These guys aren't giving up anytime soon." he responded with baited breath.
"Alright, Gladstone, return to the bridge."
"Jansen! Cover me while I move!" she shouted over the com. That will have to do for a response, he thought.
"Disengage bridge lock-down."
"Request authorization code" The ships computer chimed.
"Sierra, One, Four, Two, Two, Tac, November, Zulu."
"Authorization accepted."

Amar stood with grim determination, "Vega, hold her steady until Gladstone takes the helm."

The sound of his boots filled the corridor as he marched to the armory. He stopped and stripped out of his Remlock suit. Opening a locker, he pulled out a Federal Tactical Rem-Suit or FighTeRS for short. The suit sealed as he pulled it onto his frame. Stepping to a panel, Amar reached over and pulled the lever. His head nodded slowly and a smile sneaked across his lips. The Vulkan Mk 3 sat gathering dust. A relic of times gone by, but still functional. Amar stepped into his old armor. The frame pulsed to life again, and sealed around FighTeRS. The only thing missing was the helmet. He reached behind to an old dusty shelf. There it is.

Helmet under one arm, he went to the rifle rack, Ammunition, Grenades, Sidearm, Rifle, C-10 Explosives, these loaded efficiently into the numerous pouches the armor had. Turning to another panel, he opened it and began making adjustments to another suit. This just might fit him...
08 Feb 2017, 7:39am
Why the hell is this Commander so stubborn?!

The Cutter after all it had gone through drove on, unaware of her own peril as she tried to run from the closely trailing Taipans. They nipped and bit at her engine's like wolves wearing down a caribou, and still it puffed on. When the Eagle's Flame had finished catching up, Amar gave them one last chance to surrender before he released a round from the Anaconda massive multicannon into the angelic monstrosity.
The silence sealed their fate.

After acknowledging the order to return, Markus carefully docked the Hummingbird back into the Anaconda.
The Anaconda's fighter bay swallowed up the Taipan as it folded in on itself. When he'd passed the threshold, Markus expected the familiar sound of machinery to be thumping away in the background outside the canopy of the Taipan, but instead he heard in the distant the sound of gunfire.
When he pushed open the cockpit the sound amplified significantly.
They must be close.
Making sure to keep the Remlock suit tightly sealed he reached behind the seat and withdrew the survival knife. It wouldn't do much in the way of a direct gunfight, but perhaps if he attempted to sneak up on the intruders.. He'd have to be careful. No doubt the intruders would know that their only way back had just been dismantled. They would be desperate for a way out.
If they weren't already. As the ferromagnetic floors shook in response to an explosion.
"Commander, I'm on deck."
He leapt out the Taipan and ran to the sound of the fight, tapping the discrete button the knife. It's dull face began to turn red, as energy and heat soaked into the length of the blade.

Right before he entered the cargo room where the fighting was taking place he paused, a took a moment to address the situation.
Let's see.. Where's the most of the gunfire coming from..? He listened carefully. A majority seemed to be emitting from the right side behind the door.
Okay, so that's where the baddies are.
Markus flipped the knife so that he was holding it point down and peeked around corner of his eye. Cargo crates had fallen during the skirmish, one of which covered any direct line of sight with the shooters. He quickly stepped in leaning behind the crate. He peered around the edge, looking for the closest intruder.
Instead of an intruder though,  he saw Jansen in the far corner, dual wielding two laser pistols, ducking beneath every shot and returning three times as many in retaliation.
Wait, so that means- He toppled over as a man in a black suit practically ran him over in his courageous attempt to escape Jansen's barrage.
"What the fu-!" He cried out.
"Hey!" Markus yelled involuntarily.
The man got to his feet and raised the stock of a vicious looking rifle.
"No!" Markus roared slapping the end of the barrel out of the way just as the heavy weapon went off. He dashed into the man's unprotected guard, and slashed in a rage. It landed perfectly across the man's thin neck plate. Red globules from the wound splattered against Markus' suit as the man flinched too late. The injury instantly cauterized from the temperature of the blade, his suit immediately re- forming over the gruesome injury. He collapsed upon his back, hands at own his throat, spasming.
Some memory welled up into Markus' mind just as his stomach rolled while he stood watch over the scene. He crouched over and vomited across the floor.

