Personal content

Real name
Harlon Nayl
Place of birth
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
120 kg / 265 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color

Name: Harlon Nayl
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 190cm
Weight: 120kg
Eye Color: Violet
Occupation: Inquisitor
Place of Birth: Unknown

Trevithick station wasn't much to look at however it provided me with a relatively safe and out of the way place to recover from my ordeal. After speaking with some mechanics a man called Farqual was able to secure me with a Sidewinder in exchange for transporting sensitive information about an upcoming push for power amoung neighboring systems. I of course agreed to help and left for the Wyrd system as soon as I was fit.

Upon arriving in Wyrd i made my way to Bokeili Station and after handing in the "sensitive data" I recieved a payment of 15000 credits which I wasn't expecting, after speaking with the factions presently in power at the Wyrd system it was evident they were having issues with a certain Pirate faction. My sidewinder however was not up to the task of assisting so with that I proceeded to knock out some data transportation contracts.

Before long I had myself an Adder and  began to let these Pirate know they were barking up the wrong system. After 3 weeks of heavy fighting I recieved word that my flying/fighting skills had not gone unnoticed by a Felicia Winters (Shadow minister of the Federation) and was invited to attend the Rhea system for a meeting.I left Wyrd with thanks for my efforts and money in my account to attend this meeting with the hope of uncovering some of my past....