Personal content

Real name
Keyvan Landolfo
Place of birth
Year of birth
185 cm / 6' 1"
72 kg / 159 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
"Many people call me an idealist, but is it really so bad to fight for a better world and future for all people?
Our current standards may work for now, but it's not a matter of fixing what's broken... it's about improvement."

Keyvan Landolfo is the name of boy born to a an imperial family in the AMENTA system. He led a relatively standard life afforded to imperial citizens of a core system, that is to say, lavish and with plenty of excess. Encouraged to expand his horizons, to specialize, to pursue his interests, the young man went on to complete a doctorate in bio-technological engineering. Following his graduation, his first post was in a research lab at Suzuki Terminal in the LUMASTYA system. Evidently, life in the laboratory had lost its spark after spending much of his education pursuing his own research goals in one such location...

Thusly, at much protest from his parents, he suddenly set off as an Independent CMDR. With some training and a sidewinder, he set off into the black, to explore and discover the rest of the bubble... and maybe the galaxy.

After a little bit of rare goods trade and further cataloging of stellar bodies on his routes he was flying a Cobra Mk III. In this vessel, he took some time for hunting down assorted petty criminals and some smuggling in the colony worlds. It was not long before he had learnt to appreciate the beauty of the stars... thus he decided to embark on a solitary trip out into the black, the furthest he had ever travelled. In real terms, this wasn't very much, reaching only a few thousand lightyears from Sol.

His first expedition out into the black solidified his interest in exploring the milky way. From there he worked towards building his funds so that he might afford the best vessel on the market for this purpose, the Asp Explorer. With this vessel, the Conquistador, named after the spanish colonists of the second millennia, he was able to set out once again. His goal? Sagittarius A*.

After the long expedition that the goal entailed, he returned to civilization... his thirst for exploring sated for now. But his return was at a time of galactic turmoil, powers within the superfactions having risen and now fighting for control and influence across the bubble. He decided to join the media apparatus of Imperial Princess Aisling Duval. This was an obvious choice as a young and idealistic imperial citizen. For a time, he supported her efforts from the CUBEO system.

Then the Emperor died.

The ensuing chaos which this caused, ending in the Imperial Senate's decision to appoint Arissa Lavigny-Duval as Emperor, was enough to shake the young imperial's ideals. He had sided with Aisling for emperor, and now supporting her claim didn't seem worth it anymore - fighting against the emperor? Wasn't going to lead anywhere for him.

He decided to return to LUMASTYA, befriending Governor Landon May of the Lumastya Imperial Society. This was the beginning of his own political career in the great imperial patronage system. He performed as a member of the local Imperial Navy, as the 5th Expeditionary Corps. He was recognized as a Baron of the Empire thanks to his leading of precision strikes against independentist ground bases in the outer imperial colonies. Having accrued many funds now, he was set to begin influencing the politics of the Empire... but he needed to network with people in high places.

Then the great expansion of QUINCE occured. Flares from the expanding red giant M-class star of the system drew great interest from the wealthy and powerful imperial citizens, who traveled in great numbers and willing to pay great amounts to visit the nearby worlds. Taking this opportunity, CMDR Key-Lan was able to increase his wealth substantially and, thanks to his new contacts, be recognized as a King of the Imperial Navy.

Now an Imperial Client, he returned to LUMASTYA to help expand the interests of the Lumastya Imperial Society throughout nearby systems. He was able to expand into many systems, as well as befriend local commanders, such as the (former) Duchess of SAFFRON.

He took a couple sabbaticals throughout this rise to power to engage once again in expeditions out into the black. He followed the daring and dedicated CMDRs that engaged in the Dead End Circumnavigation Expedition, a trip that took more than half a year. The sheer volumes of data provided to the Empire from this expedition was enough to fund his lifestyle for the foreseeable future, and provided great benefit to the scientists studying the far reaches of the milky way. He also joined in Distant Worlds 2, making his own contributions to the maintenance and establishment of the megaship near Sagittarius A*.

On his return however, he has found an Imperial group of privateer CMDRs having overtaken the progress he had made, claiming his base system. Cut off from progress there, he has moved on from the 5th Expeditionary Corps, looking to build more funds for establishing his own fleet carrier - to bring his influence as an Imperial Client to the next stage and perhaps challenge for the position of a Patron.

Having now founded the Imperial Citizens for Equity, based out of the Achenar's Will, the newly appointed Patron Keyvan Landolfo seeks to increase the people's power throughout Imperial territory. Massive imperial corporate structures, senate chartered dictatorships and feudal systems will be deposed from their system rule and replaced with patronages. Only time will tell if the people's rule will overcome the powers at be.