Cmdr Ji Fiunfu
Runaway slave / Freelancer
Registered ship name
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It's the same sob story all over again.

- The Empire -

Ji Fiunfu's mother worked at a titty bar as a slave. As the boy grew up, he got to do some runs (narcotics, enhancements, all things that can alter your mind or just give you a hard on) for the usual costumers.
One cycle, the imperial faction lost control of the system and without much time to prepare the family got split and shipped away.

Destiny wanted Ji to clean toilets in some outpost at the brink of the Empire. Oh and what an outpost, people keep dying from radioactive minerals.
One after another pilots and their crew keep dying. Soon it was time for Ji to join a mining crew.

The routine was even more dangerous than the radiation.
The ship kept blasting his mining laser at the icy rock, while the limpets gather the materials. It was hell in the refinery module. The ship rocked from one side to the other.
Danger lights fire up all over, Ji knew at that moment, they were under attack. Shields went down. Ji went in. The hull breached just in the moment Ji closed himself inside a cargo container.
The blast send him in a spiral through space.

- The Federation -

Soon, Ji was being sold as his mother once was, at the market. This time not as a slave, as a ton of palladium.

That same night, Ji got away with his freedom and a sidewinder..