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Bulletin board post

26 Dec 2024, 8:41pm

The Casualties want YOU!

Hello fellow CMDRs, I am CMDR Moses8uno, the Lesser Evil of Casualties of Corrupted Space. We are an independent squadron who welcome young, old and everyone in between. We are looking for CMDRs who will enjoy this universe with us. Whether you know your passion(s) or am still trying to figure that out, there's a place for you here. If you like what you see and decide to stay, know you will always be welcome.

And I look forward to seeing you in the black.
We are a friendly, independent PC-based squadron who enjoy nearly all aspects of the game with a focus on exploration, BGS and the lore of this universe. We are currently an EST zone squadron, but the universe is timeless, so we aren't opposed to having people from every corner of the globe.

To those of you interested, feel free to DM me here on Inara. We communicate through Discord primarily, with some activity happening on Inara. All CMDRs are kindly asked to maintain their registry here as well as be able to communicate on Discord, when necessary.

o7 CMDR,
