Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Born March 26th, 3384, on the planet Mars. On Mars he was heavily surrounded by military presence, in a way to escape the strict life he played with fire, he wasn't burned just once but multiple times. The most severe was one that burn about half of his face leaving a very visible scar, but he doesn't try and hide his scar but rather see it as a part of him. At the age of 18 he enlisted into the Federation to become a commander, boot camp for him wasn't hard nor easy. Didn't show much potential in shooting or combat for the most part, but did show his potential to lead other. His commanding officer during boot camp was very impressed with what he did with the grenades and noticed his love of fire, so for a graduation gift he received a dark sage green flamethrower with flame highlights lead back toward the grips of the weapon. His love for fire lead him to his nickname as well, his friends in boot camp compared him to the fury of the raging fires he created. After graduating into a full commander he was given the rank of crewman, and has currently only been apart of 6 engagements involving thargoid actions, the last engagement he was given a promotion to Petty Officer 3rd Class due to him leading a surviving squad of rookies back to safety through thargoid controlled territory. Currently his has been transferred to the ship “Earth’s Will” with his friends Pierson and Symere.