Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was Born on earth in the 1970s and was put into stasis in the 2000s for reasons that matter not anymore.

I awoke from my slumber a few weeks ago to a whole new reality.
because of my old affiliations that led to the stasis, I was provided a few credits, a sidewinder, a "thank you for your stay with us" then shown to my "sidey" at the starport.

after doing some research using the stations computer link and reading some press releases, I started to learn how to fly that lovely marvel of a spaceship.

When i was comfortable with that I made my way to the lowest conflict zone I could find.
I hung back from the conflict for a bit, to see which way the conflict was going and figuring out if I really was ready for this.

Once I chose a side and jumped in I was hooked.
This was getting quite fun, I helped take out a couple ships and it was exhilarating.

Then boom.

I had gotten my first hit to my ship, holy heck thats a big ship I said to myself as an Aniconda was decending on me.
Shields were almost out immediately and I was scrambling now trying to find safety.
suddenly I hear the errie sound of glass breaking and the ship AI warning.
I was done for.... the cold of space awaited.
As the Aniconda was about to finish me off a couple Vultures and a group of other ships  pressed the attacked on the Anaconda.

With the emergency air active and the timer counting down I stow the weapons and hit the jump drives. The charging felt like forever.

As I am travelling towards the nearest station with maybe 4 minutes left I get another warning and my ship starts to shake, someone was trying to knock me out of my jump. Thankfully I was able to avert being jacked and make it to the station with very little precious time left.
I get closer to the station opening the timer is counting down from 1:00.
I punch it and head for the landing pad, screw the fines I wanna live.
10, 9, 8, 7..... omg omg omg touchdown
air suddenly starts to flood the compartment..... oh thank the stars.
As I catch my breath...... and check for accidents, I see I had a notification.....

Oh my

I go to see the associate and recieve a hefty sum for my troubles in the conflict zone.
Well now, that is very nice indeed. enough to get a shiny new Cobra MIII and outfit it decently.
Not a bad start to this new life in my book.

I think I need a couple friends to fly with though, so I begin my search.
Didn't take too long and I think I found the perfect group of people.
Misfits of Science and Research.....
wow, 20 odd jumps away..... ok, well I never jumped outta system before so this should be fun.
I should wait until tomorrow because I am tired, but I feel then need to be in a more "friendly" atmosphere.

Well Bava here I come