Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name: Aaron Romeo Handler
DoB: June 24th, 3278
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Birthplace: Russel Ring, Eravate

Aaron Handler was born on June 24th 3278 to a poor family. He was put up for adoption with his brother Mike, and they both were adopted by a middle class family aboard Russel Ring. One day, the two boys stole the families Cobra MK III, and ran away. Handler and Mike both moved to Bishama, where they enlisted in the Erudite Colonial Forces. Mike joined the Marines, and eventually became a Praetorian. Aaron enlisted in the Navy, and flew in a covert bombing unit. In 3301, Mike was killed when the ship transporting his unit was engaged and destroyed by pirates. They destroyed all the escape pods, leaving no survivors.