Last edit: 08 Feb 2017, 8:10pm
08 Feb 2017, 10:20pm
The sound of the Tiapan could be heard as it returned to the bay.

"Commander, I'm on deck." Markus's voice came over the com.
Great, he should be up here in a few minutes.
Amar sat down on one of the benches that ran along the length of the armory. Absentmindedly he reached into his vest and pulled out the remnant of an old cigar. How long has that been in there? It was so small in the gloved and armored hand that held it. Such a simple thing, it survived through all of this time. Too small to light, as if he could with the massive glove. Lifting the cigar to his nose he smelled what was left. Still good, he thought. He popped the cigar into his mouth, and chewed thoughtfully. "What's the hold up?" he said aloud to the emptiness. He stood up and walked to the door and leaned out.

"Sir, I nee some help locking down the cargo hold. Got some of these guys that just won't quit." Jansen's voice crackled over the com.
"On my way." He responded.

He grabbed and charged his rifle. The laser weapon emitted a high pitch noise as it charged. This model of rifle combined a regular kinetic bullet with a laser emitter as the round departed the barrel. The round, already heated, was supercharged. However, this reduced the rate of fire, and was heavier than a normal weapon. The other issue was you had to carry two types of ammunition: battery packs for the laser and clips. His armor clanked as he walked then broke into a run. Shit, forgot my helmet. To late, he was already stepping onto the lift. Silently the lift descended to the floor above the cargo bay. Pressing a button on the armor, the plates sealed to the suit and locked down. He stepped off the lift and moved at the low ready down the hall. Stopping at a maintenance hatch, he lifted the release. The locks hissed and the hatch popped open. This is going to be a tight fit. He got halfway though the hatch when he realized that he might have made a mistake. "Come on you piece of crap." There was a scraping sound as the armor ground to a halt then slipped through. FUBAR! I'll have to repaint that. He fell onto the causeway that ran above the cargo hold. Crouching he moved quietly the sounds of gunfire intensified.

A door opened before him,  leaned through the door and took the sight in. Jansen was directly below him, reloading his repeaters. "GET SOME!" Jansen shouted as he unleashed another salvo at the intruders. Red plasma traced across the bay. Plasma scoring scattered on the wall and shell casings littered the floor. Gingerly he stepped out on the causeway. Where was Markus? He laid down and propped his weapon's bi-pod. He sighted in the first hostile, crouched behind a pallet. One issue, he could not shoot him from the prone, he just could not depress the barrel enough from this distance. He crouched and placed the rifle on the railing. He slowed his breathing and squeezed the trigger. The man jerked and collapsed, a smoking wound where the round had impacted square in the chest.

*THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP* He shifted fire to the next hostile, and the next. Alerted to the new threat, the surviving boarders shifted to his position. Shells ricocheted around him, one or two rang true and clipped his armor. Dents he would have to repair later. Diving or falling backwards, he landed in the safety of the corridor. Leaning out of the doorway, he returned fire.

