Personal content

Real name
Ravos Longknife
Place of birth
Year of birth
174 cm / 5' 9"
78 kg / 172 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Western European
Growing up in the slums of a rim world colony like Peylow, not many children made it past adolescence due to one reason or another. Ravos on the other hand, was graced with a random stroke of luck, when he was abducted and shipped off-planet to the PEW-1901 Orbital station to be sold into slavery, where he was eventually purchased by an Imperial pilot who intended to deliver him to his lord as a boy-servant.

Soon after arriving at his new masters home, the masters wife took a liking to Ravos and began to treat him as more of a son than a slave. The mistresses affection toward him eventually rubbed off on the lord so much so that the lord broke his slavery contract and adopted Ravos, thereby bestowing upon him the family name, Longknife.

Ravos had just graduated university, and was beginning to learn the family business when a sudden political power shift made the Longknife family a prime target for separatist forces. In a panic his father and mother paid a nearby scavenger pilot to stage Ravos' kidnapping in order to get him off planet before any harm could come to him.

Several days later, he woke up in a hotel room on Chronus, in the Elysia system, with no memory of how he had gotten there. Fishing through his meager belongings, he retrieved a holo-chip from a small envelope full of Imperial Credits. Playing the holo-vid, Ravos discovered what his family had done for him. With unbridled gratitude and purpose, he made an oath to serve others as his parents had so faithfully served him.

After several years as a freelance pilot flying a broken skiff, transporting small goods, information and a few passengers around the system, Ravos managed to save up enough credits to buy his way on to L.L.G. Landra One, where he met his closest and probably only friend, Trevor. They flew hundreds of freelance missions together and splitting the profit and enjoying their youth.

In a small bar, just off the dockyard on the station, Ravos was approached by a man in the Imperial Navy uniform, who offered him a position as a freighter pilot. At first he thought this must have been a joke, realizing it wasn't, he became quickly insulted and swung at the officer. After a night in jail, the officer showed up to his small shambles apartment with another offer, a solo courier pilot job working for the 10th Legion. It even paid a lot better than the first offer, and it was certainly more than he was making now.

Accepting the officers offer, he packed his stuff and paid his portion of the rent for the next year, said goodbye to Trevor and boarded an Imperial Clipper bound for Tavares Point, the home of the 10th Legion...

Ravos Longknife can be found exploring the galaxy, representing the 10th Legion and acting in the interests of the Empire and Senator Denton Patreus.

<<Credit for "Longknife" name and ship names belong to Mike Shepard, author of the "Kris Longknife" book series.>>