Personal content

Real name
Frank Aldridge
Place of birth
Tau Ceti
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Light brown
I started my career as a trader (like almost everyone) with a discreet interest in exploration.
After having reached a certain rank both with federation and empire I started to dedicate myself to perfecting my fleet and developing my exploratory interests.
Now, however, I devote myself mainly to fighting by deploying myself into XENO Hunting, PvP, Piracy or Bounty Hunting activities.

For thargoids hunts I use an Imperial Cutter or an Anaconda:
- Imperial Cutter (4 gauss cannon) for fighting interceptors
- Anaconda (4 AX Multi-Cannon) for fighting scouts

For PvP I use the following ships:
- Federal Corvette (wing fight build, 1vs1 build)
- Krait Phantom (full PA shield tank)
- Fer-de-Lance (full PA shield tank)
- Mamba (shield tank with lasers)
- Alliance Challenger (shield tank with lasers)
- Imperial Clipper (bi-weave shield with fragment cannons)
- Federal Assault Ship (full PA hull tank)
- Alliance Chieftain (bi-weave shield with PA and cannons or rail guns)
- Viper MKIV (PA and lasers)
- Vulture (bi-weave shield with PA)
- Imperial Eagle (bi-weave shield with pack-hound missile rack and torpedoes)

For other PvE activities I use these ships:
- Exploration and travelling with Anaconda, Krait Phantom, Diamondback Explorer or Adder
- Passengers missions with a Beluga Liner
- Racing with a Viper MK III (up to 932 m/s)
- Piracy with a Python (beam lasers, rail gun & fsd disruptor)
- Smuggling with a Type-6 Transporter
- Compromised Nav Beacons, RES and CZ with a Federal Corvette (pve build)
- Trading with an Imperial Cutter (up to 720T of cargo capacity with combat capabilities)
- Mining with an Imperial Cutter (512T of cargo capacity, mining equipment and combat capabilities)

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