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Light shines on the transparent aluminium window on the cryopod. "This is your commander?" asked the Federation scientist, looking around the pod for the control panel. "Yup, that's him, Commander Krittercon of the TSS Deadly Doll, the person responsible for our survival." said the officer next to him, his uniform a stark contrast from the Federation ones in the window overlooking the room. The scientist finds the control panel and begins punching in a series of commands. "Disengaging crysleep. Thawing procedure commencing." says a synthetic voice. Cold mist blasts out of the pod as the cover is raised by the servos connecting it to the rest of the pod.

"Light... Bright..." said Krittercon as she slowly raises her hands to block her eyes from the ceiling lights shining down on her. "Lieutenant Daniels?"

"Welcome back sir, glad to see you've made it..."


One month later...


"So Celine has a family at New Tokyo you say?" Krittercon asked Daniel as they walked down trail at the New York planetary reserves park.

"Yes sir" Daniels responded "They're expecting a baby soon, heard they were going to name him after Nurse Chapel"

"She still feels in debt to that? You're all some seriously loyal shipmates" remarked the former commander, looking at the host of unknown flowers next to the trail.

"We only learn from the best sir." Daniels responded with soft smile. "So what's your plans? Going to settle down in that apartment of yours at Opportunity Point?"

Krittercon stopped and turned to Daniels. "Actually no." she replied. "I'm thinking of going back out there..."

Daniels let out a small laugh. "You've never left space have you?"

"Indeed not, I still feel... Incomplete? We never completed our final mission after all." Krittercon looked up into the sky. "Plus, news has it they found the Kaga."

"The admiral?" Daniels' face lit up, memories rushing through him. "You think they're still alive?"

"They found some active cryopods in her, but unlike ours, it looks like a lot of Kaga's was damaged. Some of the crew didn't make it... Whatever the case, it's going to take a while for them to extract the working ones and thaw out everyone" Krittercon's tone changed. "If admiral Lazurus did survive, he's going to feel extremely guilty about the lost lives..."

Daniels ponders. "Planning to be there when they wake him up if they do find him?"

"Hell no." Krittercon snapped "Survivor's guilt is very real, I'll give him some time. For the time being, I'll see if I can get myself a ship and go back to space for a bit. Heard an organization known as the Pilots Federation is sponsoring new pilots." A cool breeze blows by. "Well, sun's setting, lets make our way back to camp, your wife and son is going to worry about you if you arrive back late. It's your son's birthday after all"

"You remembered sir?" said Daniels as the two sped up their trek down the trail

"You know me Daniels, I look out for my crew."