Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

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23 Mar 2024, 9:18pm
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Oh, well...", and I smiled in a quite ironic way, "I'm from a backward shithole too. Called 'Ross 210'. I heard locals gave the Feds a middle finger recently and they're part of the Alliance now... But back then it was a Fed system. And I was born in one of those traditionalist half-opened communities."

"'Half'-opened," I couldn't help but make a couple of air quotes with a grimace of disgust. "It means, you're okay if you're some kind of rich investor or tourist or whatever business type in search for a cheap labour force. If you're that labour force, born there, you're fucked."

"Almost no way out. At least they don't do that forced marriage crap. But, quite close to it. So, eventually, I just ran the fuck away and hit the Fed Rock Bottom quite soon, since no matter how smart or strong you are, if you can't pay your way up the social ladder, you're going to see what the Fuckderation really is."

"So, yeah. I'd better live in a military camp, phah."

Last edit: 24 Mar 2024, 11:44am
23 Mar 2024, 9:47pm
I scoffed.

“Funny thing that you mention the Feds. Or not so funny, maybe, because that’s where I went after I got out of that Imperial shithole. Must’ve been when I was… I don’t know, 17, when I just had enough and wanted to get out of there. Honestly surprised my parents didn’t try to keep me around at all. Or maybe they wanted me gone because I was making them embarrassed, by ‘not being a good Imperial’.”

Air quotes and a heavy mocking tone accompanied the end of that sentence.

“So, yeah, I grabbed just a few of my things and ‘disappeared’ overnight on a transport. Didn’t even bother waiting to finish ‘formal education’… no thanks to them trying to “correct” my ‘misaligned behavior’. Found my way over to the core of Fed space and reported myself there. Requested amnesty or asylum, whatever the right word is. Changed my name, too. Had no intention of going back even though the bastards were already looking for me.”

“But you can probably guess the rest. No money, no nothing, and the corporate idiots just dump you down there with no way of getting out. Get spat near by the ‘successful people’ because of course it’s your fault and not the corporate maniacs who need every micro credit squeezed out of a person.”

“Doubt that even having those pointless “I finished school” papers would help because they would’ve been Imperial. Spent a few years in that pit of - nearly literal - shit before I had a bit of luck. Found a stray cat that looked like it had a sprained leg or something, and decided to help it. Middle of winter, and what I had left to keep myself covered was beginning to look a bit less like clothes and more like rags. But well, someone working in a animal shelter was just walking by and saw me doing that.”

I paused… mostly to just catch my breath.

“Guy decided to offer me to work at that shelter in exchange for, you know, not freezing my damned ass and other places off. Some actual food, and showers, too. Also to share the finder’s fee for that cat… well, guess what. Turned out to belong to some rich guy with more money than wits, and suddenly I had enough money to do something. First thing I did… after a few more days, at least, was to get transport off-world. Settled on somewhere that looked civilized enough at the edge of the Bubble, you know where. Spent my time rebuilding, or really just building my own thing there.”

A quite wide grin appeared on my face when I began telling the next bit.

“So I said goodbye to the nice people at that animal shelter before going. And then, while the ship was taking off, I pointed a big fat finger at all of those Fed idiots who think that the way they’re running it is okay. Democracy? Pf. Yeah, right. More like corporate rule pretending to be democratic. So, yeah, there’s my life story. From until a Titan decided to park its fat… whatever you call it on there.”

Turned out to be surprisingly easy to talk about it. At least, in that brief, kind of non-descript format where I really didn’t need to bring up any of the finer - shittier - details. My mouth went flat for a moment and I shook my head, thinking how I’d just barely avoided getting shot to pieces by a giant horde of angry aliens, or worse yet, being caught on that ship right now.

“Damn idiots. Why can’t we just leave ‘good enough’ alone?”
23 Mar 2024, 11:05pm
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Awwww," the cat story elicited quite a warm reaction, even made me smile, genuinely, not ironically as I usually do. "Actually, starting a cattery was somewhere along the top lines of my 'civilian career' options. Love those cute fluffballs."

