Personal content

Real name
Isabella Levine
Place of birth
Year of birth
175 cm / 5' 9"
66 kg / 146 lb
Build type
Slender Build
Skin color
Hair color
Chestnut Red
Eye color
Light Imperial Accent

Born in the system of Ekono and semi-raised by an extremely Imperial loyal father and a Imperial Senator for a mother, Isabella grew up to not care much about any Imperial ceremonies, politics, and to a slight degree, some of the types of people it bred. One of the most frustrating things she had to do and absolutely hated was dressing up for certain Imperial ceremonies as a child. She was never vocal to her parents about it as she didn't want to get in trouble and have a hour long lectures. But her caretaker, an Imperial slave, that cared for her when her parents couldn't, could see the defiance as Isabella would find creative new ways to get out of going like sabotaging her clothing or creating an issue that made them late.

The relationship that both Isabella and the slave had was more meaningful than what she had with her very own parents as ahe never had the opportunity to bond since both were mostly off world or away. It wasn't often that Isabella could spend bonding time with any of her parents because when she did get time, it typically her father who she'd get and he'd pressure her to always be the best and aim to be perfect and proficient. On occasion though, Isabella and her father sometimes did have special father-daughter moments that are highly memorable. Although being in the Imperial Navy himself as a Captain of a Majestic Class Interdictor Capital Ship, he pushed her very hard to follow in his footsteps and serve the Empire honorably like he did but Isabella never wanted that servitude lifestyle. As for her mother, she never saw her much growing up and when she did, she found that both her parents argued relentlessly. As a child, she didn't know whatnit was about, but her father would never elaborate and mention of her mother became forbidden once she never came back and Isabella never saw her again.

But regardless of her parents she never really knew well at a young age, Isabella was very sheltered and with this, she had time to read up on a lot of different things about the galaxy and what was in it. This led to her young mind hungering for adventure as her imagination wondered on what the galaxy held. Her thoughts soon became actions when she was a bit older and she'd leave the confines of her home to explore nearby places where she wasn't permitted on Ekono. This was the beginning of Isabella looking for exploration and getting herself into trouble more often than not. Into her adolescent years, her father made her undergo hand-to-hand professional combat lessons from a trainer to make her have the ability to defend herself adequately and professionally. Isabella hated this but did it anyway to make her father proud.

By 14 she was able to adequately defend herself and by 15 she could shoot a gun accurately. In her early adulthood (20), her father pushed her even harder to join the Imperial Navy. She reluctantly accepted and joined with the local Imperial naval forces of Ekono. It didn't take long for her to resent it but here she learned how to pilot an Imperial Eagle and over the course of a few years became really good at it. Eventually, she upgraded to piloting a Vulture but was situated with a Co-pilot to assist. Things from here on out started going downhill as Isabella became more and more disobedient with following orders and arguing with Officers. At one point she even had an unprofessional relationship with one of her Co-pilots which nearly removed her from the Navy. Her father was the only reason to how she wasn't dishonourably discharged or worse but by 23 she eventually made the decision to quit and dropped out completely.

Not long after dropping out from the Navy, Isabella looked to see if she could qualify for the Pilots Federation. She was selected and was given her chance to get a license to become a Commander, something she truly wanted to do. She trained on multiple scenarios of what a Pilot in the vast galaxy might face and to her surprise, she passed officially gaining her the license as a Commander. Her adventure of Freelancing and Exploration began here. By far she has undertaken multiple Expeditions through her time of being a CMDR and has even participated in the popular Distant Worlds 2 Expedition. Normally she's a mercenary or hired contract killer due to her skill set with a weapon but her more laid back methods of credits was usually freelancing and takes any job that fits her needs regardless of superpower or government. This of course doesn't make her a cold heartless merc as she will step up if she sees that something isn't right or morally aligned with her beliefs. A good example of this is the instance in September of 3307 when she found herself in the middle of a faction dispute that cost the lives of multiple civilians and was attempted to be covered up: Stuck in the Middle Story Ep 1..

The early to mid-year of 3307 was rather rough on Isabella. It started with finding out she wasn't actually born but instead artificially gestated in an exo-womb and was genetically manipulated by her father, then later took a bad job that had her targeted by the IISS where she lost all her ships, ranks and credits with a temporary license suspension for the assumption she was working with the NMLA. "Wrong Side of The Empire", and finally, the straw that broke the camels back, her loss of her father to nothing more than a mercenary looking to seek revenge against Isabella's non-biological mother for something she did in the past. Captured - A Short Story.

With the events that occurred in September of 3307, Isabella came to the realization on how lonely she was. She had few friends and quite possibly more enemies. Not only that but what bothered her down to her very core beliefs was the fact that she was an extremely proficient killer and that she had hundreds of bodies in her wake, courtesy of her father's relentless training since she was thirteen years old. Until the year 3307 and all the events that followed, she never had to truly utilize her combat abilities on the ground as she was mainly a new Pilots Fed learning how to fly. But after her four days of hell in the Styx system and the following events throughout all of 3307, she questioned if she was evil after all the lives she took in what she thought was right or simply a job to do. It wasn't just at Styx that bothered her but her time even before it. Mercenary jobs she'd take that resulted in her killing many many people. The events at Styx changed her perspective immensely on the morality of killing and it also shifted her self views on who she was. Who she had become.

This dilemma continued for over a month until she picked upwind of a transmission from a fellow Commander in distress. Here Isabella helped and consequently found a new best friend and potential lover. On a station named Gupta City, Isabella, and her new companion, Thallia Thorn, found an advert of a Squadron that was composed of a diverse group of Mercenaries and Commanders. TITAN Contractors was the name of the Squadron. It was, for Isabella, quite possibly a new avenue to start something over again and make connections with other fellow Commanders. A new chapter to her life story. It was in TITAN Contractors where she figured she could start fresh and put the past behind her. To focus on a new job within the Squadron that was there to support others and provide aid if needed. That's when she took on one of the four Divisions within the Squadron; BLUSTAR. Isabella had two main reasons for joining — One: It was to help those she could but to her more personally; to not make the same mistake she had in the past. To not get those she tries to protect killed by making mistakes and misjudgments. Two: for her self morality. To forget about being the hyper-focused killer she really was and attempt to wash the blood off her hands of all those she killed, be that bad people or good, she still hated herself for being so effective at it. This was something she wanted to bury but in reality, couldn't...and probably never will. The beginning of her new chapter starts with TITAN.


#1. Stuck in The Middle (Isabella finds a new purpose and a friend but also finds a darker side of herself)

#2. Wrong Side of The Empire (When she was interrogated by IISS for supposedly aiding the NMLA)

#3. Captured - A Short Story (Where Isabella tries to protect her father but instead puts him in harm's way)