Personal content

Real name
Victoria Miranda
Place of birth
Year of birth
174 cm / 5' 9"
67 kg / 148 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Blue (tinted)
Eye color
South American
Born on Titan, Sol system, Victoria was the fruit of complicated labour. Despite the efforts of the medic team, her mother died shortly after Victoria's birth, leaving her to grow alone alongside her father, Lucious. Lucious was a Federation Post Commander, frequently assigned to military vessels, which had Victoria grow up all around the Federation's systems and beyond. Used to travelling since young and without being able to make any long term friendships, she quickly fell in love with the cosmos, and being on a spaceship. Following the footsteps of her admired father, she enlisted as a marine at the age of 16.

Gone through all basic training, including rifleman and piloting, she saw action in boarding pirate ships and performing peacekeeping duties. However, a few years later, her father died while on duty, serving on a Farragut Battlecruiser that was ambushed by overwhelming forces. Disheartened, this lead Victoria to question the Navy's leadership, which peaked at a direct confrontation against her superior officer after she refused to obey orders that would put her and her squad into danger's way. Victoria was put through a court-martial, dishonourable discharged of the navy and served over a year in a military prison for her transgressions.

When released, she had no family and no place to really call home. No job. Nothing to return to. She signed on to the Pilot's Federation program, and got her title of 'Commander' on 3303, with no plan in mind or place to go to, besides the stars.