Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
99 cm / 3' 3"
39.5 kg / 87 lb
Build type
Skin color
Dark and Light shades of grey
Hair color
Orange flair
Eye color
Nesami, Registered under the Pilot's federation as CMDR GonnaHackIt22, was born and raised on an icy moon of the Avalon system deep in within empire territory. His people were not loyal to the empire however, and they rose up to take control of the system, an effort that Nesami enlisted in. As the resistance movement grew, the Empire soon took notice, and a devastating war ensued. Nesami's people had lost completely and utterly, and were forced to pay stiff reparations for the damage caused to the core of the empire. To pay for this, Nesami and his people had no choice but to accept contracts as imperial slaves to pay of the debt. Once your life is signed away through this contract, you have no control as to where you end up, and Nesami was sold off across the bubble to Xukong Nexus, a dictatorship based out of the Belgeth system. At the time had a respectful rule of a handful of star systems. When Nesami's contract ran up in Belgeth on March 3rd 3304, he was offered an offer he could not refuse. In exchange for working for Xukong Nexus a little more, Nesami was offered an opportunity to become a commander of the Pilot's Federation. Nesami was sent to LHS3447 to get his license and learn a few of the basics, before heading back to Belgeth with his sidewinder, eagle and hauler. He continued to work for Xukong Nexus for a little over a year, when internal struggles brought about it's collapse. Finding work elsewhere, Nesami built relations with the engineers, and joined the fight against the thargoids, before joining an upcoming faction of mercenaries, known as the Crimson Private Military Corporation, which was based out of Madyanmanna. Here, Nesami gained leadership skills, leading the faction to take over the system and attempt an expansion, but met with stiff resistance from the Kumo crew, the effort fizzled out in the end. Nesami went back to freelancing around the bubble for awhile until October 16, 3308, when He heard of his people's effort to once again try to claim a portion of the bubble as their own, this time in the Dalagritu System. This began the current chapter of Nesami's career, with the beginnings of a new democracy in the higher parts of the bubble.