Personal content

Real name
Bob Vul'Tur
Place of birth
Year of birth
170 cm / 5' 7"
89 kg / 196 lb
Build type
Not Tall and Thin ;-)
Skin color
Hair color
Was Brown.... now, not so much
Eye color
The Vul'Tur was a battered ASP explorer, on the verge of a catastrophic hull breach when the salvage team boarded the ship. The lone pilot, still sat in his command chair, the oxygen in his suit had probably ran out before the pirates even boarded the ship. Pirates had already stripped the ship of its cargo, data and everything that wasn't screwed down, but had somehow missed an old cryo escape pod that had been installed alongside the custom built fuel tank.... so easily missed.

This was where my life began, and I cant remember anything before this day. The ships last station registration was 50 years prior, but the cryopod had kept me from aging. I was 12. My rescuers, took me on as an apprentice (teaboy) to pay off my recovery debt, but i guess that was better than an Imperial Debt. The crew named me Bob, because I initially kept hiding behind cargo racks and "popping" my head up and down to see what was going on. The Vul'tur, after the name of the ship they found me on.

I spent the next 15 years with this crew until eventually I had become the senior officer. Life is tough in a salvage crew, and life spans short, so progression was often quick. The new crew took to calling me Commander Vulture, after the Earth Bird that would scavenge for survival, as our salvage operations became very profitable. But i was restless..... maybe exploration was in my blood, and at the age of 30, I had saved enough to purchased my own ASP Explorer, so I handed off the business to my second, and headed out into the black.

This was when I finally felt free, not bound to a job, planet or even galactic power. There was no feeling like it, and I would never stop. I tried everything from exploration, trading and combat, with no real preference. I made a fortune no matter what profession I moved into, and by the age of 48 i reach triple elite with the pilots federation.

What next? I don't know to be honest. I'm currently trying to amass enough for a small planet or fleet carrier, so I'm taking on a crew again. Every job that comes my way, I'm taking it..... I hear painite mining is the new big get rich scheme, so may give that a go. At 48, maybe i should be slowing down, but not feeling it yet. Hell what else would i do? Settle down? I don't think so... I'm married to the Black.