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Bulletin board post

19 May 2024, 12:14pm
Related squadron

Anybody needing a Federation rank boost?

Hey there CMDRs,
Want to get your hands on that beast of a Federal Corvette? Look no further, I can help you get closer to reaching your goal.

Looking for two commanders to join my wing later today when I'll be sharing some completed wing missions, all of which are Federal and will fast-track your progress within the ranks of the superpower. No work required!
Like I mentioned, I have 20 wing missions (all completed) that I want to share at around 19:00 UTC (in-game ship clock time). They all give REP+++++ rewards and are for Federation ONLY. Originally I wanted to make this stack for a friend to help with his Federal rank grind but since we have two more spots in the wing open, maybe some of you could use it too.

19 May, 2024
~19:00 UTC

I wish I could create this post a bit more in advance but unfortunately those missions start with a 24h timer. If you are interested, shoot me a DM here on inara, on Discord (my username is "bek4s." with a dot at the end yes), or join my squadron discord where we make mission sharing events often (

If you are too late for this event, you can still hit me up if you want. I like helping other commanders out with the grind so maybe we can cook something up for you.

CMDR Patrick Bietruch
Head of the Golden Huskies squadron