Jansen spotted an opportunity, and grabbing a rifle he sprinted to Markus. "COME ON, LET'S MOVE!" He grabbed his arm and lifted Markus towards his cover. Jansen handed Marcus the rifle and said, "There's only a few left, let's finish this mess."
09 Feb 2017, 6:53am
The bile rose, cutting off his only way for air. He remained hunched over, faintly perceiving the cracking of a large gun in the distance, his face turning red from his personal hell. Despite the need Markus remained calm. For every moment he wasn't retching he quickly sucked in as much air as he could, to get ready for the next convulsion. A large pool of black formed next to the smaller puddle of red.
At last he finished. A cold sweat had formed over his bare face and skin. As he ran a wet hand across his buzzed head Jansen jumped around the corner, shoving him back against the nearby crate, the words he was shouting lost against the ringing in his ears. Silently he nodded and accepted the rifle Jansen held out to him, re-obtaining his breath the first of his sine qua nons.
He looked up as Jansen continued peppering return fire, sparks shooting off like fireworks as projectiles glanced and nearly missed his target.
Markus looked back down to the rifle now in his hands, barely coherent. The stock of the weapon was short, easily fitting into the groove of his elbow. It was made for close quarter combat.
He wasn't familiar with rifles. Never having shot one, his old captain had only ever shown him that pre-space antique once those many, many years ago. The most action he ever had was practicing with the most simplistic of laser pistols back in Cubeo, before his parents "accidentally" left him for dead.
A rain of molten plastics landed on his arm, returning him to his current situation.
Can't be much different..?
He hefted the rifle up to his shoulder and turned around. There was a tiny screen on the rifle, a box on the side of a small man and and a pale green circle with an "X." Markus peered over the edge before laser fire sprouted near his head causing him to flinch back in retreat.
He glanced up at Jansen, watching in amazement how quickly he moved, ducking back to cover as laser fire blew past the spot where his body had just been, before jumping back up again. How quick his aim was. Noting the general location his weapons were aimed at.
When Markus had grabbed the courage, he jumped up at the same moment that Jansen did, his laser preemptively looking at where he guessed a man was. The little circle in the scope turned a bright pink as it hovered over the black Remlock suit of an intruder. The rifle spurted out three slugs, all of them catching the man flat on the chest.
But it had taken too long. Just as his fingers clenched the trigger mechanism Jansen had already dived back down for cover, leaving Markus by himself.
Lasers hissed and one of the intruders found their mark, a hot slug ripping into Markus' left forearm. The projectile cleanly impaled his arm, continuing onward to his right shoulder where it's heat, mostly dispersed by its first mark, burned an inch deep into flesh.
It was too fast for Markus to understand what had happened.  As the round impacted, it felt like he'd been punched in the collar bone, spinning him around until he fell to the floor. The feeling was immediate, replacing his origional gut-wrenching pain with this one instead, flowing through his body as nerves fired relentlessly and blood leaked. It was like someone had lit a fire in his arm.
His suit coalesced and spread across the wound, grey fibers entering and sealing the hole as best the clothing was able to.
Jansen leapt back up and Markus heard the rewarding "ooof!" as another went down.
"How many more..?" Markus grimaced, teeth bare, fingers gripping his arm as Jansen sat down, reloading his repeaters for the how-manyith-time.
"Just one." He said.
"Are we going to try and capture him?"
"I don't think so. These guys don't seem to be giving up eas-."
"No more! I surrender! Please don't kill me!" A voice called out. The sound of a heavy metal weapon clattered to the ground. Jansen popped his head around the corner like a prairie dog looking out his hole.
"Is he surrendering?" Markus asked.
Jansen's lips pursed, not a single sign of fatigue on his face. "Yup. Guess so."

Last edit: 09 Feb 2017, 7:04am
10 Feb 2017, 2:44am
Decisions, decisions. Amar's life had been full of decisions. Times from his past, things he would rather not remember. Decisions neither good nor bad, decisions that had hurt someone close to him. He had decided to join the Marines when he saw a Federal soldier risk his life to save a shop owner. There was the time he chose to leave the service, the time he chose to buy his first ship, a little sidewinder. Then there were the more painful memories, the ones he chose not to remember. Yet, one stood out to him more so than others.

A rainy day, mid July in the Vega system. He boarded his ship, and never looked back. You keep lying to yourself about that... He had looked back, the sight haunted him. Every night he regretted leaving, it did not haunt him the way war did, this spoke against everything he had set out to become, a man of noble character. He had left.

Now here he stood faced with another decision. One man, terrified, dropped his weapon, screaming about surrender. Amar's finger twitched, gently squeezing the trigger. This man had invaded his home, shot at his beloved ship, threatened his crew. How could he let that go? His vision blurred, there was only him and the man at his mercy.

"....Hey!" His finger eased off the trigger. I am not that man, I never have been. "Jansen, show this man to the brig, get any ID you have off of these men, there probably was a bounty on them." He stepped to the ladder and slid down the rails. *CLANK* His boots hit the cold hard floor. Spitting the remnants of the cigar out of his mouth, he radioed the Doc, "Doc, how is everything?"
"Davidson is down, but stable."
"Great, I need you to get him to medical, then suit up."
"Uh come again?"
"You have been volunteered for the boarding party."
"Hold on?!"
"No if's, ands, or buts. Do you not have field demolition training?"
"Sir, that was a looong time ago."
"Are you not the only other qualified demolition on board?"
"I am," he consented.
"Great, meet you in the armory with Markus."
"I'll be there in ten."
"Make it five and I'll open you a bottle of Chi-Orinis."