"And, well, I was scraping the bottom of the toilet until my PilotFed application. I just sat there at that simulator, tortured that stick for a few minutes... Without expecting anything in particular. Then, I went back home. Well, the place where I kept my stuff... Whatever stuff I had those years."

Finishing the cigarette, I extinguished it and threw it into the recycler, pointing at the pilot seat with my other hand.

"See... I'm good with machines. A talent, maybe, or whatever... Give me anything that requires manual input, with sticks, buttons, pedals, gauges, all that, from a single-seater park cart to a spaceship, and I'm in my element. And I had an experience of not quite certified piloting too. A lot of it. So, next morning, I got a message that they wanted to see me at the next stage. One out of three, out of hundred losers. And... Filling that form, I just ditched whatever ties I had, leaving blank spaces. Nobody from nowhere."

Last edit: 24 Mar 2024, 11:44am
23 Mar 2024, 11:41pm
“Oh, yeah, I’m not that ‘gifted’ when it comes to, well, any of this. Even had no experience with flying or what have you even when I began to consider that license. And well, yeah… it took me a lot longer than I’d like to admit. More than one try, too. And don’t ask me to replace anything unless it’s just pulling a wire or component out and slotting another in its place.”

I looked out of the cockpit window.

“But I saw an opportunity in that. To be totally independent and not rely on anyone else for anything I want to do or need in my own life. A little cliché, maybe, but true. Having your own ship really does make it a lot easier to just do whatever you like how you like it. Or… yeah, I think you know what I mean. But I still hung around that place I built myself over near the Titan. Really just hope there’ll be something left to recover when the Titan is gone.”

“And maybe a cat’s not a terrible idea. Once I’ve settled down a little more, maybe. Definitely wouldn’t want to leave it alone for long times, or take it on the ship with me, like some people do. That’s just… too risky.”

And extremely irresponsible on part of the owner unless they really had no other choice, as far as I was concerned. Especially if they were idiotic enough to fly into a war zone with their animal onboard.
24 Mar 2024, 11:43am
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"I wasn't even fully aware of what I'd gotten myself into, at that moment, phah. It was, like..."

"Pffffffff...", a sudden avalanche of memories overwhelmed my mind, I let out a long exhale and slowly sat on the floor, almost sliding down the cockpit wall, my back leant on it, tucking my legs underneath and placing the half-empty can of cold tea in front of me.

"Like, I sat there at that sim, my eyes empty, just wasting my time hoping to get any kind of entertainment. To kickstart that long dead serotonin machine, maybe. Then I got back 'home' to have... Another night before another day. Then... Okay, they want another round, then some health tests, okay..."

"And, all of a sudden, I'm sitting at the sticks of that Sidewinder, still in their kindergarten training zone. Asking, like, okay, it seems like the probations are over, what do you want me to do now? And they were, like... Do what you want to do. Fly where you want. Take some contracts, or just fly around and explore. It's yours now. You wanted to be an independent pilot and you've proven that you can be one."

"And I was like... Wha...t? "I wanted"? Okay, I'm not that stupid, I didn't say it, just limiting it to an empty 'thank you', yet it took me an hour or more to understand what had just happened."

Last edit: 24 Mar 2024, 1:00pm
24 Mar 2024, 5:27pm
“Yeah, it wasn’t… that kind of revelation for me. I already knew what I was getting myself in for, but hell, still felt really nice anyway. I spent a few days in that isolated zone they’ve got going for starter pilots, before I took a ship back out to ‘home’.”

I gave that a thought.

“You know, come to think of it, I’m surprised none of them got wrecked by Thargoids when they decided to just waltz in over there. I guess maybe they got used for emergency evac by authorities and then left wherever the closest rescue ship was at, so I could pick the stuff back up. But it seems a little lucky that I lost nothing of that when it happened.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t question it too much. So, yeah, I just went into that pilot stuff to do ‘my thing’. And I guess it worked out, mostly. Can’t say that I ever got that weird ‘I need to take my ship and immediately get as far from people as possible forever’ urge, though. I’d get bored in a few days out there.”
24 Mar 2024, 6:30pm
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Yeah, and I've been... Far from feeling human those days. Anyway, that's a long and sad story, and it's long gone," I waved my hand, sounding more lively.

