Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
113.4 kg / 250 lb
Build type
Dad bod
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color
American English
born in the year 3281, In the isolated research station known as Jones Vision, on the planet of Darkes Hollow.

Darkes Hollow is a barren, lifeless world, no atmosphere, no volcanic activity, during the day, the heat from the mother star is very intense, 388 degree days, no life could exist, and no life does,

Except for Will, his parents, and the hundreds of other researchers, workers, and overseers working day and night in Jones Vision.

Whilst William himself was born here on Darkes Hollow, and knew no other home, His parents, both came from very very different backgrounds,

His Mother, Karen, born on Solo Orbiter, worked her way up the bureaucratic chain, eventually becoming head overseer of Jones Vision. She never wanted power, never was looking for a seat in the ERF, nor the Federation as a whole. She was content, happy, and her team at Jones Vision all work so well together, pumping out what little minerals remain on the planet, while also researching many aspects of life, both in system, and the rest of the Galaxy.

Will's Father on the other hand, did not live a quiet life, from a criminal vagabond in his youth, To a thuggish foot soldier of the Empire.
Wills father, Bernd, was never a high officer, never a man of class, he was only valued for his skills with a fighter ship, a gun, and his insane knack for survival.

During the fracturing of the Empire. Bernd sided with the young, radical Aisling Duval, for he shared her hatred of slavery, and the oppressiveness of the empire, In his youth, his father was a slave, and while some slaves are treated well, Williams grandfather, most assuredly was not.

Before Bernd could fly off to Aislings realm of space and enlist with her, his former commander, and staunch supporter of Arissa Lavigny-Duval, accused him of insubordination, and ordered his capture.

Despite the best efforts of the agents of Aisling Duval, to bring him to safety, Bernd had little other choice then to flee the Empire he once loved.

his full story is one for another day, to sum it up, after many years of freelance work, he was given a simple data courier job, and the very person he was to transfer this data to, was none other then Overseer Karen, of Jones vision.

Long story short, the former Imperial, now federal citizen, fell in love with Karen, out of there love came William, who took his name from his Fathers Father, the former slave.

William, born on the desolate planet, wanted nothing more then to see the rest of the Galaxy, and so, when we came of age, with the support of both his parents, obtained his pilots license, and bought his first ship, the humble sidewinder,

after many months of working for the pilots Federation, and a very brief stint of working with the agents of Aisling Duval, with whom his father still had many clandestine ties, he returned home, and dedicated himself to the work of Zachary Hudson, and formerly join the ruling faction of Altair, The Elite Rebel Force,

The ERF saw William's great potential, and he quickly rose in rank, after a year, and only being 20 years old, William, with the permission of the ERF, founded a semi-independent squadron, who's goals were exploration, and mining,
See, Will was a good fighter, but not the best, and the heavy skew towards military duty that exists in the ERF, just was not his style.

Therefore, with his new Squadron, the full support of the ERF, and the blessing of his proud parents, he set off, for Colonia,
The Journey for him was hard, dangerous, and on several occasions, almost killing him, but he finally made it, and for a year, he traveled around colonia, doing jobs for the many factions, exploring the vast nebulae. Until suddenly, A long distance hail was seen on his monitor.

It was his mother, informing him that his father was dying.

not wasting any time at all, William hurried back to Altair, just in time to see his father, and wish him farewell, before Bernd died.

The death of his Father hurt William greatly. and his Mother too, now retired from her work. After staying for a while in Solo, making sure she would be ok in her new living accommodations. Will set out once again, In his new Python he worked very hard to afford, he went mining, exploring, trading, and most of all, even though he did not like it, in honor of his father, became a pirate hunter, back in the wings of the Elite Rebel force.

That was Wills life, and he was comfortable with it, until yet again, tragedy struck. The Federation, is a corrupt, bloated, corpse of a nation, and it did not take long for the ugly many faced head of federal bureaucracy to rear itself in Altair. Scandal in the ERF, In the ruling council of Altair. syphoning of income, bribery, and worst of all, treason! A small cabal of high ranking federal officials were selling data and secrets to the Alliance. These officials needed a scapegoat, a way out, and so, they blamed a close friend of Wills, a leading member of the ERF. With the loss of his close friend and confidant, he had no protection, and the whole organization was reshuffled, which included the disbanding of his company, removal of his assets, and even the destruction of his mothers life long work! William finally saw first hand the evils of the federation, he saw the levels of poverty in Altair rise, the new corrupt officials cared little for science, exploration, and only wanted power, they used the ERF as a political police force, slaughtering protesters and any who blew the whistle on the corruption.

Will knew too much, he knew he was not safe, nor was his mother, if he were to stay. He said one final goodbye to her, and his old pals in his former squadron, and contacted an old associate from his times in the empire, and fled the Federation. Now Back in CUBEO, under the guidance of the Prismatic Imperium, he set up an exploration Frim known as the Prismatic explorers. Pledging his life to the cause of Aisling Duval once more, and finally allowed to devote himself to science. No more combat, no more corruption. This time with nearly 5 times the amount of funding, William retrofitted an Anaconda, and set out for Colonia once more, but this time, FOR THE EMPIRE!