Personal content

Real name
Mikel D Kovas
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
150 kg / 331 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color
MIkel D Kovas was born sometime in 3258 although the location and origin of his birth is not known. Kovas was part of a classified Imperial project tasked with developing super soldiers. Kovas's genetic makeup was either augmented during conception or a complete construct. As a result of his custom genetic profile, Kovas is stronger, faster, more intelligent, and ages slower than the average human being. The Imperial program gave him a rigorous education in starship and station engineering as well as social engineering in galactic cultures & politics. The program also gave him extensive combat training. By the time Kovas was 16 years old he was already fulfilling missions for Imperial Intelligence. Infiltrating Federal and Alliance occupied space, terrorism sects such as Kumo Crew, and even performing corporate espionage in Sirius Corporation. The project was ultimately shut down due to having repeated problems ensuring Imperial loyalty among members. On the orders of late Emperor Hengist Duval all subjects of the project were to be executed to prevent public embarrassment of imperial military. In Kovas's case, due to his impeccable service record to imperial intelligence, was offered a pardon by the Emperor if he assisted in hunting down and eliminating his fellow brethren. Kovas fulfilled this mission and was granted freedom and auxillary in the Imperial Navy. Today, Kovas serves as an independent contractor within Arissa Lavigny-Duval's elite military force Lavigny's Legion in the Carthage System. Current operations Kovas is involved in is combating the Thargoid incursions within Empire borders.