Personal content

Real name
Jean-Bédel Bokassa
Place of birth
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
86 kg / 190 lb
Build type
sexy af
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I was born on a small salt asteroid plantation in the Wirnako system during the year cycle 3277. My mammy was very generous on giving me extra salty tendies growing up.

One day when I had just came back home from graduating the Pilots Federation, my bright eyed future was suddenly blown to bits of space dust when a band of evil salt pirates showed up. I hid under the kitchen cabinet as I heard muffled screams along with "git gud scrub lololol." I was terrified. I stayed hidden until the asteroid came full circle around the belt again approximately 4 days later. I was dehydrated, confused, hungry, & strangely aroused by the sight of my dead kin around me. Something had to be done. I left that day & never returned to the Wirnako system until many cycles later. I started off in the galaxy as a young, naive,  eager pilot willing to do whatever it took to inact revenge on my fallen kin.

I wasn't even acquainted with the first engineers yet when a strange group took me under their wing, telling me such exquisite promises like I'll learn to kill gankers & pirates of all sorts. The group, formaly known as (CORa) Can't Obtain Ra, or as they like to brand themselves as Chaotic Overlords of Ra, instead put my use to general slave labor on their BGS team until I "proved myself." It was a ploy from the start. I was bamboozled.

After a couple months in the pits as they deemed it, they gave me a taste of a wing fight with another rival squad finally. We fought for hours that night against each other using these strange weapons called healy beams. I was enjoying my time in the fray of battle until the sound of one of these strange beams of energy violated my innocent ship by penetrating me. I felt so used. That night, as I left the station's co-ed restroom from a long cold shower, another member, one of the leaders by the name of Dranobi, came up, smacked me in my raw, used ass & said "How'd you like that fight?! HAHAHA" I packed my things that night & told myself, if I can't beat the gankers, I'll become the greatest one there ever was. I left in the dark of night , hiding my engine's rumbling under the sound of MERam's loud, heavy breathing into his mic, & was gone before the following morning. I changed my identity so as to start a new life. A life without healy penetration, lies, or cold showers. IslappedAfish had died that night. I was reborn to become Ozymandias the ganker. I became the very thing I sought to destroy. And I liked it.

All was good at first. The income of sodium chloride was minimal at best, but myself & the few ragtag I found along the way were happy. About 9 months in, we had grown to a proportional size in DEVL. Formally known as Dr. Evil's Gank Squad. That was, until the dark times.

We were betrayed from within. Our other leader, my partner in crime, swore to overthrow the regime and take everything with him, even if it cost him his reputation and dignity. The betrayer, known as Max, was then banished by a surprising defeat in undying loyalty & support by my fellow degenerate brethren. After his banishment, we sought to rename ourselves to D3VL because of it's 3 leaders & we were then henceforth known as The Devil's Rejects.

The squad has grown even more since then, we've established ourselves into my old system of Wirnako, killed the pirates who destroyed my family, & even garnered support from some of the most notorious scum on the game on all 3 platforms as well. The rest of this CMDR's story is yet to be written.