Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
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Eye color
I don’t remember anything from the time before. I barely remember being woken from the escape pod. It was so long ago now. My older brother, Jake, and I don’t remember where we were born, who our parents are... or were. We couldn’t even tell you if we came from a planet or a space station. We were dropped off at Hahn Gateway in the Nanomam System. Being unable to contact any relatives or anyone who would take responsibility for us we were given to the orphanage.

Outside of attending school we occupied ourselves with doing odd jobs around the loading docks and hangers learning everything we could about spaceships. Though Hahn Gateway is all we knew growing up, it never felt like home. The black has always called to us. Jake graduated a few years before I and was able to take and pass the test to get his pilots license. He always came back to check on me and recant some tale of adventure making sure to keep my curiosity of the great out there kindled. Once I received my license we were off exploring the bubble. Jake had a few years on me so he had a lot to teach. The credits came slow but just after the first trade run I had more credits than I had ever seen! We spent the next few years bouncing from trade missions to bounty hunting, mining to station evacuation, and everything else we could dream up. After gaining 100mil in credits and assets I decided to take a break on a sparsely inhabited ELW.

Then, with the advancement of deep core mining, void opals were discovered and Jake drug me out of the forest back into the cockpit. I couldn’t believe it but in just 2 short weeks I increased my assets to over 1bil credits!! That’s when jake told me about a crazy expedition he signed up for called Distant Worlds 2 heading to Beagle Point! Having my new found wealth I decided to join up as well. While on the expedition I learned and saw so many incredible things but I also ran into a Commander named Lutzie. He gave freely of his knowledge and a few times made reference to his Squadron. After reaching Beagle Point Jake and I decided it was time to join a Squadron bigger than just the 2 of us. We contacted Commander Lutzie who was cofounder of Elite Voyagers Intrepid League, or EVIL Squadron. Now here we are attempting to solve the mysteries of the galaxy, squish some bugs, make credits, and have a great time with EVIL!