Cmdr Caydran
Anti-xeno activist / Assassin
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Mk II B4UCMe
Overall assets

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
158 cm / 5' 2"
58 kg / 128 lb
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Ode to the Elite.....

Elite in combat, formidable are your skills.
Griefers and Gankers are the bulk of your kills.

They think they are superior, picking on those new to this game,
For they have no honor, integrity, just anger and little fame.

They do not engage those equal by comparison, only those who can be beat.
Their ships usually stronger, from ambush and hiding they strike, their goals are to cheat.

They come out of the dark, with their G5 shields and FSD interdictor ready for their absurd quest.
They expect you to submit, as you twist and wield, but your engineered thrusters and flight skills are the best.

You know how to play the game, interdictions are nothing new. Their hulls will take the damage that they want to inflict on you.
You center your vector and hold your course. You boost away, laughing at their request, as your game time is reserved for a worthy few.

Elite and newcomer alike, they ruin the game for most. They do not consider you a worthy opponent, as they try to turn your ship into toast.

They combat log when they lose their shields and hull, as they hate an honest fight. They only attack the weak, hoping you will run or take flight.

Then they come to the forum to brag on their exploits, spouting slogans and warnings to all users, open is not for you, it's totally unfair.
They expect you to cower and hide in private groups or solo mode, claiming their righteous ownership of open, newcomers beware.

They come into open, hulls bulked, destroying newcomers claiming you're afraid to fight us in open because you are all too cowardly and much too weak.

To those that think we are afraid of you, be warned, we are all not as frightened, inexperienced and helpless as you may believe, we will not provide you with the game-play you seek.

Griefers and gankers be warned, open does not belong to you. You will always be a minority. Despite your efforts, your brags, your ship builds, your cheats, scripts, bots and hacks, those of us who play with honesty, integrity and character will always outnumber those who cheat and we will always have their backs.

We will constantly teach the newcomer to ignore you. To take their defeat as a lesson learned by offering advice improving their knowledge, skills and fame.

And for those who have played this game long enough, you will have experienced these as lessons learned.

We will defeat you because we are truly the Elite of this game.