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Ancient Sol ( Scots )
So much has changed since I first played Elite on the ZX Spectrum in 1984, so many people have come and gone, so many leaders have come, taken as much as they can and left the majority of us in a worse state. The state of human nature is such that we are all trying to survive in one way or another, its a cut throat world we live in, too many cliches become the staple of how we live. There is no perfect way to live, no one knows how to get to the pearly gates and live their life as full as they can. The problem with society today is humanity. The only hope for society is humanity. Basically, we are on a tightrope and its all going to descend into Hell eventually. Make the best of your life, enjoy it, be creative, help others but dont leave yourself out to get hurt. They will attack you, they will harass you, they will judge, batter and bruise you. In the end, if they are making a big deal out of you, trying to pull you down to their level, its because they are in a far worse state and are only trying to make themselves feel better. They should focus on their own lives. Make the most of it, work hard and play hard.

I know I am going to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.....

Cliches and quotes...

o7 CMDR's

See you in the black, keep the credits rolling in and watch your 6.