Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
HIP 55118
Year of birth
5 cm / 0' 2"
10 kg / 22 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Flo Rida
Born in HIP 55118 to a group of swinging Onionhead farmers, Dank grew up quick learning at such an early age to farm and mine commodities from the multitude of parents that could claim him. That was until one day wanting more than just getting high on his own supply, saved enough credits to park his type 7 and engineer an exploration ship to see the vastness of the Milky Way galaxy! This is where Dank first encountered other commanders on the same expedition for science to find all known life forms in the galaxy. After several months exploring and making new friends, a Commander on another expedition nearby was in need of rescue and encountered the Fuel Rats and Hull Seals operations to which he joined in early 3308. While on his first rescue with the Fuelrats Dank met Lev of Deep Space Syndicate and has been flying with the squad ever since! Dank loves All kinds of Mining, Exploring, Rescuing, Pew Pews, and Danking it Up!