He turned and walked to Markus, "Let's get you patched up real quick." He pulled out a bandage and indicated for him to sit down.
10 Feb 2017, 9:42pm
LasGel was the first aid of the 34th century. Chemicals combined with Progenitor Cells formed into a foamy coagulant, that when sprayed over or into a wound, resulted in the immediate cell reformation and ceasing of multiple types of hemorrhaging, such as puncture wounds, contusions, lacerations, and burns. Mostly found in war settings, it was incredibly painful upon application, as the chemical substances glued themselves to open flesh and damaged organs, but after a few minutes would completely numb the surrounding area.
LasGel was only a temporary fix however, as the compounds quickly deteriorated. Within a few short hours the injury would require true medical attention.
Something I hope to whatever God is out there comes soon. Markus thought as Amar pulled off the Remlock suit's quick patch job, and sprayed the stinging chemicals into the hole.
It filled the space, becoming polymer as the medicine formed and dug itself in.
Markus didn't dare try to move his hand.
"There goes my wrist-computer.." He chuckled, feeling slightly disoriented.
The gel patched into the flesh, Amar expertly wrapped up the forearm before moving onto Markus' collar bone.
Another quick bandaging and they stood up.
"Thanks." Markus blew out with relief. "Where to now?"
"The Armory. We're meeting Doc there."
Markus was curious as to why they'd be going to the Armory to meet up with the doctor, but didn't question it. When he stood he took another look at the man laying face up on the ground, hands still clenched around his own throat. More waves of nasuea passed through him. This time however he kept it down.

When they reached the Armory, Amar's heavy armaments thumping against the flooring, Markus' soft boots hardly making any noise at all, the Doc spread his arms out wide to greet them.
He took one close look at Amar's first aid, in addition to Markus' arm.
"I was shot by a laser pretty sure." Markus said.
"A laser? Or a laser bolt? Like a slug?"
"Pretty sure it was just a laser."
The doctor's lips made a face. "Cheap pirating scum can't even afford legitament weapons.."
"How's your hand feel?" He inquisitioned.
"My hand? I can't feel it. Why would you need to know anything about my hand?"
His lips tilted to one side worriedly.
"Because lasers are hot. This one incredibly so to have gone through your limb. No doubt you're suffering from necrosis due to the burnt epidermis, flexors, and pronators, resulting in a lack of circulation."
Markus opened his mouth slightly. "Um.. English please Doc?"
"You're going to lose your hand, unless you get blood flowing to it again. Not easy considering that A: your arm is basically medium-rare meat now, B: we got pirating issues to deal with.. and C: I don't have any surgical equipment to fix that."
It took a second for that to sink in.
"What?! What do you not have anything for this?!"
"Well you can hardly blame me! Ten out of eleven times pirates are a little bit more equipped than using tools like lasers to shoot at their victims. Usually they're blowing their targets arms completely off with plasma repeaters, or blasting them to pulps with slugs, or bullets.. god those are nasty.. Anything but lasers."
Markus shook his head. "Great. How long do I have?"
"Mm.. my mentor told me the ballpark time for any injury without proper blood flow is about six hours."
"How long will the LasGel stay in?"
"The first aid will dissolve in about a days worth, but it won't deter your hand dying. It'll only delay the bleeding."
Markus turned to Amar.
"What do you think? Do you think we'll have enough time to get these guys and make it back in time?"

Last edit: 10 Feb 2017, 9:49pm
11 Feb 2017, 9:00pm
The man who stood before him had just wanted a ride, and within a few short minutes, he had proven himself invaluable to the ship and their survival. Now here he stood, willing to sacrifice his own arm to sate Amar's thirst for retribution. Amar took another look at Markus's arm. It was in really bad shape.

"Revenge is never the way." Amar was standing on the deck, his sidearm pointed at the person who had caused so much pain. He had a tourniquet above his arm and walked with a limp. Dragging his leg forward he pointed the weapon at the object of his wrath, finger tightening around the trigger. The memory faded away.