"And yeah, travelling very far isn't my thing too. I don't like to be in the crowds, but... I'm a crappy tourist, phah. That hard-to-impress type. Like, ow, another star, like thousands I've seen before. I've been to Colonia and Sag-A*, and... Uh," saying that, I shrugged like not knowing what more to say. "Okay, that's a lot of stars and some giant black hole. Seen that on photos, nothing new."

"Sometimes I'm jealous, but... juuuuuust a little. Having your emotions and impressions in okay shape, not long dead like mine, also means dealing with stuff I don't want to have in my life."

Finishing the tea can in one gulp, I put it aside with a clanking metal sound. It was the fourth one already and now I had enough water to forget about drinking for a couple of days maybe, but having tea nearby when talking was more like a habit.

"Though... As I like to say, most of the time, it's not doing matters, but having a possibility to. Maybe that's why I finally 'awakened' once I got to that independent pilot stuff."

Last edit: 24 Mar 2024, 10:06pm
24 Mar 2024, 10:41pm
I shrugged to the whole tourist thing about exploring.

“Black holes are only really interesting if you go close enough for light around you to be distorted. And pay attention to your systems to stay away from the event horizon. It’s really trippy, like… I don’t know. Probably like being on onionhead, but I’ve never gone for any of that stuff, so I wouldn’t know. Had enough to worry about without getting addicted to shit.”

“And emotions, don’t know. I guess the world didn’t screw me over enough to not form those properly, but it’s not something I really think about much. They just ‘happen’.”

I leaned back and let my arms hang off the sides of the arm rests.

“But yeah, I guess, for people like us, being a pilot is a good thing. Independent pilot, anyway. Do what you like where you like, when you like, and if you don’t like a place, you just go somewhere else.”
24 Mar 2024, 11:00pm
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Yeah, and there's more to it...", I nodded in agreement, and then made a wide, encompassing gesture. "See, this is my ship. You have yours. And they are... Our power modifiers. We project our will using ships. Their capabilities. By moving things, or deleting things, or whatever else is possible. You can move yourself and people dear to you away from danger. You can fight back. You can work and earn money unimaginable for, like, a simple station tech I've been before. And so on."

"The fewer factors you have that limit you or force you into doing something, the more your life is actually yours. Without that... Bad things happen. You may stop feeling human, lose your sense of self."

"Even if I have that role, that post, which includes following orders, this was my own choice. And I'm staying here because I want, not because I can't leave. Moreover... Even if it isn't such a 'freedom' after all, I think that I truly belong here."
25 Mar 2024, 12:02am
“Yeah, I think, military life wouldn’t be for me. Other than physical demands, I guess, I wouldn’t do too well with the whole following orders thing. Unless the officer is competent enough, and… yeah, no thanks. I’d rather not land in prison for refusing to follow a stupid order.”

That was all I had to say to that.

“Still wonder what I’m gonna do when this Thargoid nonsense passes. I’d have enough money to buy a few houses and do nothing more for the rest of my life. Probably. Not that I’m already planning to just go somewhere and be lazy for most of the day, but I haven’t really thought about that future yet. I was still in the middle of the building phase when a Titan crashed into it without apologizing.”

The idea of a Thargoid and manners amused me enough to cause a light chuckle to come out. Partly because we had no idea what they viewed under that word, if they even knew it.
25 Mar 2024, 12:39am
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Phah," that prison comment had made me chuckle ironically. "We aren't affiliated with any authorities. AXDF was an Alliance bunch, an anti-xeno division of something else... At the very dawn of it. Long before I joined. Now, we're more like the Aegis, cooperating, but maintaining independence. So, nobody's going to prison for refusing to follow the order. Yeah, there was a line in the protocol about reporting crimes to the respective authorities... If someone commits a crime. But, refusing to follow an order would only get you demoted or discharged."

