Personal content

Real name
Calyxta "Strafer" Collins
Place of birth
LHS 142
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born on the 7th of November, 3277; Calyxta (or Caly for short) was born to diplomat parents of the Federation and the Alliance. Her given name is a variation of the name Calista; from the Greek Kallistō meaning "most beautiful," derived from the root word kallos (beauty) — a fitting description of the starport she grew up in, orbiting a binary pair of stunning class M and L stars. She studied cartography and shortly after turning 27 applied for her license in the Pilots Federation and took off westward of the bubble, making a notable pit stop at 17 Draconis.

Fast forward a few months later, a heart-shattering event prompted her to sell most of her terrestrial belongings and embark further on a trip chasing nebulas and star clusters. Since then, she has never stopped exploring.

She earned the callsign "Strafer" after only learning about strafe controls months after first flying her ship.

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Twitter: @CMDR_Calyxta