He walked back to the alcove, and looked at the second Vulkan armor. His mind now made up he turned around. "Doc, get Markus to medical, treat him as best as you can." Pressing a button on his com he made a ship-wide announcement. "Scrap it all. Helen, return to the ship ASAP. Gladstone, get us clear of Mass-Inhibition. Plot the fastest course to Nanomam and get us there. Jansen-"

Jansen entered the room, "Yeah?"
"On me, we got to make repairs to the reactor as quick as possible."
"I'll handle that, you gonna mess with the FSD?"
"Gotta get as much juice out of it as possible."
"What about the Drive's integrity?"
"Scrap it! We will replace it if we have to."

Amar stepped out of the armor and sprinted towards the maintenance elevator with Jansen right behind him. Doc ushered Markus to the regular lift to take him to medical. The maintenance lift was offline, Jansen and Amar tethered to the lift pulley and slid down. the friction against their gloves was a minor inconvenience. They hit the lift top and disconnected, "Let's..."
"I know!"

Picking up a spanner, he went to work tightening the hoses that fed the drive. Jansen was pulling repair parts out of storage and patching the beating heart of the ship. Amar leaned over and accessed a panel. *DO NOT REMOVE* Removing the lid, he looked at the contents. A small cylinder that regulated fuel flow to the drive was nestled in between the two feeds. He grabbed the mic, "Davidson, if you are awake, pickup." No response. "Davidson? If you don't tell me what repercussions removing the regulator on the FSD and giving the drive unlimited fuel flow will do right this Scrapping minute, I swear I'll..."
"Hold on cap'n. If you do that, you will void the warranty."
"Yes, what will happen to the ship? Will it allow us to make one jump to Nanomam?"
"Aye it will. But sir, we will have to replace the whole drive. It will burn the catalyzer, and fry the converter. Not to mention the entire fuel feed will be-"
"Sir, it's entirely to risky."
"No, it's..." He wrenched the cylinder out of the panel. "entirely..." The hoses spewed fuel onto the deck. "Fubar." he reconnected the hoses, and grabbed the con again. "Gladstone, we have one jump. Put us in Nanomam."
"Wait what?"
"Override the Navigation limits and jump us directly!"
"But sir?"

He was thrown backwards as the drive engaged. "OOF!" Pinned against the wall he felt each and ever shake of the ship as it jumped. Jansen was holding onto his lifeline, and grinning chaotically at him. He mouthed something along the lines of "You Bastard!" at Amar. Eventually, the ship slowed and exited witchspace. Amar collapsed to the floor, and looked at the smoldering remains of the FSD. His eyes widened as the smoking wreck caught fire. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" He and grabbed the extinguisher and hosed down the remains. Jansen walked up beside him, "Well... Hope we aren't planning on going someplace else."

