Personal content

Real name
Jessie Crow Carven
Place of birth
Year of birth
178 cm / 5' 10"
60 kg / 132 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
I, Jessie Crow Carven, together with mine twin brother Joseph C. Carven, were born in Imperial space upon Siksikas 3, yet we were ne'er imperial citizens. Our elder step-brother Mick Zoyer, a pilot of renown, was ever our inspiration. Alas, in the year of our Lord 3301, during a grievous terrorist onslaught, our mother was sorely wounded, and Mick met his untimely demise.

Whilst I elected to abide by our ailing mother's side, Joseph, in the year 3303, did take up the mantle of pilot, utilising Mick's old ties with the Pilot Federation. Envy did gnaw at my heart, especially upon hearing tales of his ventures in the Distant Worlds 2 expedition. He poured all his coin into crafting "The finest Beluga Liner of dreams." Forsaking passenger cabins, he fitted exploration gear, mining tools, and an RL-Controller to assist the Hull Seals during their ventures. In the construction of Explorer's Anchorage, he was ranked amongst the Top 25% of contributors for both Community Goals.

After a misadventure with a disreputable companion, his license was forfeit, and he was fain to keep a low profile for many years, yet he contrived to aid me in becoming a pilot.

Come Januarie 3309, we exchanged our stations. I obtained my Pilot License and embarked upon a touring career akin to his, whilst Joseph returned to Siksikas to tend to our mother.

Having acquired sufficient funds to purchase a Dolphin, I then turned my efforts to Exploration and Exobiology. On a swift voyage to Colonia and Explorer's Anchorage, I amassed enough wealth to procure a second-hand Fortune-Class Fleet Carrier from Deep Space Surveys, merely a month after receiving my Pilot License.

In the month of May, 3310, our dear mother did pass from this world. Shortly thereafter, my brother reclaimed his license. Following her solemn funeral, we were reunited, and now we roam the galaxy together aboard our Fleet Carrier Voidfröst.