Personal content

Real name
Virtus Vrtra
Place of birth
LHS 3447
Year of birth
203 cm / 6' 8"
110 kg / 243 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born on a "back water" moon in LHS 3447, Virtus was fascinated with technology at an early age. At 15, he built a custom SRV that far surpassed the capabilities of anything on the current market. Feeling stifled, he sought to further his knowledge of ship building and fabrication. He needed to learn from the best. After several years of custom ship building in Eravate, he sought work under the tutelage of the famous hull engineer, Selene Jean. During his time there he learned various welding and bulkhead fabrication techniques. These, combined with a foundation of thruster and power plant management, would allow him to become one of the most sought after ship builders in the local star cluster.

However his career as a custom ship builder would be cut short. One fateful day, a nefarious pirate appeared outside Virtus' homeworld, and proceeded to bombard the settlement from orbit. The resulting tragedy would haunt Virtus for the rest of his days, fuelling him with revenge. Using his craft, he began to construct his greatest creation to date: the Alliance Chieftan known as "Valhall Awaits." Named after a classical song from the 21st Century, it acts as both a warning to his foes, as well as a description of his seemingly reckless and aggressive piloting style.  This ship was designed with only one purpose: to kill. Several months passed, and Virtus' thirst for vengeance remained unquenched. He'd confronted the pirate multiple times, but he was bested on every occation, and was forced to retreat. In an effort to become a better pilot, the ambitious CMDR would challenge any and every combat capable pilot in the known galaxy. The resulting bloodshed would carve the name "Valhall Awaits" into minds of many pilots across known human space.

It was during this time that he gained the attention of an officer in the Leviathan Scout Regiment, Lieutenant Tipperary. Having bested (only just) Virtus on multiple counts, the Lt. recognized potential in the young pilot, and requested him to join the LSR special unit known as "Task Force 13." Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to better his skills as combat pilot, Virtus graciously accepted the offer. Quickly rising to the rank of Captain, Virtus would prove his worth to LSR time and time again. Countless pirates and murderers were vanquished by the up and coming pilot, and he continues to do so to this very day.  His nemesis still remains at large, though it would appear his days are numbered...