Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
183 cm / 6' 0"
117 kg / 258 lb
Build type
well built, heavily augmented by cybernetics
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
I was born on a fringe world in the edge of imperial space... sort of left to our own devices we weren't even viewed as valuable enough to afford an imperial governor. Raised in a culture that would probably be considered a little well... "ancient" to most of the galactic community. We were raised similarly to the way that knights were raised millennia ago on Earth. Sure we had technology, but we used it with the old styles of weapons and armour. So I was trained to wield a sword at a young age, and I always keep one with me. It confuses people sometimes but I don't mind the odd looks.
After earning the titles of Knight and Lord back home, I decided I wanted to learn more. I believe that the only way we can keep improving is to keep moving forward, and this meant I needed to learn more. So after quite some time and effort, I finally made contact with some of the traders that had routes near our planet, and a few of them were kind enough to detour and I was able to barter passage to a nearby station where I bought my first sidewinder. Fortunately being a lord back home meant I had enough gold to pay them, but I quickly traded what I had brought for galactic credits and then I was on my way. I flew wherever I could, learned to fight, earned money through bounty hunting, and progressed my ship.
During my adventures I met some pilots who called themselves explorers, and they taught me what lies beyond the "bubble" of civilization. Once I knew I had to go learn more, and so I bought an exploratory vessel and began researching everything I could find out there. Many new friends that I've met along the way have joined me in this venture. Needless to say, the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. So my journey continues as I take the many twists and turns it takes me on, meeting new people, finding new planets, and discovering the mysteries that lay hidden in the void.

I can say at least two things for sure: 1; I have given myself impossible goals to solve certain mysteries ive come across, and they will likely never be solved within my lifetime. And 2; I can honestly say that leaving my home and my lands behind, though a hard choice, was the best decision I have ever made.

The worlds that my eyes have been opened to are very different from my own but I love it all and I hope that more of my friends back home will follow my lead someday. Perhaps one of these days I will return to my home planet to see what has become of it, but for now I have some more...pressing matters to attend to. I can not give up on my goals now, I have come so far from my origins and I swear that as long as I am capable, I shall not stop moving forward.