Amar grabbed the con. "Damage report."
"Other than the FSD, we are intact." Vega said.
"Medical, how are we?"
12 Feb 2017, 3:43am
"Well it's as I expected." The Doctor responded after Amar's voice sounded in the medical bay. "His hand already has begun deteriorating. Nothing a few well placed Progenitor Cell injections can't fix. Soon as we land I'll get to work, then send him to the hospital's for the major repair work." He winked at Markus who was sitting upright on one of the center beds.
Wheels of thought began churning in Markus' mind after he said that.
"About those injections, how soon we talking?"
"Oh very quickly," The Doctor hummed, flicking a glass vial with his index finger. "I'll just need to ascertain the correct amount of dosage, followed by some minor information of yours, tell me, are you reactive to any of the common day osteochondral, precursor, or hematopoietic medicines the PC Injections use?"
"No. I don't think so.."
"Good, then we'll start by injecting you here-" he whipped out a long transparent needle that flexed and vibrated as he moved. When the tip neared Markus' left arm, the nozzle straightened, almost organically, and a thinner needle shot out of its container into his skin.
"Neat little doozy huh? It auto-measures your body's consistency and determines the precise length to inject itself in. It can even avoid the major arteries and skeletal frame if necessary!" He smiled wholly.
Markus watched uneasely as the needle burrowed itself deeper in his numbed flesh, completely incoherent to the patient's discomfort.
"Yeah, try comparing that with a screaming and kicking person.."
"Oh, don't worry, I already know how that goes. I've dealt plenty of my fair share. Burn victims, internal bleeders, amputee's, they all become the same to one eventually."
"Uh huh.. listen, how much does this actually do for my arm?"
The doctor pursed his lips. "It'll begin the treatment process, coating the outermost layer of your muscle and epidermis with chemicals to start microscopically reversing the effects of the burns.. But you're still going to need surgery to fix the veins and arteries, plus a majority of your arm and hand muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Not to mention all the medications you'll need to take afterwards!"
A flurry of scenarios raced through Markus' head. For a moment he saw himself grabbing ahold the nearby can of the LasGel, smashing it over the doctor's head and knocking him out. Holding Amar at gunpoint demanding his pay, escaping from the Eagle with his Taipan.
He knew in his heart he would never make it. If not the staff, the Commander, his damaged Taipan, he would never outpace the fury of the Anaconda's guns, even despite how torn up the gentle lion was.
"I'm detecting a slight respiratory and heart increase. Are you quite alright? You look a bit palish. Understandably for someone to have suffered such an atrocious inju-"
"Listen, doc, I can't go to the hospitals on Nanomam."
He peered at me past the glass in his spectacles.
"But, why ever not?"
"I.." Markus bit his tongue bidding for time for an excuse. "I can't because I don't have the credits to pay for it all."
"Credits? Oh Markus you naive young man, you were injured on the job. You won't be paying for it, the boss will!" He laughed.
"Not the medications. And not when I'm already paying for other meds."
"Other meds? What else do you have to take? I haven't seen to touch a bottle this entire trip-"
"That is my concern doctor, sorry."
"Well, you're foolish for thinking that you can skip out on this treatment, especially when it comes for free. Anywhere else they'll charge you a workers fee or insurance, or, maybe just kill you. You should be counting your stars and saying how lucky you are!" He shook his head. "Besides, you're my patient, and I intend on having you revieve the proper care." He clicked a button on the needle and almost like a child slurping a noodle, it came free of Markus' arm.
"There we are, all better now."
The Anaconda shuttered as machinery in the far depths moved.
"Ah, the landing gear. I believe we've finally made it.
"May I go speak to the captain before we land?"
"By all means my lad, but- be back here when we touch down. I want to see you personally to the nurses!"

Markus approached the bridge and was about to hit the console panel for permission to enter when he heard a man walking up behind him. He turned and saw that it was Amar, covered in soot.
"Oh, Comma- er, Amar, sir.. I, just wanted to thank you for the ride. And for thinking of this.." He motioned his bandaged arm. "I wanted to ask, request, that my ship be transferred to one of the enforcer blocks on Nanomam station,, along with how ever much pay you deemed my minor contribution worth. And.. that it was a pleasure working for you." He held out his good hand.
14 Feb 2017, 12:10am
Markus stood in the hall, silhouetted by the soft warning lights from the mess they had just escaped from. Amar walked down the hall, drained, he drug his feet. It is a well known fact that, in emergency situations, the body releases adrenaline into the blood stream. This resulted in heightened senses, quicker response times, and a general buzz, and now he was coming off of that high right now.

He looked Markus up and down. Aren't we a sight? Finding humor in their appearance, he shook Markus's hand and smiled one of those exhausted smiles. Standing there, he was covered in soot, Markus's Remlock suit was half cut away, his arm bandaged.

"We can do that." He scratched his head, and thought for a minute. "As far as pay, we will be dropping off the cargo tonight, right after we the buyer. Then everyone will receive an equal cut, you included. I hope that's not a problem."
15 Feb 2017, 6:38pm
"Thank you, I greatly appreciate it."
Markus bowed and turned, marching back in the direction of the medical bay.
Before he reached it though he took a sharp turn, branching to the stairwell leading off by the fighter bay.
He clambered down steadily, keeping his arm close.
Hellen saw Markus before he saw her and immediately confronted him.
He continued walking as she assaulted him with words.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" She demanded to know.
"Relax lady, I'm just passing through to my ship."
"Oh yeah? You are? Hope so. Yeah that little stunt back there almost got us killed by the way, just so you know."
She mean baiting the Cutter? Presumably..?
"I was just at a risk as you were-"
"That doesn't matter. Next time you pull out an 'amazing' idea from your ass, run it through all the people your risking first asshole."
She turned her back and haughtily retreated back to her own Taipan.
Markus barely shook his head. Bitch.

