Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
67 kg / 148 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
On gaining my CMDR license I gravitated to the Old Worlds fairly quickly and then spent a lot of time in the Alioth region - ended up flying with the AEDC for a while in 3300-3301. Then I went planet side for a long spell, musn't say where, and re-emerged a couple of months before the Distant Worlds 2 expedition started. I made my first trip to Colonia around this time and after an intense month of preparation joined the DW2 fleet at the Omega Mining asteroid base (WP3). I stayed with the fleet all the way to Beagle Point and helped in the completion of Explorers Anchorage.
Bronze Exploration trophy as part of DW2S squadron.
After a brief return to The Bubble I then spent many months living and working in Colonia during which time I made two long distance exploration trips - one to the Core Region and the other to the Teal Nebula, the latter resulting in many new Brain Tree sites added to Universal Cartographics.
Changed squadron along with other DW2 participants - joining a collection of veterans from diverse backgrounds who call themselves The Silverbacks, based in the Arexe system. I made a journey back to The Bubble to solidify my squadron membership and take part in some of the missions and general support duties.

Whilst in Arexe with the Silverbacks built up a substantial fleet (now 43 ships). Considering that for a good many years I had only a couple of ships, this is a significant progression. At this point I had a fleet in Arexe and Colonia.

From then on:
I made up part of the CCC-4 fleet, transporting OH to Colonia.
Undertook a trip to the Formadine Rift (Lost Souls 2 expedition).
First encounters with the Thargoids; AX duties out of Celaeno, Bronze Trophy 3306.
Preparing for first fleet carrier expedition with The Presence. A lot of mining, Borann and other Hotspots.
Expedition through the Formidine Rift and down the Outer Arm to Xibalba, back through Skull&Crossbones and Ex Cancri in command of FC Blodeuwedd's Branch.
AX duties in the Witch Head Nebula, mostly Artemis Lodge - Celaeno.
Led the Core Region expedition 3307 ("In Search of Gwydion" in command of FC Blodeuwedd's Branch); Hawking's Gap, Circinus Transit, Dryman EZ, Teal Nebula, Sag A*.

Left Silverback Squadron Dec 3307.
Early 3308 Travelled to the Azura Initiative in command of FC Blodeuwedd's Branch. Then to Tenebrae as part of the "Does the Sun Still Rise in the East" expedition (led by The Presence).
Late 3308 - back to the Azura Initiative to take Station duties in command of FC Blodeuwedd's Branch, though that didn't last long!
Returned to the Bubble and decommissioned and then recommissioned Blodeuwedd's Branch around the Thargoid Invasion.

Rejoined Silverback Squadron Late 3308.
Distant Ruins 3309