Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
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Eye color
I began my adventures as a humble space trucker, content in making my rounds moving freight to and from the local star systems around Eravate. Life was simple back then, the work was steady and the profits were acceptable but I always felt like something was missing....adventure.

One day, while awaiting some much needed repairs and upgrades to my freighter, I decided to go down to the crews lounge, kill some time, have a drink or two and mingle with the local pilots. Entering the lounge, I approached the bartender, ordered my drink and took a seat next to a ruff, elderly looking man at the bar. Soon after finishing my first of what would be many rounds that eveving, without initiative the old man began to spin a tale about some character named King Mitus or what have you. Although I didnt know it at the time, nor to this day do I recall much of that night or the old man's tale for that matter, one thing I am certain of, that old man and his story changed my life forever.

The next morning, I awoke in the pilot's seat of my own ship (I still dont remember how I got there) to the sound of a message alert from an individual named Adele Noel, wanting me to meet him with "the goods" in some far off star system. Although the communique was addressed to me, I originally dismissed it thinking perhaps it was sent by mistake. With my ship now repaired and upgrades completed, I continued about my routine of checking internal systems and preparing my ship for the days commute. Contacting the local commodities broker to arrange for my next load, I noticed that my cargo bay was already at capacity. Reviewing the logbook from my onboard computer, it confirmed that sometime late in the night my ship was boarded and loaded. Confused, confounded and a bit curious about what might be aboard my ship, I searched the inventory panel to discover that I was carrying over 300 tons of illicit goods, liquor and tobacco to be exact. Albeit a bit fuzzy headed and hungover, at that moment I recalled bits and pieces of the old mans conversation the night before, something about a more lucrative line of business. Smuggling is what the old man was talking about.... be continued.