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In the bequinning, there was nothing. And the lord looked down and said "nah that ain't right" and so he made the void (squadron) and then into the void (squadron) he decided that it needed something, so he made the AXIN. But lo, for the AXIN was oppressive, rude and angsty. The lord looked down upon his creation and saw that it was not good. "Shiiiiiii- dis ain't gangsta at all" he said and he thought for a while on how to fix it.
After a long conversation with the homies and three or four trips to a popeye's parking lot, he decided that he would create an antithesis to AXIN, a force for good that whilst small, could harness the power of goofiness and memes to bring smiles to the world.

And so it was, for the lord looked down and declared "Let there be Mike!" and there was Mike.
It shone like a beacon, illuminating the galaxy in a glow that had never been witnessed before. However, they would soon be met with feirce and unruly oppression from the already well established AXIN, but this was alright, because they didn't own a fully intact Holo.

Try as they may, they would attempt to suppress and ostracise Mike, but to no avail. This is where I, the simple chucklefuck known as Toastie Buns comes in. For my role is simple; spread the message of the lord and the tenets of Mike, allowing our propaganda to propagate into the proper channels and indeed, into the void (squadron).