Personal content

Real name
Tim Johnson
Place of birth
Year of birth
350 cm / 11' 6"
101.6 kg / 224 lb
Build type
Typical American Millennial
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
California English
Tim Johnson is a textbook fish-out-of-water. Biologically, he is 26 years old, but in truth, he's over 1,000 years old, having been born in 1995. In the year 2019 AD, he and his girlfriend, Suki Honda, were put into cryo-sleep by the Human Preservation Society when it appeared that nuclear war was going to break out between the United States and Russia at any moment, all due to the discovery that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election went VERY deep. This never happened due to a civil war breaking out and resulting in the deposition of the entire Trump administration, but by then, the Human Preservation Society had been shut down by Trump loyalists, the cryogenic pods forgotten about.

The pods were rediscovered in 2842 by archaeologists, and from there, they went hither and yon across the galaxy, changing hands many, many times, at one point falling into the hands of slavers, before mercenaries hired by Edmund Mahon found the ship carrying the pods, killed the slavers, and brought it to Beagle 2 Landing in the Asellus Primus system. Of the 500 pods found onboard, all but two had been tampered with by the slavers, leaving their occupants dead. The two remaining pods were unharmed, their occupants showing perfect vital signs.

Those pods belonged to Johnson and Honda.

Upon thawing and awakening, they were disoriented, and when told what year it was, broke down into tears, as their friends and family were long-deceased. Not only that, they were far from Earth in some far-flung system. Worse yet, they found out only Federal naval officers of a certain rank could go to Sol, and they just so happened to be in Alliance space.

But then they realized several things: first, they still had each other, even though they had never married. They also realized that they were the only link to the 21st century still alive, so they could tell the story of the culture of the era. Finally, they were utterly blown away by all the technology, much of which they never thought possible, others they saw coming but were still amazed to see in action.

Hours after thawing, Tim registered with the Pilots' Federation. For his commander callsign, he chose his old go-to internet username, BNSF1995. Given a Sidewinder Mk1 like all other pilots, Andy had it modified with an extra seat behind the helm seat so Suki could come with him. Together, they travel the stars, hunting criminals, taking missions for Federal-aligned factions (Tim hates the other two factions with a passion, the Empire for being evil, and the Alliance for having "a heart full of neutrality", to quote Zapp Brannigan), doing some trading and exploration on the side, and keeping the legacy of the early 21st century alive. They eventually achieved their goal of becoming Chief Petty Officers in the Federal Navy Auxiliary, and finally, FINALLY made it home to Earth. Once there, they discovered that pretty much everything they loved was still there. Disneyland was better than ever (especially since, at some point, the PeopleMover and Skyway had been reopened), their favorite tourist railroads were still kicking (they were surprised to find the Billy Jones Wildcat Railroad in Los Gatos, California now went all the way around Vasona Lake, and some of the volunteers he had worked alongside back in the day were still alive thanks to implants and Progenitor Cells), Nintendo was still making games, NASCAR was better than ever, and Tim's childhood home in San Jose, California still stood, and was for sale; he wasted no time buying it.

Tim and Suki's next goal is to create a Federal Corvette that can effectively privateer in enemy space.