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Eye color

Ronin Vakris

Nicknamed "Martian Successor" by the people who discovered him as that was what was inscribed on the edge of his cryo pod.

Date of Birth
2nd December, 3169

Date Awakened from Cryogenic Sleep
28th December, 3301

Chronological Age

132 years old

Biological Age
27 years old

Place of Birth

Place of Discovery
Found deep underground by Asellus Primus Purple Crew workers.
Brought to Baker’s Prospect planetary outpost,
Asellus Primus System

Hair Colour
White (Formerly Black)

Eye Colour

Distinguishing Features
- Skin pigmentation changes much more rapidly than a normal human when exposed to UV radiation. As such Ronin can appear to have gotten an even tan in less than 3 minutes and back again to his usual skin pigmentation once exposure to ultra violet radiation reduces to safer levels. The Federation scientists that initially examined R. Vakris believe this to be a protection mechanism against skin damage driven by his unique metabolism. Further research was halted however when R. Vakris gave the scientists the slip and fled in one of the station’s stock Sidewinders.

- Wears a distinct red trench coat, which was one of two sole possessions found inside Ronin's cryogenic pod.

(What has currently been uncovered so far about Ronin's past.)

The man known as Ronin Vakris was found in an ancient looking cryogenic sleep pod, the design and origins of which have yet to be identified. The pod was buried a considerable amount underneath one of the biggest craters near Baker’s Prospect outpost. The crater seems to have been made relatively recently (by galactic terms) in relation to the other impact sites across the planetary body but, due to lack of willing research teams, it is not yet known whether the pod was a part of something that made the crater or whether the crater happened after the pod was buried.

The only markings on the pod were the words, “Martian Successor” inscribed by hand, it seems, on the upper right hand side of the pod. The Asellus Primus Purple Crew miners who first discovered the pod where shocked to find someone still preserved inside. Their scans of the pod revealed no signs of life so they marked the pod for collection and decided to leave it for the station’s drones to collect. Until that is one of the miners, claiming to have seen something valuable inside, had the idea of opening up the “dead guy’s shiny coffin”. Before the sector Chief in charge of the mining operation could dissuade her subordinate the man had already taken a plasma torch to the pod’s frontal release latch. And then things got strange.

The cryo pod’s ancient systems, perhaps brought back online by the sudden forced entry, started executing what seemed like a pre-programmed procedure. The pod itself activated a mechanical process of revival. It began pumping out an artificial nutrient liquid that had been placed in Ronin’s body, apparently designed as a method to keep his vital organs from degrading during his prolonged stasis. As this liquid was being pumped out Ronin’s own blood was being heated and pumped back in to replace the nutrient liquid. Connected directly into Ronin’s heart the pod’s systems engaged a mechanical massage mechanism designed to get his heart pumping blood again. A process the occupant would undoubtedly find utterly excruciating upon awakening due to the lack of any kind of anaesthetic or pain easing medication being administered.

Faced with the sudden defrosting and revival of their former corpsicle, soon to be decorpsified, the sector Chief quickly took it upon herself to load up Ronin’s cryo pod on one of the heavy-duty mining SRVs and burn rubber (figure of speech) towards Baker’s Prospect outpost. Fortunately for Ronin the Chief’s quick actions and down right frightening levels of driving skill managed to save his life. Although unwilling to open the pod due to contamination safety procedures station staff where able to jury rig an oxygen pump onto the pod to, as one eccentric worker put it, “Keep that duder in there from dying a most non, non-heinous death.”

A few days later Ronin Vakris, this “Martian Successor” as station staff had taken to calling him for lack of knowing his real name, was properly thawed and examined by Federation scientists on loan from Foster Research Lab. Ronin was capable of communicating remarkably clearly even as he picked up the language on the fly with what can only be described as alarming pace. He knew his own name but was either unable or unwilling to recall anything else about himself. His only physical possession other than [item classified] was a rather worn long red trench coat. A curious item to find in an ancient space man’s possession to say the least, however it seems to hold a certain significance to him.

Through their initial tests and experiments the science team uncovered some rather unique aspects about Ronin’s metabolism. It seems his skin pigmentation alters rapidly when exposed to higher levels of ultra violet radiation. The scientists initial probe of this ability led to the speculation that it is as if Ronin’s DNA becomes sturdier against damage when prompted via external stimuli such as a hostile environment. In this respect his metabolism showed aspects of shifting between that of a normal, 27 year old, human male and that of an extremophile – an organism that thrives in extreme environments.

Naturally the scientists immediately saw the potential this presented in the form of developing the Federation’s military ambitions if they could somehow understand how this “extremo-morphic mechanism” worked. They contacted a high-ranking Federation authority and were told to secure the “specimen” for containment, transportation and experimentation. A pity they didn’t use the latest encryption software whilst having this conversation of course. And here’s where things get hazy.

On January 7th 3301 – 10 days after he was discovered by miners working out of Baker’s Prospect outpost – Ronin Vakris escaped the sudden and immediate quarantine he was placed under by Federation scientists in a stock Sidewinder, taken from one of the station’s ship storage hangars. Federation agents questioned the apparent ease of which Ronin Vakris was able to not only procure a stored Sidewinder, whose systems should have been inert and locked via key code and biometrics, but also that, according to interviews held, not a single station worker saw him on his way from the science labs all the way to the ship storage hangars.

The sector Chief in charge of the mining operation that discovered Ronin’s cryo pod, a woman by the name of Amelia Stormchild, only had a single statement to add, “If I really scratch my brain I do recall a young man blowing a kiss from his cockpit canopy as his ship left the docking bay. But that could be any one of a hundred boyfriends, husbands or boy toys that, ah, visit residents of Baker’s Prospect.”