Personal content

Real name
Tharik Otoli
Place of birth
Year of birth
181 cm / 5' 11"
105 kg / 231 lb
Build type
Muscular and portly
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Imperial (Synteini regional)
Tharik Otoli was born on Synteini to a middle-class family. Bored with the relative safety and security of living in an Imperial core system and looking to make a life for himself, Tharik joined the Imperial Space Marines eventually becoming a decorated company-grade officer.

Frustrated with never-ending minor conflicts that seemed to cost more Imperial lives then they were worth, Tharik returned home to Synteini and joined the family business later building enough capital to purchase a ship and once again attempt to find his own way in the Galaxy.

Tharik built up a reputation as an accomplished smuggler and reliable transporter while working for various factions in and around Synteni. He spent some time operating charter flights in the busy lanes of Mu Gong, but later returned to Synteini. Having married Lady Electra Harrison, youngest daughter of Governor Christian Harrison, leader of the Synteini Imperial Society, he worked almost exclusively for the very rich and powerful members of Synteini high society where he earned his Imperial Noble title.

After the political landscape of Synteini was reshaped with the takeover by the Sovereign Justice Collective, Tharik left to Prism to join Loren's Legion hoping to find a new home and the adventure he has always craved.

He fought for Prism in the Legion for some time, ultimately leaving for Carcosa near Colonia with Loren's Reapers, a radical offshoot of Legion separatists. There, along with Nameless buccaneers and under a dubious Imperial Letter of Marque he preyed upon the shipping and mining operations of many of the factions in Colonia.

Having grown weary of the backwater that is Colonia, he ultimately returned to the Empire and joined Starlight Systems, an Imperial mercenary company, from which he drew crew members.

He later left Straylight Systems and started his own venture by founding The Imperial Corsairs, a collection of buccaneers, rogues, gunmen, and pilots loosely affiliated with or allied to the Empire. He, and his Imperial Corsairs, currently continue to operate under the same Imperial Letter of Marque, targeting mainly Federal merchant vessels and miners.

Most recent reports indicate, through some Imperial government mechanizations, he has been named Viceroy of Daibais, a small mining system on the edge of the bubble near Federation space. His Corsairs have grown in number and dominated the system claiming it for their own, which they now use as a staging ground for incursions into Federation space.