Personal content

Real name
Geralt Booker DeWitt
Place of birth
Wolf 359
Year of birth
187 cm / 6' 2"
72 kg / 159 lb
Build type
tall and lean
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born 3272 in Wolf 359 to humble farmers, Geralt Dewitt became a privateer early in his life. However, the promise of gold, glory and fame eventually seduced him into a life of piracy in the Kumo Crew. Together with his partner Prince Ford, his daughter Anna and his wingman Deisy Reese, he raids the bubble to acquire riches and fame.

Early Life and Love

At the age of seventeen, DeWitt met Annabelle. He immediately fell in love with her and asked her to meet again sometime, but she refused, as her father Comstock would not allow such a breach of social etiquette after having already promised her to a son of a prominent Company executive. Despite their differences in social status, DeWitt still pursued his love for Annabelle. She knew that starting a relationship with DeWitt would incur the wrath of her father upon them both. Despite the looming threat of Comstock's imminent anger, the couple maintained a secret relationship for several months and finally married in 3290. However, Caroline's father, disapproved of the marriage and disowned his daughter without providing a dowry. Deprived of the Comstock's wealth, Annabelle and DeWitt settled in a farm. But dissatisfied with his life as a farmer and his inability to offer a privileged life to his wife, DeWitt failed to meet his marital obligations and assiduously frequented the taverns of the area.

During a night of drinking, in late 3291, Comstock approached an inebriated DeWitt in a tavern and offered him a deal, sending Annabelle back to him by leaving her in exchange for a large sum of money. DeWitt refused his offer and proposed him another deal. In accordance with his own plans, DeWitt was going to try to make his fortune as a privateer and promised not to return until he became rich. To Comstock, who wanted the marriage to end, DeWitt pointed the fact that the odds were great that he died in space, making Annabelle a widow able to marry again, and that Comstock could also take advantage of his absence by trying to turn Annabelle against her husband. Comstock agreed to DeWitt’s offer, and DeWitt announced his departure to Annabelle, who left the farm and came back to her father's house, angry with DeWitt's decision.

From a privateer to a pirate

In one of DeWitt’s first missions as a privateer, his commanding captain Sator announced his plans to turn to piracy to his crew and offered those who decided not to partake in piracy safe passage home. Before Gerald, not willing to become a pirate, could join those like him, he was stopped by a fellow crewman Prince Ford. DeWitt then saw these who wanted to leave the crew thrown out of the airlock.

After this grim incident, DeWitt waited for his time and challenged Sator to a duel. Sator agreed for a brawl to death. While the larger Sator was physically stronger than DeWitt, the latter's smaller size outmaneuvered the brute. Although DeWitt landed several good hits on Sator at the beginning, Sator soon got the upper hand and eventually drew a blade. However, because Sator broke the rules by using a weapon, he was quickly shot dead by Prince Ford.

His Crew

Years past and DeWitt became rich through many raids, but he felt that it was never enough to give Annabelle the life she deserves. So, he began a new life as a pirate on-board the Call of Cthulhu, a fleet carrier commanded by him and his new partner, Prince Ford (it's still a mystery if Price is an imperial title or his given name).

In 3301 DeWitt received a message informing him of Annabelle's passing and the existence of his hitherto unknown daughter, Anna. Wishing to make amends for his long absence, DeWitt took Anna to him and expressed his remorse regarding his abandonment of Annabelle, saying he might have returned home earlier had he known about her illness or Anna's existence. He also apologized to his daughter for not being there for her and offered to let her steer the Call of Cthulhu, much to Anna's excitement.

Next to Ford and Anna, DeWitt is also accompanied by a fearless pilot Deisy Reese, which secured his back more than once. She is from a littel planet called Valhalla. Hot as hell! She couldn't wait to make it up into the cold of space when she was a kid. She was a ranked finalist for the Mischief Mile not too long back. Everyone will struggle to find a faster pilot.

DeWitt's Character

DeWitt initially resents his new crewmates but grows fond of them. Together they raid the bubble in search of riches and fame. DeWitt is proficient with many firearms but prefers to use his shotgun. He is a skilled pugilist and specializes in Jeet Kune Do. He is also good as a mechanic and pilots a shiny Fer-de-Lance called Winchester, which he has shown to be quite adapt with, managing to take out several other ships. During dogfights, he often uses PAs.

DeWitt is a laid back sort of guy, never worrying about anything and always having a sarcastic comment ready for anyone. He is a heavy smoker, and is frequently seen smoking regardless of poor weather, in his space suit and the presence of "no smoking" signs. He claims that he died on the day that Annabelle passed away and says that now he is living in a dream he can't wake up from and that the only thing that can wake him up from it is death, which is similar to the way ancient samurais once thought about life. This is also due to the fact that he has a fake cybernetic eye in place of his right one, which he says to have lost in an accident. After getting this eye, DeWitt said that he could only see the present in it and his left eye can only see the past, making reality seem like a dream. DeWitt also seems to hide his real emotions and instead acts cruel to the people he really cares about, maybe due to him not wanting them to get too close to him and then have their life in danger if the law enforcement ever track him down.

DeWitt always holds true to his own values and fulfills his obligations. He also generally goes his own way rather than following orders, which generally gets him into trouble.

DeWitt's companions in his cockpit are his anaconda model, a gift from his daughter Anna, his thargoid model, for which he had to break a heart of a flower, and his cactus.