Cmdr Thenamesnorth
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python X-CYXS
Overall assets
Blackguard Dragoons
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name: Zachary North
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Body type: Medium build, muscular.
Eye color: Hazel- Green and Blue
Hair color: Black
Occupation: Mercenary for hire. unaligned,  Got out of the Empire at the rank of Baron
Place of Birth: Cremona Arsenal, Aditi system
Marital status: Single
Political Affiliation: none

Born to a dual-military family, Zachary had spent most of his early life around the Imperial military. from the time he was able to work he spent moving passengers across multiple systems until he was forced to join the military at the age of 19 by his father. He had climbed through the ranks to Baron before his ship was shot down and he was captured and forced to  fight in a last man standing on an island for the entertainment of the locals. After surviving(barely) he won his way to freedom and was recovered by the Empire only to leave and strike out a path of his own.

Appearance: At 5'11" Zachary North is average in size. He has kept his high fade hair cut even after leaving the military, while still letting the top grow a little longer than regulation- six inches instead of four. He has Green/Blue hazel eyes that seem to pierce right through you

Implants/Augmentations: When North had reached puberty, his parents opted to enter him into the junior program with the Imperial military. Part of this was to pair with an AI that would serve as a guide and surrogate parent while living in the Imperial Junior Service Academy. A comlink device that is have machine/half organic was grafted into his inner ear with a central line that hitchhikes its way to his spine that connects to a central control matrix. attached to this matrix is a device that interacts with his adrenal glands and neuropreceptors, increasing his reaction time and various cognitive abilities. After his ship was shot down, a scientist that North only knows at Rowan had heavily modified the Central Control matrix to allow more modifications later on, however consistent use quickly wears out his mind and over-use would cause potential permanent insanity.


-Upon North's initial entry into the Imperial Military, he had trained as a recon sniper. between this and his training at Close Quarters Combat it built his mind into a weapon of its own. He is quick to think and quick to act, but the latter often got him into trouble in his younger years.

-After a few years with the local system's Quick Reaction Force, he requested a transfer into the Imperial's Commander program, working prisoner transfers and high ranking VIP escorts until his ship was ambush and he was shot down. the aftermath that included the mettling of Rowan and the brutal free for all fight in which he barely survived had left him physically and mentally scarred. He is still recovering as of today

-North's AI companion "Kain" has been with him since his entry into the IJSA. After North was shot down, his Central Control matrix had been heavily modified by Rowan. This would allow for future implants and augments but only three at could be used at a time. any more would overload North's Central Nervous System and he would die. Kain also was impacted by this modification, obtaining at times almost humanlike concepts in conversations. Kain has since been running therapy programs and mood modifiers to keep North on a path to a stable recovery.

-Sniper, Tracker. North's time in Aditi's QRF had made him one of the top snipers in the system. able to hit his mark at a thousand meters consistently has left his name but a fear whisper of the North Star. However, this is mostly thanks to his cognitive abilities augment and without it is just above decent. Overuse of his cognitive ability would cause temporary partial blindness in his dominant eye which is why he spent quite a lot of free time at the range

-Close Combat Specialist. able to take on most opponents twice his size, he tends to play too much and not take each fight seriously, regardless of the situation. this has led to quite a few broken bones and scars.