Personal content

Real name
Delfus Thered
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Slight Imperial
Delfus is a cyborg freelancer from Van Houten Station in the Ember system.

Most of his cybernetic implants come from battle, being shot down or blown up, followed by emergency surgery, with every mistake he learns from making a permanent mark on his body. The sunglasses he always wears are mostly just to cover his eyes since: "Others found it weird how I stared off when talking to them, and I didn't want to have to tell people one of their best pilots was actually blind, so I started wearing these instead."
He rarely actually leaves his ship to keep up with the facade, relying soley on audio cues, vibrations and his ships' COVAS to get through the days.

He spent most of his time in the Imperial Navy, patrolling his home system and protecting the shipping lanes from the frequent pirate attacks, but due to shifting politics, he was let go and set out as a mercenary pilot.

His favourite ship; The Last Crusade, was actually a derelect Federal Navy Corvette he claimed as his own from a Thargoid Incursion "by right of salvage." The Federation did not take kindly to having one of their lost vessels be commandeered, but there wasn't really much they could do about it so deep in Imperial space, so they let him keep it after a two year contract in the Federal Navy.

Now he spends his days in Ijo with the Imperial Federation Freelancers Group, fighting in their wars and keeping pirates out during peacetime.