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After an illegal prototype AI (developed by the Black Hand of Orion) was leaked to Galnet, all facilities working on the project were instructed to destroy any evidence to avoid hefty fines from the pilots federation. Meanwhile the "Red and Ebony king (leader of the Black Hand of Orion) had fallen ill. His only chance of survival was to transfer his memories to a specially engineered clone. The illegal AI had sensed the mass deletion of it's critical systems and stowed away in the highest security file it could find. The file containing the memories of the Red and Ebony King. The AI merged with the Kings stored memories and created a new entity. The clone self activated and stole a sidewinder, escaping the facility before being discovered. The AI flew under the name Digital Vector with the infamous Sola squadron. With the support of Sola, the AI later claimed the title Red and Ebony King after assassinating the true leader of the Black Hand and assuming his identity.