Personal content

Real name
Samson Farstar-Odinson
Place of birth
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
74 kg / 163 lb
Build type
Average Athletic
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born to a Lower middle-class family in the Sol system, S. Farstar grew up safe, and naive, never questioning his heritage or the significance of his name, other than knowing it came from an area on Earth once known as Scandinavia, home to a nomadic group of people once called "vikings."

When he turned 25 years old, a letter came to him at his university. With no return address or telling markings, its source was a mystery. But inside, a note that changed his life. Inside, it told the tale of an individual long ago, an engineer who helped headline a little project now referred to as The Generation Ships. Maximilian Farstar, Sam's long lost ancestor, who dreamed of the farthest reaches of space, and expanding the horizons of an entire species.

The letter also told of a "gift" waiting at a space station in the system. He boarded the earliest Dolphin shuttle he could find and headed straight there, where he found a tiny, scratched and dented Sidewinder. The dock attendant apparently recognized his name, as he quickly handed Sam the keys and thanked him for deciding to come. Almost as if his presence was a gift to the station.

Sam jumped into the tiny doorstop of a ship and began the lift off procedures. Without any formal flight training he immediately crashed it, skidding across the platform and bumping into a wall. The attendant informed him it would be "taken care of" and sent him to a section of the station where he found a simulator and flight school. he spent the next few months there, learning everything there was about basic flight. Before he knew it, he was weaving that little Sidewinder through asteroid belts like he was back on Earth, riding his bike.

One day, while exiting the dock after a day of honing his skills, he runs into an old buddy from his time in the Earth Sea Navy. TJ tells Sam of this group of pilots who do all manner of work out in the stars, but they're based in this system called Neto. TJ gets this group to send him some money and he uses it to purchase his first real space craft, which he uses to follow TJ out into the black, away from home and on to his destiny...

Once they arrived in Neto, he was quickly and warmly welcomed into a huge faction known as The Pixel Bandits. A mix of gentle guiding hands and tough love helped shape him to be quite the adventurer and space trucker, earning him millions of credits in short amount of time. This income allowed him to build quite the personal fleet of ships including a Type-9 Heavy transport and shipping freighter, multiple small fighters, an Asp Explorer long range multi-purpose ship, and his current prized boat, his Alliance Challenger gunship, Foehammer.

He was not without his mistakes, however. He took on one fateful mission, of which he took on in desperation after getting a little too hungry and squandering all but his last pennies on a Type-10 defender. With the help of one of the Pixel Bandits, they charged into a combat zone and picked a side. Riding his first trusty Challenger, Push Forward Bloody Engage, he was quickly overwhlemed. The ship was a total loss, and he barely escaped with minor injuries, but not before taking a large shard of glass from the canopy to the face. He lost his right eye and was left with a huge scar over it. Eventually, thanks to his wingmen successfully finishing the mission and donating his share to him, he was able to have a bionic eye implanted, and back to flying.

For obvious reasons, the Type-10 was sold, and he humbly went back to his Type-9, and being an interstellar trucker. He saved his funds and constructively put them into his current stable, steadily improving his loyal boats. With Colonia and a trip on the Gnosis in his sights, he spends his time exploring as far as he and his new partner in adventures, a man only known as Biscuit, can reach...

While out on an exploration tip to the Gnosis, his comms picked up a strange signal... slightly garbled, and almost as if a voice... but once he got the interference cleared up he could definitely hear a soothing, melodic tune... truly... The Signal...