"And, honestly speaking, we don't have much money rolling around here. I guess..." I nodded towards the direction where the landing pads were located. "...that explains the flavour of this entire place. But then, minimal nepotism and corruption. People join for... Other reasons. Not for career-building or becoming rich'n'powerful. And... Incompetent don't live that long to become officers... Not these days certainly."

"But, yeah, this kind of living isn't for everyone, I agree. People are different, and... Having freedom allows you to figure out what kind of person you are, and find a place for yourself."
25 Mar 2024, 1:37am
“Yeah, you know, kinda thinking about asking Kas about this now. See why she decided to sign up. Assuming that she remembers …”

I spoke that last sentence a little more quietly.

“And yeah, I definitely do better just being on my own. I’d rather not, like, be responsible for people’s deaths because they relied on me as a squad member or something like that. Whatever the term is when you fly in a group of ships together.”

Mostly, I just didn’t remember from the word not coming to my mind right now.

“That’s really one of the good things, if you ask me. I mean, not that I try to let people in other ships get killed or shot down if they’re fighting with me, but like, how can I put it… you feel less responsible than if that person who just went down was your colleague in the security forces who got pulled in to cover for Thargoid patrol or defense duties.”

“Not that I like seeing them get shot down anyway, but there’s only so much I can do by myself if a Hydra suddenly gets really determined to shoot that poor guy with the basic anti-xeno weaponry down while I’m shooting it in the face… or back… with Guardian weapons. Hell if I know why those bastards decide to target something that literally isn’t a threat in that moment.”

Last edit: 25 Mar 2024, 1:44am
25 Mar 2024, 4:08am
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Yeah, being responsible, and, moreover, giving orders knowing people may die... Isn't for everyone too. I never asked to lead a wing, not to mention ten of them. Yet, my promotions were offered to me, so, it seems like I've earned my share of trust."

"And, hey," I raised an eyebrow looking at Jana. "You've seen me doing that stuff. I guess I'm not the worst."

"Though... You're the first, and maybe the only, volunteer from that bunch to hear it, simply because I don't know anyone else...", sounded more quietly, like an addition, a comment. "It was my first time coordinating so many ships at once, directly."

"Regarding other people... We learn wing tactics, how to deal with big ones like Hydras, what to do with several of them, managing threats, seeing opportunities, when to attack, when to go defensive... All that. That really makes a full wing, four ships, way stronger than just a summary of skills of four pilots, if they were on their own. Psychological factor, too. For new pilots especially. Things are easier when you know that you won't be left alone."

"And, about Kas... I don't know, she never told me, but... Something tells me that she's been around ships even longer, while being younger than me by a decade or so."
25 Mar 2024, 4:23am
I raised an eyebrow at that idea.

“What makes you think that she’s been around ships for longer?”

“And that volunteering thing reminds me… well, I guess, more just makes me want to ask. How many do you think were actually there for that instead of just seeing one of those Titans, without going through the effort of getting all that stuff for themselves?”

I quickly added a little, possibly snarky, comment to that.

“And of course, the day after I got it all for myself, Aegis began handing them out for credits.”
25 Mar 2024, 4:35am
Timeline: 04 March 3310, shortly after the destruction of the Taranis

"Hmmm...", I shrugged in return. "I dunno. Call it my intuition that... Doesn't always work, you know? Phah. I may be wrong. But that was the impression."

"And, regarding volunteers, no idea honestly. But, not the most optimal way to look at Titans, phah. Plus, I can't say I saw anyone terribly slacking out and not doing what they've been told to. Otherwise, I'd have intervened, sending that person to the safe zone until it's over. Maybe some of them actually knew that they... weren't about to be sent into the very thick."

"And what's interesting for me personally is to know how many people migrated to Colonia, thinking that now they're safe there. They aren't, phah."

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