Personal content

Real name
Decimus Pryde
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Earth English
Decimus Pryde

Arcadian Founder
Wyvern Syndicate
*Order of Arcadia*

- Ace Pilot
- Explorer

Decimus Pryde began dreaming about the stars growing up in Eravate. As a child, he would sit at a window overlooking the landing pads of Ackerman Market. His father was a hyperdrive mechanic, and sometimes had to take "Dess" to work with him. The Pryde's were not a wealthy family, so Decimus would soon follow his father's footsteps, quite literally, working alongside him on ships from the age of 10-18. Whatever would get him close to the hangars was all he cared about. Once he turned 18, Decimus went against his father's wishes and would join the Federal Navy. Sneaking out in the middle of the night, and stowing away in the cargo hold of a Federal Supply Ship bound for Sol.

His passion for flying quickly turned to skill. Never-ending conflicts provided countless hours of combat with the Navy, bouncing from ship to ship. Starting as a rookie with the Eagle. Followed by the Krait MkII, Fer De Lance, and his signature Corvette, the "Backwards Marathon" preying on Imperial vessels, devouring them in bright Blue beams of light. War became his lifestyle. Countless conflicts with the Empire and a new Xeno threat would Push Decimus into Triple Elite status.

After more than a decade of service to the Federation, Decimus Pryde found himself questioning his purpose within their ranks, and the Feds intentions as a whole. This led to his desertion, and Dess befriending a former Imperial Pilot named, Odin Surtfire. The two shared similar outlooks and started working freelance jobs together out of Altair. Their goal was to create a culture of independence and community outside of the Bubble, and its corruption.

A year-long expedition began in 3307 to find a home system for Arcadia. Decimus and Odin spent countless hours looking for the perfect location to begin their commune of the best independent pilots and soldiers. From the ashes of his former Imperial self, Odin Surtfire leads Phoenix Clan, and Decimus took the reigns of his own group. As ferocious as the beast of their signet, the Wyvern Syndicate fights alongside Phoenix Clan as the best Pilots Arcadia has to offer.