Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
No one knows who he is. Our expedition found him among the wreckage of a ship of unknown design and origin. As we treated his wounds we discovered that he "wasn't from around here."

We took him to a medical center at Cleve Hub for treatment and; by the time we returned to the crash site to get his belongings, the Feds had already sealed the area off and removed the wreck to an undisclosed location. It has been classified with the highest security clearances.

All Roober knows is that he doesn't recognize any of the systems in our galaxy. The crash has stolen his memories of who he was or where he is from. A small scrap of data recovered from an optical chip in his clothing barely revealed his name. I offered him a job but he insisted he would be okay so, the crew scraped together 1000Cr and found him an old Sidewinder.

We don't know what a Stroober is, but my guess is we're going to find out. Welcome to the Milky Way Roober!

Jonathan L. Packard | CMDR | L.Y.R. Farsight-7