Personal content

Real name
Frank von Kinsky
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
78 kg / 172 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
Born and raised in Brenna's Legacy imperial station Perkele System.

Both my parents were mechanics working for mining companies and repairing miner ships - from small Cobras and Asps to big Condas or T-niners. Father was focused on engines. I heard of turbines, screws, screwdrivers, drives, and the speed from him first time. He called true speed the speed of heat. Mother on the contrary was working on the defence systems. She used to talk that thickness of the hull does not matter at all and the real succes and the key to survive in space are the shields and thats all that matters. She was also a talented painter. She marked ships with her own pictures. Crews were pleased about that. Usually.

I also heard of engineers from them. Remember when they took me to their friend in Deciat System when I was a teenager. I remember that I was calling her aunt Felicity, remember drinking Johnny Mnemonic single malt that night and listening their stories of Tod McQuinn described by them as Blaster, crazy Liz Ryder, Professor Palin and the rest of the mighty engineers.

From parents I inherited profession, joy of engineering and love for fast elegant imperial ships but I couldn't work like them. Love for open space was stronger than cushy job in the shipyards.

Now after few years of smuggling illicit goods for the Empire, after few years of smuggling illegal passengers from the Empire, after three expeditions beyond Rosette Nebula to the end of Perseus Arm with commander Pilot_Pirx who I met on the hunt for the ultimate drinking solution, after exploring few Guardian planets and introducing myself to the most of engineers I am at the crossroads again hoping for my good luck in the near future.