Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
60 kg / 132 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
KAI was born into a poor family wich was living in in federational territory for decades but quickly noticed that this was not what his fate had planed for him he always disliked the federal politicians and their believes and agendas, he believed way more in the values of the empire and as a kid he dreamed often of getting his family over to imperial territory , driven by the wish to see the beauty of Sagittarius A and the nebulas of this galaxy by himself one day, he saved up all the money he could to get a pilots license and his first sidewinder. He started out with simple delivery jobs until he could get his hands on his very own asp explorer, motivated by the beauty of the galaxy and his pure curiosity he then forfilled his dream of visiting Sagittarius A aswell as Colonia and some of the nebulas he found on his way, after that he visited any nebula near the human inhabitet bubble that he could find, while being out there alone for a long time it came to his mind that he had to join the empire and make a name for himself and the rest of his family wich was still in the claws of the federation, he came across icarus sterling from the daily routine incorporated faction who thaught him the ins and outs of working in the civilized space, and shortly after decided to join him, as he climbed the ladders of succes inside the empire he could manage to use his money to relocate his family into the system faust 68 where they live a prosper and happy life to this day, Maximilian decided to take part in bounty hunting and political activities of any kind his faction would need from that point on.