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Call me a wanderer, if you will.  Not much more to say.  One day, long ago, I looked up at the stars above my homeworld and never looked back.  There's so much out there, so much to see, so much to discover…

Everything but a home.  Or so I thought.

I didn't know what to say when it arrived, that invitation from the Pilot's federation.  Wny did they send it in the first place?  My rating wasn't that high.  Was it?  I always considered myself a decent pilot, but hardly worthy of recognition.  Why, then, did I find myself with an invitation to join, and not only that, but an exclusive permit to their own private system, of all places.  Shinrarta Dezra... so far from my native Chemaku.  Further than I'd ever gone before.

How I got there, with a rusty sidewinder loaned out by some distant relative, that's a whole other story.  I did find it in the end.  The Founder's World, that is.  But home... I think I need a little more time to drift.