Markus kept walking through her hanger, into the adjacent compartment where his lay.
The ship looked like an oragami figure, nearly folded up in its little holding square. He took a long look over it, marveling at its petite structure.
Thick black smudges covered over the ship from where the Cutter's anti-ship auxiliary had nicked.
The engine layout still glistened from the battle, their sides warm to the touch.
And the control panel still had a single tiny red dot from.. earlier.
And the name SS Hummingbird proudly reflected in the light.
Markus patted the side of the ship nonchalantly, and grabbed his only supplies out of the cockpit.
Then before the Commander, or the Doctor, or anyone else had known where he'd run off to, he slipped out the Eagle's Flame through the landing pad, and into Nanomam alone.



"Markus Omni, is it?" The shrewd man muttered pressing his twitching fingers together.
"Aye, that's me."
"And what can I do for a man like you emmm?" His cracked lips spread thin.
"I want a ride to the surface."
"To the surface eh? And why's that?"
"I need a ride so I can have a chat with someone." Markus glared hard.
"Being pretty anonymous fella ain't cha? Well I hate to break it to ya, but I only deal with clear, wh-"
Markus tosssd a bag, filled with piles of hard money onto the table.
"One-thousand credits, for a single ride down to the surface. More than reasonable I say."
"Not a lot compared to what I'm used to.."
"Perhaps some incentive then?" Markus narrowed his eyes, his hand trailing down to where his knife was sheathed, cleverly hidden in what appeared to be a pistol holster.
"Now, now hold on, I never said anything about not taking you there did I? I'll do it, but only because I like you." He smiled, yellow teeth bared.
"Thank you. Glad we could do simple business."
The man stood. "That little trick of yours might work on me, but just remember, it won't work on the big guns out there. They play their games differently, with the tens of thousands of credits."
Well it's a good thing that I don't play that game. Markus thought as he followed the man to his Cobra.

As the Cobra cleared the landing pad, he glanced out the canopy, noting the tiny men unloading the Anaconda far below, and a Taipan a few pads away, a proud new owner beaming over his steal of a purchase.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2017, 6:43pm
16 Feb 2017, 4:33pm

Claire taps the message open, it takes a while to load giving her time to put the ship to a halt. It's only been a few months since starting her little 'adventure' to the stars yet the controls and the Jibber jabber, she'd inwardly remark, still overwhelmed her. Pulling away from the cockpit and transferring the message to the kitchen screen, what looks like faces start to jumble confusingly then familiar voices catch her immediate attention.

Claire? It's Mom and Da- The message is abruptly paused, a finger on the 'Play' icon and then hands sprawled on the screen. The young woman collects herself slightly, bringing the silver water pouch to her mouth and squeezing. Composing herself, Claire resumes the message.

-d. We miss you baby and are worried about you. The schools mentioned you dropping out. What's going on, darling? What's the matter now that you allow your scum of a father to convince you away from me?

Galena, for god's sake.
Oh my god Mom...

The simultaneous reaction was distinctive between Claire and her father. With little in common, they manage a good understanding when it came to her mother. In her childhood, they'd often quarrel on whether Claire was more of Galena or Magnus and it was evident that their 'little' girl was practically an absolute balance of the both.

Knowing the direction of the message, she lowers the volume and floats back to her seat. Gazing into the vast space beyond her and wondering how others fare in such emptiness, her breath winces just a second and suddenly she was afraid. A reality was leisurely dawning, one which would leave a question whether she was really up to all this. Jumping star to star, narrow encounters with pirates whilst trying to make a living off mining in faraway places.

All to spite the almighty... To prove some silly point.

In the distance, the message quiets down. Claire proceeds to delete it. She was no child now, it was time to face reality slowly. Hearing their voices, even in bickering, over and over would have strung her closer to home and farther from growing.
16 Feb 2017, 7:32pm
The multi-coloured swathes of, whatever Witchspace was made of, vanished for the umpteenth time and the canopy filled up with a large, brilliant white B-Class star. Taking note of the Diamondbacks dwindling fuel supplies, Luke decided to pull the ship into the sweet spot of fuel scooping, the area where scooping was at its quickest without a heat build up, and throttled down to minimal speed.

"You're awfully quiet. Everything alright back there?" He asked removing his restraints and standing up to stretch his legs.

