Personal content

Real name
Jessica (Allen) McCoy
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
As a girl, she always looked to the stars. Hearing how people always made it big in the black. So when we turned 17 she lied about her age and joined the Federation, not because she liked the Federation, but because the local recruiter was eager to meet his quota and didn't double check her information.

She served delivering mail back and forth never seeing any action at her first duty station. However that was short lived. After a few years she was transferred to the Rim of the bubble, during the expansion. it was there she saw her first handed how people can be cruel to each other. while serving as a courier between flagships, Comms where not always reliable, she was mistakenly flagged as a hostile and they opened fire. to her credit she dodged the best she could in a transfer ship, however ejected right before the ship exploded. she was "captured" and the commander in charge, instead of checking her credentials just went straight to interrogation. they beat her, tortured her, using archaic tools like torches, and "jump"her" cables" to get information out of her. for weeks she held fast without breaking sticking to the truth, screaming " IM WITH THE FEDS" over and over again. it wasn't until the her original flagship (The Fist of Truth) conducted a search and rescue, found that her ship was destroyed and found residue from Fed weapons confirming friendly fire played a role in the destruction of her courier. Contacting the ship she was on (Blasting Temptation) found that she was being held as a hostile of the Federation. it was at that they realized they made a mistake. they ran her information, and found she was in fact a Fed. Releasing her from her cell, she still was held captive in a basic quarters, until they docked. Afterwards they dropped her off at the Federal Liaison Office. Explaining the situation she was "advised" by the Federation lawyers to just take a small settlement and take an early retirement due to flagship (Blasting Temptation) having direct ties to the Core Federation Office.

After wondering around bars around LTS 20 for months, someone ran into her, literally and something just clicked. Allen still doesnt know if it was how the other commander dressed or what they said she knew that she wanted to continue to fly. she got all her credits she had left and got a sidewinder , but it wasn't long until she moved up in the world. Shortly after she found that trading and mining was more profitable for her and so moved to a TYPE 7 for a while moving back and forth in and out of the Bubble. it wasn't until 3 years after she signed the non- liability clause for working as a freelance in the Deep Dark that she found her true ship; The Anaconda, Now she's fighting, trading, mining to get A=spec Conda and work on Engineering. She's learning how to be successful in the Dark and loving it.