Personal content

Real name
Peter Karaffa
Place of birth
Pencil Sector EL-Y d5
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
94 kg / 207 lb
Build type
Athletic, Mesomorph
Skin color
Hair color
Dirty/Dark Blond
Eye color
Not much is known about Peter Karaffa's family and not much is known about him either, all we have is what imperial agents found out before giving him a pilot's license and what he claims himself. We assume that Peter Karaffa's origins can be traced back to the notorious slave traders in the Pencil nebula sector. Since 17 years old he trained in the imperial flight academy and after graduating became one of many bounty hunters. His actions baffle many, however, as he does not hunt just anyone. He appears to be searching for someone throughout the galaxy. To this day we only know that whoever he targeted has died a slow and painful death.


Peter was born into a slave family constantly traveling through the Pencil nebula sector, never seeing a planet or even light. The living conditions were horrible. No privacy, no room and always being tucked together with other people. You were lucky if you could find a spot to lie down.

When the guards had too many drinks, they were often beating them and abusing their power. People couldn't do anything about it. Most of the people if they could, would kill themselves. Even through the evil and horrible scenes, Peter had a small spark of hope.

When Peter was just around 15 years old he started studying the guards movements and started assembling a small resistance against the guards. Due to high concentration of people Peter and his resistance could form a plan to overthrow the management without any notice.


So tell us how you managed to do all of this.

Well we assembled a small team of our strongest slave brothers and sisters, scavenged the ship for anything that could be used as a weapon and started working on our plan to overtake the ship.

And what exactly was your plan?

First step was to kidnap one of the guards for vital information, the more we knew the better. There were 2 guards changing shifts every 12 hours to guard us, that was our best chance. There was just one problem, the small window for interrogation and then assembling a plan based of what the guard tells us.
One night we all agreed to put our plan to motion. After the guard changed positions, we went straight to work. We jumped on him in an instance like wild animals, not allowing him to draw his gun out, we stuffed his mouth with cloth from my old dirty shirt. I took his gun and pointed it towards his head. The others dragged him into a silent corner. When we started our interrogation, he didn’t want to say a word and since we didn’t have much time I had to go for a more efficient method, which was torture. Luckily for us he started talking after I broke only one of his fingers.

Only 15 years old and you were okay to torture a man? No wonder you are what you are.

I grew up on a slave ship where brutality and torture were a common thing practiced by the slave traders. I don't understand why you are so surprised about it.

*exhale* Alright, so what did he tell you?

He told us that we are on a cargo ship called type-7 with 2 vulture fighter jets. Right after that information I found a guy who knew the type-7 because he was once a trader before he got kidnapped into slavery. All of us agreed we need to proceed with caution and carry out the mission in stealth or we might get blown into pieces after we would win over the ship. After 12 hours we would stand by the door ready to jump the guard and followed a map which the ex-traded had drawn for us.