Personal content

Real name
Justin Willingham
Place of birth
Year of birth
192 cm / 6' 4"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Left eye: Blue Right eye: Amber
Very Weak German accent
I'll keep this short as not to bore you. I was born in Tollan, my father was an influential person of the local Hand Gang. He wanted me to be like him and always told me that the reason he kills people is that he is putting them out of their "misery" and that he wanted me to follow in his footprints, after a while it made me start thinking. On my 9th birthday, my father gave me a  knife which had the Hand Gangs coat of arms engraved into it and he said while handing me the blade, "Son...remember to do the things others are too weak to do." a few weeks later my father returned home from a job, while he was busy unpacking I took my knife and stabbed him. He stared at me, shocked and asked in a quiet voice "Why?' I looked into his eyes and said in a clear voice "Because I am doing people a favor" I plunged the knife deeper and he collapsed, later dying.

He must've hit some sort of panic button, cause some Gang members came rushing in, I was on the ground and restrained before I knew it. After discussing what to do with me, the heads of the Gang decided to sell me as a slave to an imperial buyer. There I lost my eye and suffered greatly, and sworn revenge against the Hand Gang and imperials.  I escaped during a revolution where we were picked up by a commander, I was brought back to Tollan where I met another commander who hated the Hand Gang just as much. He then trained me to pilot a ship until I could become a commander myself. I then decided to worship the Far God in hopes humans would mend their destructive and cruel ways.