Last edit: 17 Feb 2017, 5:21pm
17 Feb 2017, 12:55am
Amar stood on the deck facing the buyer. After offloading the Tiapan, he wished Markus well and watched him disappear into the gathering crowds of dock workers. The buyer examined the merchandise, the weapons were all stowed neatly, each one in prime condition. He held up his hand indicating a that he was willing to shell out a nice seven figure sum for the items. Shaking his head Amar indicated that he would need to do better. Who exactly does he think he is buying from? Although, to be fair, Amar's disheveled look and the state of his ship probably did not help his plight as he tried to raise the bid. The buyer glared at him, then they began bickering. Back and forth, eventually settling on a nice eight figure sum. Amar made sure that the credits went into his Zaonce account, and turned his back on the accursed cargo.

As he walked towards the loading ramp, he noticed a small Cobra leaving the dock. He didn't know why it stood out to him, but there was something about it. He shrugged, there were things he had to take care of.

Some time later, after a well needed shower, Amar went to the Bank of Zaonce kiosk on the docks level. He carried a small bag with a few items. Inside was an old FighTeRS and a LR-360. He approached the teller, "Excuse me miss, I would like to take out a lockbox for someone else."
"And for whom should this lock box be designated?"
"Markus Omni." He handed her a datapad with a holo of Marcus's features. The teller busied herself with the menial task, then took the bag and examined the contents. Unfazed by the items she handed the bag off and turned to Amar. "Will that be all sir?"
"No, I need you to make out a Telemessage for me."
"We no longer handle those from the front, If you will follow me, I will take you to the kiosk." He followed quietly, shoulders slumped, black boots sounding their echoed march. He wore black cargo pants, a faded green jacket, and a desert tan undershirt. He had to check in his personal weapon at the gate, and so there was a bulge where his chest holster was and no weapon. She motioned to a curtain where he entered and sat at the Tele-computer.

RECIPIENT: Markus Omni
SUBJECT: Payment for Services Rendered
CREDIT AMOUNT: 3,000,000 cr
CREDIT INSTRUCTIONS: To be deposited in Bank of Zaonce Account made out to Markus Omni. Location: Nanomam, Station: HAHN GATEWAY. To retrieve credits please bring ID holo to front desk.
MESSAGE: Hey Markus, thanks for your help out there, you earned this tenfold. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to get in contact with me in anyway. Turns out, someone had leaked out what we were carrying to a group of Pirates, they tailed us all the way from Citi Gateway. Unfortunately, there was not much of a bounty on them, and without reducing their ship to space dust, the Authorities will not give out the whole reward. It is what it is.

Take care out there, Amarthanor Epsilon.

PS: Davidson says he owes you one, and the next rounds on him.

PPS: I left you a little gift in a safety deposit box in HAHN GATEWAY. It should come in handy.

He pushed the send button, and checked his balance making sure the credits had been sent. Standing up, he followed the teller back to the front. A security guard handed him his side arm and bid him good day. Amar walked out into the station, Surely there is a good bar around here somewhere? Spotting Jansen, "Hey lets go hit a couple of dives while we are here."
"Sure thing, Amar."
17 Feb 2017, 3:45pm
She answered. It was true, she was preoccupied, but it was because she was reading a book that was being displayed on her visor.

"Oh, yes everything is grand." She conceded. "Is this, Maia?"

She closed the book app, and looked around. The bright star was so brilliantly white, that it had a tinge of purple.

"It's beautiful...." She looked up at Luke. "And this is where all the action has been taking place?"

She looked back out the canopy.

"Well, I suppose we should uh, if it hadn't been done yet, find any form of Xenobotany on the planets here. As justification for being in this system.
17 Feb 2017, 5:50pm
"Glad to hear it and yeah it sure is Maia." Luke said cheerfully. "I don't know about any plants but we can visit a few planets and see what we find."

He double checked that the ship was in a steady position to continue refuelling and in no danger of overheating or dropping too close to the Star. Then got up and made his way to the back of the cockpit.

"Failing that, Merope is nearby, and I have the coordinates for the Barnacle site on my datapad." He said, just realising before he descended through the hatch. "I need to use the facilities. Be back in a moment. If you hear a beeping, just pull the stick back and point us away from the star."

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