Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
100 kg / 220 lb
Build type
Muscular dad bod
Skin color
Light tan
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
Old Brittania
After an unfortunate series of failed investments I found myself back at square one in Mawson Dock with a loaner Sidey at the age of 41. Everything me father had left me was gone; I was on my own... Wife had left me, taken the kids and I was twiddling my thumbs with a few credits left after the divorce.
So I took the plunge and applied for my Pilots Federation License. After a shaky start I soon got the grips of basic flight in real-space, hyperspace and supercruise.
I took on a few easy courier runs to build up some credits and after a lot of perserverence managed a series of ship upgrades over the next 18 months: Sidey > Cobra MkIII > AspX > Python > Anaconda
I spent some time on my personal narrative taking odd jobs here and there before focusing on upgrading my growing fleet. It was time to meet some engineers...
I'd already been introduced to Tod, Elvira, Felicity and Augustus (commonly known as the Dweller) due to my prior activities and so it didn't take long to progress. It wasn't until April 3305 when I hit the wall and ran out of talent. I needed Painite but had never learned how to mine. A friend I met along the way, CMDR Exigeous, suggested I hook up with East India Company who would supply me with the goods I needed... for a price.... CMDRs Icarus Smith, Mad Mags and many others made it an easy process and I was quickly on my way to visit Selene.
After some dialogue with the boys at EIC I became intrigued by inter-system politics and diplomacy and decided to throw in my lot with the squadron.
I’ve never looked back......